Guest Book
1 - 635
2/11/04 - 11/4/2007 |
Billy Dahl
Name: |
Bob Pozner |
E-mail address: |
bobpozner@aol.com |
Comments: |
Bill, I enjoyed meeting you the other night for your Firearms Safety
Field/Exam Session and getting to talk with you for a little bit. I
had no idea all that you have been though, but now that I've read
through your website I have a much better understanding. It's obvious
that you have a wonderful support group of family and friends! Please
add me to that group! I hope we can do some ice fishing sometime. Bob
Pozner, Minnetonka and Glenwood, MN |
Monday, October 29th 2007 - 02:00:36 PM
Name: |
Joe Merritt |
E-mail address: |
merrittmotorworx@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
After looking at all the pictures I can see you came a long way..
Glad you are still around! We appreciate you business greatly! |
Wednesday, September 12th 2007 - 04:52:29 PM
Name: |
Diana Palumbo |
E-mail address: |
dipalumbo@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hi, Thanks for updating (finally!!). I often check back here to see
how and what you're doing these days. We're still fighting to help
Samantha get better. She's still pretty dependant on all of us because
she can't walk, talk, type or even get herself dressed. She
understands everything and is pretty cognitive academically but her
mobility and speech is really affected. Her right hand is still tight,
even with botox and her thumb pulls inward all of the time. Wonder if
thats the same thing that happened to you. Well, write more on what
you're doing and what life is like for you these days. I pray it's
good. Your site and experience really helped me in those early days
right after Samantha's accident. In His love, Diana Palumbo |
Monday, July 16th 2007 - 08:45:21 PM
Name: |
Jared |
E-mail address: |
Pangier@johnnies.net |
Comments: |
Your story is incredible, Billy! I think it can serve as an
inspiration and guide for many. |
Sunday, June 17th 2007 - 08:53:19 AM
Name: |
Jared |
E-mail address: |
Pangier@johnnies.net |
Comments: |
Your story is incredible, Billy! I think it can serve as an
inspiration and guide for many. |
Sunday, June 17th 2007 - 08:53:04 AM
Name: |
April Debner |
Comments: |
Hey Bill - I can't believe it's been 3 years! I am so proud of you
for everything you've accomplished in the last 3 years!! I know you
will continue to amaze everyone around you too!!! Love ya Bill! -A |
Thursday, February 8th 2007 - 11:56:17 AM
Name: |
Carol Heins |
E-mail address: |
carolheins@san.rr.com |
Comments: |
Hey, Bill... Thanks for keeping your website updated occasionally. I
know I can call and talk, but it's nice to write something, too. I'm
surprised there was enough snow for you to use a snowmobile, being the
mild winter you're having in MN this year. And I'm glad there was no
truck in your way this time...or ever again! Keep on giving those
inspirational talks. You never know when someone will be saved because
of your words. You have a great power to motivate, so keep using that
power. And I hope the MDs will keep working on your hand so you will
have full use of it again. And it's finally warming up in Sunny
Southern California! I thought we were getting MN weather for the last
month because of the lows in the 20's at night (froze some of my
plants.) Then I thought maybe it was because my dad was visiting...but
then he left and the cold continued, so I can't blame him for bringing
the cold with him. Take care and I'll call you soon. Love, Carol |
Thursday, January 25th 2007 - 03:44:20 PM
Name: |
Kanesha |
Comments: |
Wow! You went through a lot! Stay strong and keep moving forward! |
Sunday, January 14th 2007 - 01:58:46 PM
Name: |
Denise Schmidt |
E-mail address: |
denisebill@centurytel.net |
Comments: |
Bill, I don't know you. When my son was severly injured in a car
accident I found you site by searching for someone else who was
recovering from brain injury. I used your site to give myself hope
that Mark would also recover. He is 23 and from what I can see, the
same type of guy you are. Hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, going
"up north", all of that stuff. I would like to hear you
speak someime, so if you could post your speaking schedule on this
page it would be great. Mark is back in college too. His story in on
caringbridge.org as markschmidt. Thank you for your inspiration and
story of hope. |
Saturday, November 4th 2006 - 09:08:40 AM
Name: |
Diana Palumbo |
E-mail address: |
dipalumbo@yahoo.com |
Homepage: |
http://www.pray4samantha.com |
Comments: |
Hi...so glad to read that the surgery went well. You were the first
brain injury person we read about and inspired us from the beginning
with Samantha. You're 2 1/2 years out and we're 1 1/2. So please keep
up the excellent progress Bill...you remind us that we can dream big
and dreams do come true. in His love, Diana Palumbo |
Thursday, September 28th 2006 - 12:00:54 AM
Name: |
Joe |
Comments: |
Sup cuz? Long time no see. Sorry haven't seen or talked to ya in
awhile. Just got back on the net. Looks like you could get put on the
most visited web site lists! Nice work keepin the journal updated!
Keep it up and keep up the healin! |
Friday, August 11th 2006 - 10:52:14 PM
Name: |
Carol Heins |
E-mail address: |
carolheins@san.rr.com |
Comments: |
Dear Bill, I am so glad that you will be having therapy, surgery and
treatment for your left hand. I look forward to your updates and pray
for you to do the most you can with all the resources you have. I like
that you don't give up! I hope you had a great 4th of July. We saw
lots of fireworks and ate a picnic supper while listening to a Marine
Corps band. It was very patriotic and awesome. Take care, Carol |
Thursday, July 6th 2006 - 12:37:44 AM
Name: |
Krissy |
Comments: |
Hey Bill, Congrats on the good news about the surgery to help your
left hand. This is soooo great! I bet the girls will be excited that
there Daddy will be able to pick them up again. |
Monday, July 3rd 2006 - 01:23:22 PM
Name: |
Carol Heins |
E-mail address: |
carolheins@san.rr.com |
Comments: |
Hey, Bill... Well, the days of my writing in your guestbook are
many, many months apart. I'm so glad you write on it to keep people
informed of your progress because it is very inspirational. You have
lots of days that you spend on the computer and it's good to hear
about what you do, what projects you are working on and how's your
driver's training coming along? Keep up your excellent work. I am
going to visit Samantha's website and watch how she progresses. This
is just one example of how you inspire people. Many more just don't
tell you about it, but you have thousands of people visiting and
reading about your recovery. Take care and keep up your great work.
And thank your mom, dad, Krissy and all others who help keep you
motivated each day. I'd like to know when you are going to take
classes for cooking and then you'd really be an asset to the family!
Take care, Carol |
Monday, May 22nd 2006 - 05:22:49 PM
Name: |
DIana Palumbo |
E-mail address: |
dipalumbo@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hi again, I forgot I wanted to mention the name of a hand treatment
that we've just begun on Samantha's right hand which has a lot of
spasticity. She too has had several botox treatments which help her
straighten her arm but she holds her hand in a closed position most of
the time. The treatment is called Bioness. www.bionessinc.com And it's
like e-stim but specifically for the hand. It's apparently only been
here in the US for 2 years and Israel and Europe for about 6 years.
We've just begun it with Samantha las Friday but a friend we met at
rehab, who had a stroke, has been using it and very happy with the
results. Just wanted to mention it. The rep said there were about 80
rehab facilities across the country who use it but check out the
website if you haven't heard of it already. In His love, Diana |
Monday, May 15th 2006 - 11:07:00 AM
Name: |
diana palumbo |
E-mail address: |
dipalumbo |
Comments: |
hi bill, wanted to let you know how often i think of you. Yours was
the first website i came across in the first couple of days of
Samantha's accident. Hers was April 2005 so you had a year of recovery
that i was reading about and gaining my daily strength from. Your
story helped me to keep up hope and not believe the doctos who were
saying she would'n be able to survive the brain swelling that would
happen in the first 3-5 days. Thank God she survived. And now a year
later, she still has some big challenges ahead of her. Probably the
toughest being Aphasia...the inability to speak. She understands all
that is said but can't bring up words herself. We're taking her to
Michigan this summer for 6 weeks of therapy designed to work
specifically on her voice and language. Also, she still has a loss of
motor control in her mouth, so swallowing isn't as automatic as it
should be. And while she does eat food by mouth, her primary nutrition
is still through that damned g-tube. Anway, enough about her...this is
your website! I was thrilled to see that you're volunteering and going
back to school for your associates degree. Again, I stored away more
hope and inspiration from you and reminded myself that even with the
worst prognosis, anything can happen. Thank you for keeping your
website going. I'm still drawing on it for hope and strength. Visit
Samantha's and drop us a note sometime. www.pray4samantha.com |
Monday, May 15th 2006 - 10:59:12 AM
Name: |
Leslie Anderson |
E-mail address: |
Leslie.Anderson@ci.irs.gov |
Comments: |
I just want to say thank you for your encouraging web page. My
cousin, Dustin Johnson, was in a vehicle accident on April 14, 2006,
near Webster, SD. He sustained some brain injuries and is currently
recovering in Aberdeen, SD. I hope to pass your story onto his family.
I'm sure seeing the progress you have made will provide the much
needed hope and encouragement. Thank you. |
Tuesday, May 2nd 2006 - 09:22:22 AM
Name: |
Jen and Ben |
Comments: |
Hey kid- Happy 25th Birthday!!! Just think your 1/4 century old- or
as you said your a quarter. We hope you have a great day!!! Happy
Birthday with love. |
Tuesday, March 21st 2006 - 06:22:31 PM
Name: |
Krissy |
Comments: |
Hey Terd, Just wanted to let you know that I had a lot of fun
hanging out with you yesterday. I am truly the most lucky person in
the world to have a brother that is amazing as you. see ya later :) |
Tuesday, February 21st 2006 - 09:09:25 AM
Name: |
Krissy |
Comments: |
Hey Bill, I can't believe it's been 2 years! To look at how well
your doing it seems as if your accident would've been 5 years ago...
you are doing so great. You've overcome so many challenges, most of
them shocking everyone including your doctors. I know you have more
challenges ahead of you but with no doubt I know you'll succeed at all
of them. I just want you to know how much I look up to you, you've
never given up on anything, you just keep trying until you can do it!
You're also what brings hope & belief to many people who have had
similar injuries. Good luck to you in all the challenges that you face
in the next year. |
Tuesday, February 7th 2006 - 05:14:24 PM
Name: |
Diana Palumbo |
E-mail address: |
dipalumbo@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hi Bill, It's Diana, Samantha's mom. Just re-reading your website
and drawing hope and courage from it. It's been 10 months since
Samantha's car accident. She has a lot of things to overcome still.
she walks only with the help of us holding her up. she swallows but
not consisently enough to feed her regularly by mouth and her ability
to speak has been affected. She only repeats what we say and it's
hardly understandable as her mouth coordination isn't that great. Will
you please say a prayer for these things to happen for her. She does
go to outpatient therapy 5 days per week and has 1 hr.pt,1 hr ot, 2
hrs. speech and 1 speech class every day and we do music therapy and
Feldenkrais 2 times a week as well at home. Yours was the first
webiste I found in the first days of her accident and I drew much hope
from your experience. The details sounding much like ours up front. I
am sooo happy that you're doing well and speaking to kids. God is
using you in a mighty way! www.pray4samantha.com |
Saturday, January 28th 2006 - 11:06:35 PM
Name: |
carie |
Comments: |
Monday, December 12th 2005 - 03:20:57 PM
Name: |
Kurt Seydow |
E-mail address: |
rugz@mac.com |
Comments: |
Hey Bill! I want to thank you for inviting me to Jake Beckstrom's
Benefit today. I had a great time and Jake reminds me alot of you. You
both have alot of courage and determination and that's why you will
both go far with your lives. I know that your volunteer work at the
Courage Center will mean alot to you and everybody that you come in
contact with, including Jake. I'm sure you will have some fishing and
hunting stories to share! Speaking of fishing, pretty soon the lakes
will freeze over and I'm going to show YOU how to catch those
walleyes! Ha Ha! Take care bud, I'll see you soon, Kurt. |
Sunday, November 20th 2005 - 09:37:38 PM
Name: |
Alicia Anderson |
E-mail address: |
Anderson985@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy Just thought I would say hello. It was great seeing you at
Tracy's house a couple weekends ago you look so good! I can't beleive
how far you've come! Keep it up and keep your spirits up too! Hope to
see you soon. Talk to you later. Alicia |
Thursday, November 10th 2005 - 05:37:23 PM
Name: |
Candyce Avella |
E-mail address: |
Branda5555@sbcglobal.net |
Comments: |
Bill- I am the sister of Samantha Palumbo. She is a 16 year old
whowas in a serious car accident in April 2005. I know you have had
some contact with my step-mom Diana. i just wanted to say Thank You
for sharing your story with everyone. You have been a true inspiration
to our family and have given the strength to believe anything is
possible. THANK YOU!!! |
Wednesday, October 5th 2005 - 12:41:04 PM
Name: |
DIana Palumbo |
E-mail address: |
dipalumbo@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hi, I'm Samantha's mom...The 16 year old that was in a car accident
4-8. Just a quick note to let you know I think about you often. She IS
now in acute rehab for the last 8 weeks and she's working hard! We're
so thrilled that she regained consciousness but she has a lot of
deficits still that she is working on. But she can sit up by herself
now!! And follows all the simple commands we're giving her. She's not
100% accurate with her Yes and No answers which she uses her fingers
to signify. No words have been spoken yet. My husband and I miss her
sweet voice and funny antics so much. We're rejoicing that she is on
the road to recovery and praying that God will continue to provide the
miracles it's going to take to get her all the way back to us. Her
right arm and hand also doesn't move. ALl other limbs and body parts
do. Can you email me (dipalumbo@yahoo.com)and tell me what has
helpedyou get the use back, so I can ask those questions of our
doctors? Thank you and if you ever come to California, I'd love to
have you visit and offer inspiration and encouragement to her. God
Bless you. |
Friday, September 30th 2005 - 07:19:33 PM
Wednesday, August 31st 2005 - 05:48:12 PM
Name: |
Carie |
Comments: |
I am so glad to see your face at work again. We all have been
blessed to have you back. We have been so bored without ya. You have
made great progress. You have been a real soldier throughout this
whole deal. Words cannot even express the happiness that everyone
feels when you walk in!!!!!!!!!! |
Thursday, August 4th 2005 - 02:04:32 PM
Name: |
Carol Heins |
E-mail address: |
carolheins@san.rr.com |
Comments: |
Dear Bill, I just spoke with your dad and he said that the doctors
at the Mayo Clinic gave you great news about your right hand. I
understand it's over 90% recovered and they expect you to get 100% of
it back now....that's great!!! I guess working on it everyday really
helps. Now how about this...you use your right hand to exercise your
left arm and I'll bet you'll amaze the doctors with how much better
your left arm will recover. You know you are an inspiration to other
people suffering from brain injury accidents, don't you? You have your
work cut out for you. You can't let yourself and others down. You must
continue working hard and speaking out about drinking and driving.
People will listen to you. Don't pass up any opportunities to reveal
your remarkable recovery. Les & I are in Leadville CO helping Jane
move and get settled into her home. She is so excited to have a home
after moving 5 times in 2 1/2 years in Colorado. Living in Leadville
allows her to work at Copper Mtn resort in the winter and the summer
and to work at Nova Guides in the summer. She's driving Hummer tours
up the mountain. She's also driving people to rafting trips on the
Arkansas and Colorado rivers. Last week someone dropped a bus tire on
her left big toe and it swelled and hurt something awful. After
removing the nail this week she's feeling much better. But the problem
was that it happened the day before she was going to move all her
stuff, so she was in pain all day carring boxes and moving furniture.
I'm so glad she's better now. I'll write more about our adventures
with Jane in an email to you and the rest of our family. I just wanted
to share some of our life with you. Hope you are continuing to improve
every day, Bill. I know it's really, really hot in MN right now, so
I'm glad you can be by the lake where it is a bit cooler...at least, I
hope it's cooler for you. Stay busy and we'll keep you in our
thoughts. Have a good August. Love, Carol Heins |
Sunday, July 31st 2005 - 09:43:06 PM
Name: |
Krissy |
Comments: |
Hey Bill, Just wanted to let you know your doing great. I'm still
amazed with all the things you have accomplished so far and you
continue to do more and more everyday. I'm so glad you got the use of
your left ankle back, It's nice to see your walking alot better now. I
know it's been alot of hard work and you still have a long road of
recovery ahead of you but your doing better then alot of other people
would be, and you know why? because your #%** (just kidding, wanted to
make you laugh!!) see ya |
Monday, July 11th 2005 - 01:32:02 PM
Name: |
diana palumbo |
E-mail address: |
dipalumbo@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
I've been so inspired by your success and recovery. My 16 year old
daughter was in a car accident April 8, 2005 and she is still in a
state of unconscienceness. I found your website one night while
looking up information to try and understand her brain injury. The
daily notes you all kept was sooooo similar to our experience. We have
a lot of faith in the Lord and do believe He is healing her. But your
website was one of the things that fueled our hope. You proved it can
be done. Her name is Samantha Palumbo, she's the current Miss
California Junior Teenager, beautiful, accomplished and determined. I
sound like a bragging mother...I know. I miss her so much and just
keep you and your family in my mind as a reminder that we too shall
have these terrible times behind us one day and she'll be with us
celebrating and living life with us again. I pray that God will
continue to bless you all. Thanks for your battle to recover and in
doing so providing a great source of an inspiration to me during the
worst time of my life. Diana Palumbo www.pray4samantha.com |
Monday, May 30th 2005 - 11:29:12 AM
Name: |
connie |
Comments: |
Bill, It's been a long time since I have looked at your website.
Partly because I still have a hard time going back to all the events
and circumstances we have been through. On the other hand it does a
person good to see so many people keep checking your site and look for
more updates on how your doing. You have a lot of people who care
about you. I want you to know how proud I am of you. You have come so
far. When I think back I remember little things they were huge things
for you to accomplish. Such as the moving of your thumb for the first
time while you were at North, the first time you were able to roll
over to your side while in bed, the first time you slept through the
night and let us do the same, the first steps you took. There is
something new happening weekly. Your improvements are astonishing. You
walk good now and that should keep improving. Keep up the good work.
When I think back to how much you went through my heart aches. I wish
I could take away all of this....but there must be something in the
great plan for you we haven't figured out yet.We need to keep moving
forward and keep your goals in site. Therapy is one of the main keys
to this. I also need to be more patient with you at times and remember
you are doing the best you can. I LOVE YOU!!!!! You have shown me such
strength and endurance through all of this. You are very strong and I
love you so much. |
Saturday, May 28th 2005 - 01:33:36 PM
Name: |
Krissy |
Comments: |
Hey Bill (I mean @#$%&^%$), Keep up all the hard work, it's
paying off! I can't believe all the obstacles you've overcome so
far... I know there are still alot more but I have no doubt in my mind
that you will conquer them all. See ya later |
Monday, May 16th 2005 - 01:42:19 PM
Name: |
Jean & Mike |
E-mail address: |
jnmcorn@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy, looks like things are going good!! I was just thinking
about you so I thought I would write and say hello. Mike and I are in
the process of buying a house in Buffalo so you and your mom and dad
are going to have to come out when we have our house warming party.
Well I hope all is well and we'll see ya soon! Jeano&Mike
Cornelius |
Wednesday, April 13th 2005 - 11:35:36 AM
Name: |
Jenn |
Comments: |
Bill it is great that the doctors gave you the good news about your
right arm! Keep up the good work and I am sure both or your arms will
be working in no time! |
Sunday, March 27th 2005 - 11:46:30 AM
Name: |
April Debner |
Comments: |
Hey Bud! Hope you have a great birthday! |
Monday, March 21st 2005 - 11:59:25 AM
Name: |
Pati Lobitz |
Comments: |
Happy BirthDay to you! Happy BirthDay to you! Happy Birthday Dear
Bill! Happy BirthDay to you! Have A Good One!!!!:) |
Monday, March 21st 2005 - 11:40:52 AM
Name: |
Lynn |
Comments: |
Billy - I hope you have an especially nice birthday celebration
today. You deserve it! Lynn |
Monday, March 21st 2005 - 05:51:27 AM
Name: |
Shelly |
Comments: |
Hey Billy, My mom Vicki ran into you today and you told her you
would like to talk to Richie and Tony. I gave them your email address
so they could get your number. I know Tony checks your website a lot
at work so he can see how you are doing. We are all glad to see how
great you handled this and it is wonderful to see you improving
everyday. Tony and yourself will have a lot to talk (especially about
your kids). Take care. |
Thursday, March 3rd 2005 - 04:24:32 PM
Name: |
Eileen |
E-mail address: |
salesneen@aol.com |
Comments: |
I was just reading all the messages and looking at all the photos
and it just touched my heart. My brother Kurt talks about you all the
time, and although I've only met you a few times, you're like family
to all of us. I want to thank you for your inspiration. Your strength
and courage has been truly remarkable. You've touched alot of peoples
lives in a very positive way, including mine. Keep on keepin on buddy!
I'm so proud of you! Eileen (Kurt Seydow's big sis) |
Tuesday, March 1st 2005 - 05:19:42 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
Comments: |
Billy: One year ago Emma, Aubrey and I were at the ICU, having
arrived shortly before midnight on the 7th. I recall that upon our
arrival Krissy was awake (seemed she didn't sleep for the next month)
and gave us the latest medical update. By 7 a.m., as was the case the
day before (and for weeks to come), the ICU was packed full of your
loving family and friends - all worried and all praying. The
supporters came and went throughout those first days and weeks, but
the numbers always hovered between 10 and 50! at any given time. I
remember that about 3 p.m. the doctor met with your family and
mentioned a little bit of improvement. A cheer went up from all who
were there that I'm sure was heard throughout the 5th floor - and that
reached your ears in the ICU. I remember your mom's broad smile. I
think in spite of the critical state in which you were enveloped at
that point, she concluded her scrappy son was going to make it.
Exactly one year ago today -almost to the minute - was the first time
I had the heart to go to your bedside for a few seconds. The sight of
you is burned in my memory. What a difference a year makes! Now
whenever I see you there is a smile on your face, your eyes twinkle
and (most of the time) you're on the go. Who'd have thought!!! I was
told even before I met you a couple of years ago that you were a
'go-getter', that you were stubborn and determined, that you loved to
tease and have fun with your friends, and that you had a big heart.
Well, over the past year you proved just how deeply engrained in your
personality those traits really are. You chose to share your tough
fight to recover with anybody who was interested, and especially with
those who might learn from your story. I'm so glad you are you, and
that you continue with determination to do whatever it takes to
recover. You have provided so many with a deeper look into your
character. The result for me has been to review my own character, and
my own life, and to realign my priorities. You remind me that life is
fragile and precious, to be grateful for every minute of every day,
and to make each day worthwhile. You remind me of what is essential to
ones self-worth and inner peace. Thanks for being you, thanks for
allowing me to share in your tough, on-going experiences of the past
year, and thank God for blessing my granddaughter with a daddy who
will be here to guide her through life with wisdom, strength, courage
and humor. Lynn |
Wednesday, February 9th 2005 - 12:22:34 PM
Name: |
Pati Lobitz |
E-mail address: |
PatLobitz@mchsi.com |
Comments: |
Bill, Just wanted to say hi and CONGRATS!!!! It's hard to believe
it's the 1st anniversary of your snowmobile accident already. You have
accomplished so much this last year! and so many people are so proud
of you! Keep up the great work! God Bless, I am praying for you and
you are in the hearts and minds of many, many people. Love, Pati |
Wednesday, February 9th 2005 - 06:43:46 AM
Name: |
Kurt Seydow |
E-mail address: |
rugz@mac.com |
Comments: |
Hey Mr. Bill! Wow, I can't believe it's been a whole year since that
terrible day one year ago. To see how far you've come since the
accident is truly amazing. I will never forget that day or the days
that followed, with all of us praying, crying, and praying some more,
not knowing if you'd even be alive to see another year. It makes me so
happy to see the progress that you've made and the courage that you've
shown to so many people. You've touched so many lives, and changed
many for the better in the mean time. My entire attitude towards life
has changed in the past year. I will never take anything or anyone for
granted, and I have become a better person for it. Thank you for
giving me a new outlook on life and showing me what we are capable of.
You are and will always be a true friend and inspiration. Thank God
for all that He's done for you and those around you. It was truly an
awesome sight to see you fly over the office in the plane and give us
the salute with the tipping of the wings. What a way to mark the
one-year anniversary of your tragedy. All I could think of was that
you were again close to God and heaven, only this time a smile
replaced the tears and pain I felt a year ago. Keep up the great work
and never forget the wonderful gift of life that you've received. Love
ya bud! Kurt |
Wednesday, February 9th 2005 - 12:12:46 AM
Name: |
Jenn |
E-mail address: |
jenny.cionca@parknicollet.com |
Comments: |
Bill- I know you will hear this a lot- but it seems as if it was
yesterday! You had called and asked if it would be okay for you to
take the sled up north, and how could I have said no to a brother like
you? I will also never forget the phone call that I got at 3:23am one
year ago. Bill you truly are one amazing guy (like Krissy said, �you
have 9 lives�)! Your girls (family/friends/strangers) love you very
much, and they look to you for your strength and courage. I know your
journey is far from over, but we all know you have the power to keep
going up hill. You have impressed so many people throughout your
troubled times, and we know you will continue to do so. We love you
Bill!!! |
Tuesday, February 8th 2005 - 06:09:55 PM
Name: |
Lesley and Rob |
E-mail address: |
www.anderlv@aol.com |
Comments: |
Hi Bill. I cannot believe it has been a year. I will never forget
that awful phone call from Chrissy the day after. A parents worse
nightmare!!! We are so happy that you are doing so well. Keep up all
the hard work. We are looking forward to seeing that smiling face.
Love Rob and Lesley. p.s. We loved your Christmas card. Thanks |
Tuesday, February 8th 2005 - 03:38:53 PM
Name: |
Anne Schottenbauer |
E-mail address: |
shotty68@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Billy- Wow..it is crazy to think that it has been a year! I am super
proud of you! You have come a long way and you should be very proud of
yourself!! Keep up the good work!! |
Tuesday, February 8th 2005 - 11:21:44 AM
Name: |
Linda |
Comments: |
Bill, It's hard to beleive that it has been a year since we got the
middle of the night phone call from Jeff telling us what had happened
and asking us to call your Mom and Dad and tell them what had happened
to you. That was the hardest phone call for your uncle Bruce to make.
But what a difference a year makes. You have come so far and made such
tremendous strides. Your determination amazes all of us. Keep it up,
we are all proud of you. Linda |
Tuesday, February 8th 2005 - 08:00:44 AM
Name: |
Debbie |
E-mail address: |
debbie@dj1953.com |
Comments: |
Hey Bill, It has been one difficult year and you have proved to
everyone, "where there's a will there's a way" or should we
say "where there's a BIll there's a way" You truly are an
inspiration to everyone. It's always a blessing to see the results
that come from commitment, hard work and never giving up. The never
giving up is what your goal has been and it's paid off. Not only that
but it will continue to keep your focus on your accomplishments. We
are all proud of you and it's really alright for you to be proud of
you because you deserve it. Congratulations on all your
accomplishments this past year. Remember "Life presents
challenges and there's no sweeter satisfaction than conquering
them" |
Monday, February 7th 2005 - 11:37:09 PM
Name: |
April Debner |
Comments: |
Hey Bud, I too wanted to say congrats on all that you've
accomplished in the last year. I'm glad that you went out (or I should
say up) today and had fun. |
Monday, February 7th 2005 - 08:42:50 PM
Name: |
Krissy |
Comments: |
Hey Bill, Just wanted to say congrats on everything you've
accomplished in the past year. I can't say I know how hard it's been
because honestly I don't think anyone except for you knows how hards
it's been. You've overcome so many challenges and difficult times, you
are the most amazing person I know. You truely are a miracle and I am
happy that I have a brother I can joke around with everyday! I don't
think anyone else in your same situation would handle this as well as
you have, most people would've probably given up but you just keep on
trucking along. I've learned many things from you in the past year:
never take ANYTHING for granted, always try before saying I can't,
never give up, and You only live once so have fun.. except you seem to
have 9 lives like a cat! I know one of my first messages I wrote to
you on here was for you to wake up so you could hit me in the arm and
I'm happy you can do that again but ha...ha enough is enough (just
kidding) CONGRATS Bill keep up all the good work! |
Monday, February 7th 2005 - 12:08:16 PM
Name: |
Colin |
E-mail address: |
lucia_maki@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
hey billy, just saying hi from up in ely. looks like your doing
well. how is the fishing going? i will be up in lake of the woods in a
couple of weeks again. drop a line sometime. 218-340-9671 |
Thursday, January 27th 2005 - 02:40:32 AM
Name: |
Aubrey |
Comments: |
Hi Billy!! Wow it's been a LONG time since I've written to you on
here, but what can I say...I am kind of a slacker right?! I just
wanted to let you know how proud I am of you for everything that
you've accomplished this far, and for your determination in
accomplishing more in the future. Every time I see you it amazes me at
how far you've come over the last year. I remember like it was
yesterday how helpless I felt the first time I saw you in the
hospital...I wanted so bad to just fix you up make everything better,
but I couldn't. All any of us could do was pray that you were still in
there somewhere, because then we knew everything would be alright. Now
you're up picking on people again and doing such a great job of being
the old Billy that we all know and missed. By the way, I know I
probably don't want to know what you were so giggly about when I
picked Emma up this morning, but whatever the reason...it was really
nice to see you that way again!! Anyway, it's getting past my bed time
so I'd better get going...I just want you to remember as the 7'th gets
nearer, that you have faced and overcome more hurdles in this past
year than most people will be faced with in their whole lives. Be
proud of yourself, and if you ever start to lose hope or get
impatient, just think of everything you've done so far and know that
nothing will ever be as trying as what you've already accomplished.
Love, Aubrey & Emma |
Tuesday, January 25th 2005 - 11:15:17 PM
Name: |
dad |
Comments: |
Bill good luck at Bethesda today with the botox shots. When your
back up to it will have to git back out and find the fish. It sure is
nice to have the courage center therapist's doing in house therapy
with you. What a difference a week has done so far. KEEP UP THE HARD
WORK. It will pay off in the future. love dad ps: git r done |
Tuesday, January 25th 2005 - 01:20:27 PM
Name: |
Alicia Anderson |
E-mail address: |
anderson985@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy~ Just thought since I finally have a night to
sit that I would check up on you. You are doing so great. While
reading the website tonight and looking through the new pictures, like
the ones of the snowmobile I didn't even know what to think. I for
some reason just looked at them and wondered to myself how on earth
did one survive such a thing like that. Then I remembered you are
Billy Dahl! You are my Bro. And now you are my HERO. I think so highly
of you, I don't think that there are words that can even explain how I
am feeling right now. I think that whoever thought of putting the ICU
pics on the website had a good idea because that was just enough of a
reminder of how far you really have came. I just want to let you know
how proud I am of you, how we all are of you. I remember the first
time I came and saw you, you were in your coma and Tracy and I stood
there, the first thing that came to my head when I saw you was where
is the Billy I know, the funny guy who will make anyone smile when he
flashes his smile at them. That's all I thought of for about a week
straight. It was so hard for me to see you like that. I think that
Tracy and I cried the whole way home and then some. I guess what i'm
trying to say is that you have come so far! You are fishing and riding
a 4-wheeler! the thing you love, and now aren't you happy that you are
able to do that. You amaze me Billy, you really do. You are such a
strong person and you have proved that to everone! GOD BLESS YOU! When
I think of courage, strength, and hope I think of YOU! I think that it
is great how much of a difference you have made in so many people's
lives. And I want to thank you for doing that! What can I say now that
I have said everything else but that you were like a brother to me for
so many years and I still look up to you and I always will. Hope to
hear from you soon. Write me an e-mail sometime, so we can keep in
touch. Your Friend, Alicia |
Friday, January 21st 2005 - 12:01:40 AM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
Comments: |
Bill: Seeing those pictures of the sled, it's even more incredible
that you survived. Then, to see the ICU pictures - taken at a time when
your survival was still very much in question, and recalling the mass
numbers of family and friends who were shook to the depths of their
being all holding vigil in the waiting room, all praying that you would
live, just gives me shivers. I am so glad you DID survive, that you HAVE
made tremendous strides and that YOU CONTINUE TO IMPROVE! I can assure
you, there was a lot of doubt back then as to whether you'd be here
today, and even more question as to what 'survival' would mean for you.
But, you proved a lot of doctors wrong, you have accomplished more in a
relatively short period of time than ANYBODY though would be the case,
and you have returned to being a productive, active father to your girls
and a beloved member of your household! YOU ARE REMARKABLE!!!! As for
the testimonials you have chosen to give to other snowmobilers -
especially younger riders, and to share with them those bone-chilling
pictures, as well as the story of your struggle to recover, it is just
another example of the on-going gift of yourself that you give to
others. Thanks for being you, and Thank God you survived to tell about
it. Lynn |
Wednesday, January 12th 2005 - 06:42:18 PM
Name: |
Carmen Bechthold |
E-mail address: |
carmenremax2000@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hi Bill, I am a friend of Bruce & Linda's, we go snowmobiling
together. I have a 16 year old son who loves to snowmobile, I believe he
has learned something by seeing what you have gone through. He isn't
invincible. I really wanted you to know that you HAVE touched other
lives. You are a very remarkable person and I hope you continue to
recover fast. |
Wednesday, January 12th 2005 - 02:37:57 PM
Name: |
Joshua |
Comments: |
Billy, We are so glad to hear everything is going great! I will give
you a call so we can plan a date to go Ice Fishing. See you soon |
Tuesday, January 11th 2005 - 11:20:08 PM
Name: |
Kurt Seydow |
Comments: |
Hey Bill! Thanks for taking me out on the lake to try ice fishing for
the first time. Who would have thought that I would ever go out on a
frozen lake to freeze my butt off and sit around waiting for a fish to
bite. I always thought it would be cold and boring. Was I ever wrong!
Now you've got me hooked (sorry about the pun, it was intended). I just
have to stay away from the stores that sell fishing equipment, or else
I'll want to buy everything. Too bad I sold the four-wheeler to
somebody. I could have used it to haul my three bedroom fish house out
to the lake. Oh, that's right. I sold it to you guys so I can save the
money on the fish house and hang out with you instead (think of the
money I saved). See you on the ice! Kurt |
Tuesday, January 4th 2005 - 09:10:11 PM
Name: |
Jenn |
Comments: |
Bill that sure is a cute little fish! When can I go with you? I hope
you enjoy your new fish house and please be safe out there- I know how
you and Dad can get when it's just the two of you together! Love you
always, Jenn |
Tuesday, December 28th 2004 - 12:54:43 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
Comments: |
Bill and Family - Have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and hopefully a much
less stressful and VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! (P. S. - April and Mike -
We'll be expecting to hear VERY SOON that your new baby has arrived -
cute, cuddly and HEALTHY!) Lynn |
Wednesday, December 22nd 2004 - 07:24:38 PM
Name: |
Kurt Seydow |
Comments: |
Hi Bill! I watched the video of the presentation that you gave to the
snowmobile safety class and it showed me once again the courage and
resolve that you have. You are truly a first-class person, and the lives
that you have touched may never be fully known to you. I am so grateful
to have been a witness to the miracles that you have shown to so many of
us. You bring true meaning to the word "cool" and you will
always be a trooper. Keep up the great work and with your perseverance
and positive thinking, you will continue to teach us all the true
meaning of miracles. Take care buddy! Kurt |
Wednesday, December 8th 2004 - 08:05:54 PM
Name: |
E-mail address: |
moms3bouys@aol.com |
Comments: |
Bill, I know Bruce & Linda. I was wondering if you could possibly
do me a favor. A 17 yr old girl from Watertown was in a head on accident
on Sat. She was air ambulanced to HCMC. She has head & brain trauma.
Would you email her parents and family with your story so that they can
be encouraged about what is truly possible. Her name is Ashley Melville
and she has a website set up at Caringbridge.org. I know that you will
be a great inspiration to them. Thank you. LIZ HIRSCH |
Monday, December 6th 2004 - 09:28:09 AM
Name: |
Amanda |
Comments: |
I was at the snowmobilers safty class on 12-2-04. I enjoyed you coming
to speak to us about your experience, and it will make me think twice
while riding. Thanks! |
Saturday, December 4th 2004 - 03:36:45 PM
Name: |
Loretto Sno-Birds |
Comments: |
Bill, The Loretto Sno-Birds would like to thank you and your father
Ron for visiting us tonight. You did an outstanding job of talking to
the class about your experience. I am certain you touched a lot of the
students thoughts about the dangers of mixing unsafe conditions, night
time riding, speed, and alcohol are not good combinations while
snowmobiling. We warmly welcome you to come back and speak to the class
again next year. Hopefully we will see you walk into the class next
time. Thank you again! -Loretto Sno-Birds Safety Instructors |
Thursday, December 2nd 2004 - 07:23:17 PM
Name: |
Jenny |
E-mail address: |
cioncj@parknicollet.com |
Comments: |
Bill, I just wanted to wish you luck for your speech tonight at
Polaris! I know you will do a great job trying to inform the kids of the
dangers that could confront them in the future. You have come along ways
and you keep getting stronger and stronger every day- keep up the great
work and I will see you later. Love Jenn |
Thursday, December 2nd 2004 - 03:00:31 PM
Name: |
Carol Heins |
E-mail address: |
carolheins@san.rr.com |
Comments: |
Dear Bill, I am so glad you have the immobilizer off and can start
giving your muscles encouragement to grow! Fantastic! I, too, think it's
wonderful that you will be giving demos about the possibilities of
injury when drinking is combined with driving. You may save someone's
life--and that's the most important work you will ever do for others. I
pray that your words reach out and connect with those who truly need to
hear what you have to say. Hope you have a good week. Have I told you
about the weather in San Diego??? What's going on here? This morning we
had ice in the bird bath. I noticed a lot of water on the deck, then
realized some large bird must have landed and splashed through the ice,
getting a very cold shock! B-r-r-r-r! I want to feel warmth! I'm so
spoiled with our weather that I tend to forget how to dress when it
turns this cold. Stay warm! Work hard! Tell it like it is! Hi! to your
family! Love, Carol |
Thursday, December 2nd 2004 - 05:45:52 AM
Name: |
E-mail address: |
Comments: |
Bill it sounds like your doing great! That's really nice that you are
going to the snowmobile safety class to tell your story. The kids will
see what can happen if they are not careful, and yet they will see what
determination and hard work can do when your are faced with an injury
like you have had, keep up the good work and take care!! |
Wednesday, December 1st 2004 - 10:57:53 AM
Name: |
Krissy |
E-mail address: |
kiki12277@aol.com |
Comments: |
Bill, (I mean &*^% &#@$) I am amazed at how well you've been
doing! It was fun to watch you, Abby & Emma go in circles last
weekend, it reminded me of when we were younger except there was no
door flinging involved. Good Luck tomorrow at the Mayo, I hope you get
really good news about the surgery being a success. I also hope you find
out some promising news about your left arm. I have to say this is the
first year I can't wait for the lake to freeze over, so you can try out
that fish house. I bet it'll be a lot of fun. GOOD LUCK and see ya later! |
Monday, November 29th 2004 - 09:38:44 AM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
Comments: |
Dear Billy: As we enter the Holiday Season with Thanksgiving tomorrow,
I want you to know that the thing most important to us is that you are
alive, well and improving every day. For that we truly give thanks. Last
year, all of us were blessed with the new little gift(s) of Emma Abby.
But, this year's gift just can't be matched! God has truly blessed you,
Billy. Don't ever forget to take full advantage of the gift of 'life',
but more importantly, the gift of saving your life. HE must have truly
great and special things in mind for you! I can't help but think that
one of the more important of those things is that you are here to be not
just a 'father' to your little girls but truly a 'DADDY'. For a little
girl (or even a big girl) to have a 'daddy' - even if he's not around
every single day - gives a sense of comfort and security that can't be
matched. I look forward with such anticipation to watching Emma and you
as she grows up, and to someday watching you give her away in marriage
to a man who is your equal in integrity, warmth, charm and love of life.
I know that you and your family will celebrate this day of Thanksgiving
like no other before. You are - each and every one - in our thoughts.
Hope you have a great weekend with Emma! Love, Lynn |
Wednesday, November 24th 2004 - 02:37:49 PM
Name: |
Laura Fettig |
E-mail address: |
Laurafettig02@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hey Bill! I just read a whole bunch of new stuff that's been going on
with your progress. Way to go! Your future should be a piece of cake,
you'll always know no matter the obstacle you'll plow your way through
it. You know in your heart how strong you are. I haven't seen you since
the benefit, the new pictures are wonderful! I'm doing great! Just got a
promotion at the real estate company I've been working at and I also
started Real Estate Appraisal after waiting 6 months to find someone to
train me in (Dream Home Appraisals) and having a promotion they are going
to let me come and go as I please to work around my appraisals. Awesome huh? I
couldn't be happier and I wish you the same. I never make it out
that way unless I'm visiting Carie we'll have to visit ya soon. I'm itchen
for a snowball fight! Wish you the best life can bring! Laura Fettig |
Monday, November 8th 2004 - 05:02:33 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
Comments: |
Hey there, Bill. Well, one week down and two more to go until that
darned contraption comes off. I'm sure you're tired of it already, but
share your optimism that you'll soon start experiencing gradual free
movement in your arm. I am so looking forward to getting to see you hand
out hugs, put your arm around a couple of little girls, hold their hands
and go for walks.....it's just around the corner!!!! It won't be long at
all until you'll be able to start doing some therapy to build up those
regenerating muscles being stimulated by the new nerve. WAY COOL! I
don't have to tell you to keep smiling - with you that's a given. We're
still praying and we're still in awe of you. Lynn |
Saturday, November 6th 2004 - 06:20:04 AM
Name: |
Carie |
Comments: |
Hey honey!! How are you? I wish you were here at work with us. We miss
ya terribly. You will soon return I'm sure of it. I hope you heal quickly
from your surgery so you can bring your butt back here. It is temporary
though -remember that. You definitely have a kick butt guardian angel.
Just stay positive as usual. You have really come along long way. Just a
little bit ways to go. You will be all good. Call me later gator! Love,
Hugs, Kisses and Misses MUCHO MUCHO MUCHO!!! |
Thursday, November 4th 2004 - 04:45:23 PM
Name: |
Carol Heins |
E-mail address: |
carolheins@san.rr.com |
Comments: |
Dear Bill, So glad to hear your surgery went well even though you had
a breathing problem afterwards. Good thing you were in ICU when it
happened! After the 3 weeks of keeping your arm immobile I just know you
will be working hard to do whatever exercises you need to do to
encourage the nerve to learn how to work. Keep at it. Just writing so
you know we are still praying for your continued recovery and thanks for
keeping us updated every few days. Say Hi! to your family and watch the
Discovery Channel. Have you watched those 2 guys who experiment to see
if certain urban legends are true or not, or if what they say has
happened, actually can occur? Check them out. They are really good, and
funny! Talk later...Love from CA....Aunt Carol |
Saturday, October 30th 2004 - 07:14:43 PM
Name: |
Emma |
Comments: |
Dear Daddy: I hope you had a nice weekend. I sure did! I got some new
shoes. They're really cool. I also got some soft, warm snow boots (so
you can take me outside to play and show me how to throw snow!) Grandpa
and Grandma showed up to surprise me on Saturday afternoon. They took me
out to eat at Fletchers. I got to eat lots of yummy food. I showed off a
little bit - and it paid off. I got all kinds of attention from the
waiters and from the people at the tables around us. I am learning lots
of stuff really fast, Dad. I can point out a lot of stuff in my books -
like oranges, apples, dogs, cats, pigs, leaves, eyes, ears, noses, feet,
hands, fingers, legs, toes, broccoli - but I have more to learn! I am
learning to say words, too. I can say dog, cat and pig. I can say mommy
and daddy REALLY good now, too. I am also learning to brush my own hair.
I like that a lot. I'm going to try to see you before you leave for Mayo
but my ears are hurting and my nose is running, and if I'm not better
today, mommy might not let me come because she doesn't want me to give
you a 'bug' (I didn't know I had 'bugs', but if she says I do, I'll have
to accept her word for it.) If I don't get to see you, here are some
things to tide you over...xxxoooxxxoooxxxoooXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..
and they're really big and really slobbery!!!! Emma |
Monday, October 25th 2004 - 06:42:36 AM
Name: |
Tara Moores |
E-mail address: |
taranjason@earthlink.net |
Comments: |
Hey Billy, It's good to see that you are doing so well! I read up on
your website every now and then just to get the updates, and it seems
that every time I do, things just keep looking up for you! Keep up the
good work! Everybody is very proud of you! Tara, Jason, Rylee &
Tommy |
Saturday, October 23rd 2004 - 09:55:26 PM
Name: |
Comments: |
Billy, It is so great to hear about all the great stuff happening for
you. So glad you get to be home with your family. We'll keep you in our
prayers that surgery goes well, I'm sure it will with all the positive
vibes from so many people. It's good to see you writing on the pages
yourself, what a testament to all your hard work and determination. My
family wishes you the best. Donna |
Saturday, October 23rd 2004 - 02:15:08 PM
Name: |
Carol Heins |
E-mail address: |
carolheins@san.rr.com |
Comments: |
Bill, We are so excited that you will be having the nerve transplant
so your bicep muscle will be stimulated to re-develop into a functioning
muscle. Our prayers are with you for a successful surgery. Let us know
how you are adjusting at home and what you are doing to pass the time.
Take care and stay busy... Talk later, Carol |
Tuesday, October 19th 2004 - 06:30:32 PM
Name: |
Lesley and Rob |
E-mail address: |
www.anderlv@aol.com |
Comments: |
Hi Bill, So glad to hear the good news about your r.arm and moving
home. You are doing a great job. Keep up the good work!! Every time we
see you we see more progress. It's great. Take care Bill. Love, Your
friends Rob and Lesley |
Tuesday, October 19th 2004 - 10:39:43 AM
Name: |
April Debner |
E-mail address: |
aprildebner@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Great news bud! I'm so glad they finally got to the bottom of what is
up with your right arm. It'll be no time and you'll be getting dad back
for all the pinching he's been giving you while he's had the chance.
Those 2 little girls of yours will get lots of hugs too. |
Friday, October 15th 2004 - 05:12:48 PM
Name: |
Carol Heins |
E-mail address: |
carolheins@san.rr.com |
Comments: |
Bill, I was so happy to see you for the first time since your
accident. You look great! You have such a sly smile that we know you're
always thinking. You look better (and taller) in person but keep those
photos coming! I'll repeat what everyone else is writing...YOU ARE
AMAZING! KEEP IT UP! And don't ever forget what a wonderful family you
have--they are your lifeblood! Treat them FANTASTIC! Glad you are coming
home. Now you can help with the housework and cooking! Keep working hard
and be safe when you play. Love, Aunt Carol |
Friday, October 15th 2004 - 12:05:45 PM
Name: |
Linda Arens |
E-mail address: |
larens@rockler.com |
Comments: |
Hi Bill, Wow exciting news. I am so happy for you. Betch you can't
wait to move home. It has been a long haul hasn't it. I called Jeff this
morning on his way up to the shack and told him the good news, about
moving home and the results from the Mayo. He was so excited and wanted
to call you right away. But he is going to be out of cell range the
whole weekend so he says he will wait until Monday to call you. Sure
wish you could come with us this weekend, but for sure next year for
grouse hunting. Then you can use that new gun of yours. We are all so
proud of you. Your determination and strength amazes us all. I am going
to be praying extra hard for you. I know you will have the use of your
arm when everything is said and done. Keep up all the hard work you are
doing, its paying off. Love you lots, Linda |
Friday, October 15th 2004 - 10:07:10 AM
Name: |
mom |
Comments: |
Bill it's exciting About the surgery and that you get to stay home as
of Monday. Things keep going well for all of us. I'm so excited at the
thought of you staying here that I am speechless. Imagine that. Look out
for gigamortz!!!! I love you...... |
Thursday, October 14th 2004 - 04:45:48 PM
Name: |
Tracy Anderson |
E-mail address: |
tracerdoodle13@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hey bill, I just read your update, it sounded great. Good luck down at
the Mayo. Just a little update on myself, I will be four months along on
Friday. A little over three weeks ago I got to hear the heartbeat for
the first time. That was really exciting. I am starting to get a belly,
some say it's cute and I am not so sure. Anthony and I are in the middle
of buying a house what a time consuming process. Hopefully soon things
will wind down and I will be able to come and visit. Talk to you later.
good luck!! -Tracy |
Tuesday, October 12th 2004 - 09:27:50 PM
Name: |
Krissy |
E-mail address: |
kiki12277@aol.com |
Comments: |
Hey Bill, Good Luck down in Rochester... I hope you get some good
news!! |
Tuesday, October 12th 2004 - 08:03:57 AM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
Comments: |
Billy: Good luck over the next few days. Hope you have some promising
results. The news of your future plans is great. You'll be home before
you know it! Keep shattering your own records! Lynn |
Tuesday, October 12th 2004 - 06:05:49 AM
Name: |
Anne Schottenbauer |
E-mail address: |
shotty68@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Billy- You continue to impress me!! I check your website everyday
looking forward to new updates!! You should be proud of yourself!! Keep
it up!! Maybe sometime we can get the old crew together and plan a trip
up to Ely!! Go fishing and hiking! Take care bud!! |
Thursday, September 30th 2004 - 04:59:08 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
Comments: |
Billy: It was WAY COOL and WAY EXCITING to hear of your weekend - long
walks up/down steep hills w/o assistance, 4-wheeling (UNBELIEVABLE!),
figuring out how to single-handedly (literally) lift Emma up onto your
bed, cruising w/Emma on your lap! I'm sure there was more I didn't hear
about, but those 4 'firsts' are AMAZING!!!! Bill, we all want to see you
regain full use of your entire body, including both arms, and I'm sure
in time it will happen (you'll MAKE it happen!) But, in the meantime you
are proving your strong will and determination to not let this accident
hold you back any more than you can help. You epitomize the old adage
"where there's a will there's a way" like nobody I've ever
known. I can hardly wait to visit you to see first-hand whatever else
you've figured out how to do! (Your mom told me once that you have
always been one to 'work the angles' to get what you want --- you're
sure as heck working them now - and for such TREMENDOUS RETURNS!) Keep
up the great (though challenging) work! We're rooting for you, Bill, as
Monday, September 27th 2004 - 02:24:20 PM
Name: |
Kurt Seydow |
Comments: |
Hey Bill! It was great driving up to your house and seeing you driving
the ATV with Krissy on back! It was even better when you gave me a ride
on it and showed me the trails behind your house. All I can say is WOW!
You are amazing and you continue to surprise all of us. Thanks for being
one of the greatest people I have ever known. You're an awesome person
and you make me laugh like nobody else can! Keep up the great work. What
will it be next week, flying a plane! See you soon buddy! Kurt (CF) |
Sunday, September 26th 2004 - 08:50:26 PM
Name: |
Alicia Anderson |
E-mail address: |
anderson985@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy~ Good to hear all of the good news. It makes me so happy to
hear that in no time at all you'll be home. You just wait and see, you
are moving so much faster than I could imagain. You make us all so
proud. Well how about the news of Tracy being a mommy? Can you believe
it? Honestly I can't I didn't believe her when she first told me. Well
Thought I would say hi. I'll try to make it there soon. Have a good rest
of your weekend. Love ya, Alicia |
Saturday, September 25th 2004 - 05:53:13 PM
Name: |
Ann |
E-mail address: |
annmhazlett@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Hi Bill...my name is Ann and I am a friend of your cousin Heidi. She
sent me an e-mail in Feb. when all of this first happened and I've been
checking the site ever since, I even came to your benefit with her. I
just wanted to tell you that you are an inspiration to everyone, and you
are doing great things every day. I hear you check this guest book all
the time so I thought after all these months I should say Hi. I have two
daughters also and I know how hard you must work to get to be able to
run around and play with them again really soon. Keep up the good work. |
Thursday, September 23rd 2004 - 02:15:45 PM
Name: |
Connie |
Comments: |
I realize you check this everyday. I wanted to tell you how PROUD I am
of you. You seem to be challenging yourself more everyday. The little
things you accomplish are very big things for all of us. Just to see
your smiling face makes my day. If only you could quit picking on me.
Dammit Bobby!! Just kidding. It's your nature and it makes life fun. I
LOVE YOU lots!!!! Say "Hi" to CF at lunch today for me.
Wednesday, September 22nd 2004 - 05:27:28 AM
Name: |
Krissy |
E-mail address: |
kiki12277@aol.com |
Comments: |
Hey terd, Good luck today in your therapies. I just can't believe the accomplishments
you've made just in the past two weeks. It seems like
everyday you are showing me something different that you can do now.. or
your trying stuff for the first time. I don't even have the words to
explain how great that is to watch! Keep it up & you'll be home in
no time! See ya tonight |
Tuesday, September 21st 2004 - 08:10:54 AM
Name: |
ubuntugirl |
E-mail address: |
anyasinsouthafrica@gmail.com |
Comments: |
Bill, Thanks for writing! This truly is an amazing story.
Unfortunately I did not get your email address, but feel free to write
me, I'd love to talk more. |
Friday, September 17th 2004 - 09:25:07 AM
Name: |
Carol Heins |
E-mail address: |
les_heins@yahoo.com |
Homepage: |
http://http://www.lynxavr.com/sqdncr/index.htm |
Comments: |
Bill, Glad you are planning a trip up north. Have a great time,
wherever you decide to go. It has been raining steadily for 2 full days
here, and gusts of wind, like a mini-typhoon. I think the island of
Taiwan is going to float across the ocean and hit the USA if the rain
doesn't stop soon! Be sure to give your mom a big kiss for her birthday
on Sept 12. We are thinking about you all the time. We attended an
English language church service today at Holy Family Catholic Church,
just 1 block from where Brian lives. It was very nice and we met some
nice people. We also found many more places to square dance, one is only
about 5 minutes walking from Brian's. We are going to eat Dim Sum for
lunch (lots of small portions of many different foods.) Yesterday we ate
at Sizzler and they had great food. Have a good week! Love, Aunt Carol |
Saturday, September 11th 2004 - 11:03:58 PM
Name: |
Emma |
Comments: |
Dear Daddy, Today I got a Glow Worm and a Leap Pad. They were all
wrapped up in pretty paper and I got to tear it all up without even
getting in trouble!?! I really like them both, but I REALLY like to Glow
Worm, and I'm going to take it to bed with me as soon as I'm finished
talking to you. I also got a BIG cake with lots of frosting - and I got
to eat it, smoosh it, rub it ALL over my face, drop it on the floor
EITHER!?!?!? Boy, have I had a good time today. I hope you are having
fun, too, and that you got to spend a lot of time outdoors today like I
did. I'm just plain worn out, Dad. I miss you, and I love you, and I can
hardly wait to see you tomorrow. I'll take a GOOD nap before I go, so
that we can have lots of hugs and kisses!!! and fun!!!! Love, Emma PS
Mom took lots of pictures and even a movie, so you'll get some, too. |
Saturday, September 11th 2004 - 08:50:17 PM
Name: |
E-mail address: |
msanderson5658@msn.com |
Comments: |
Friday, September 10th 2004 - 11:09:00 AM
Name: |
Kurt Seydow |
E-mail address: |
Comments: |
OK, Mr. Bill. I read the update on the website and I see that we
haven't been giving you enough work to do at the office. While I know
that you've got your eye on the Vice President's (or President's)
position, we both know that's not going to happen for a while, soooo, I
was thinking about what other tasks to give you to keep you busy.
Remember those commercials with the ladies who worked for a deodorant company that had to smell armpits to check on how they were working?
Well, I'll have to come up with something like that if it might keep you
a little busier. Maybe a garlic-breath testing session or something.
Anyway, on a more serious note, I want to say DARN IT BOBBY! I AM SO
PROUD OF YOU! Keep up the great work and keep your chin up. With your
great attitude and perseverance you'll continue to make great strides.
I'll see you tomorrow at the office, buddy! Kurt |
Thursday, September 9th 2004 - 10:50:32 PM
Name: |
Missy |
E-mail address: |
misalynn1783@aol.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy! I'm so glad to hear, well read of the outstanding progress
that you keep making. It was good to see that you'll be back at Courage
Center...I plan on coming to visit soon. Sorry I haven't come to see
you, I've been really busy starting up my new semester and trying to get
everything organized. Hope to see you soon, I plan on visiting as soon
as I get a chance. Keep up the good work and just imagine the wonderful
things ahead. Love ya Bill! Love, Missy |
Wednesday, September 8th 2004 - 11:27:10 PM
Name: |
Carol Heins |
E-mail address: |
les_heins@yahoo.com |
Homepage: |
http://http://heinsintaiwan.blogspot.com/ |
Comments: |
Bill, Here's another day in Taipei, Taiwan. Still hot and humid. Wish
we were in MN, where it must be cooler.... Love, Carol Also, you can
check the website yourself so I won't have to keep posting these long
messages, okay??? Later, Carol http://heinsintaiwan.blogspot.com/ Sept
5: On Sunday Les went to help Brian with his display table to promote
his Lego classes. A session of the World Robotic Olympiad using computer
programmed LEGO robots was being held at the Taiwan National Science
Education Center. Brian was going to display some Lego models, set up a
Lego play area and distribute his business cards. We first traveled to
pick up another friend and her Lego model of a Taipei theater building.
Had trouble finding the exact address to meet her (ok, you try reading
the Chinese street signs!) so when we got close we stopped to ask an
older couple not able to completely tell us the directions, they
simply climbed into the minivan and directed us there. Brian's friend
works as a Software Engineer in Taiwan for a USA Software company and
she maintains the web site for the local Lego Enthusiast Group. I would
estimate over 200 participants from first grade through high school with
another 200+ there to watch. Even the Taiwan Government Minister of
Science attended along with other government officials. The
participants, usually in teams of 3-5 had to bring all their computers,
cables and Lego parts completely disassembled. They then had a set time
to study the maze or track challenge and then about 2 hours to plan,
assemble and test a Lego robot to compete. This included doing the
computer programming for the robot since that could not be loaded ahead
of time either. Many of these robots include vision and touch sensor
systems (yes, Lego sells those type of specialized parts as well) and
are built for maze navigation, line following on a patterned mat. Some
built like little bulldozers and tanks for LEGO sumo wrestling (pushing
contest) like battle-bots but without damage allowed to each
unit.....they need to push the other out of a circle area. Brian &
friend set up an interesting table display of the models and a play area
with tubs of Legos for people to build with. A couple times there were
quite a few adults building alongside the children. Another friend
brought a model of the Taiwan Government Building she built. Brian has a
unique Lego business card dispenser he designed and built of Lego (what
else!) When you turn the crank handle, a wheel slides a single card up
for you to take. That turned out to be the model getting the most
attention. As I was sitting near the table, I was even asked by small
children; "can I say Chinese?" (meaning can I speak Chinese?)
Brian and I and a couple others were the only Americans and we met one
German in the Science Center that day. During part of the day I walked
about 6 miles around the neighborhood and through some stores more
about that later. Of course I didn't understand a word of the award
ceremony except ok� after each presentation as they directed
winning teams off the stage. The trophies for the Lego competition were
made of Lego! Typhon Songda is moving more toward Japan so we did not
get the rain and wind as forecast .just the increase in humidity (like
we needed any more!) After a long day we loaded up the display and went
home. Carol had made ��Cowboy Bean Hot dish, one of Brian's
favorites. |
Tuesday, September 7th 2004 - 09:13:19 AM
Name: |
Tracy Anderson |
E-mail address: |
tracerdoodle13@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Bill- Hey there! I haven't talked to you for so long. I have been a
busy women. I have spent most of my time at work of coarse, but I have
also spent some time at the doctors office. You see it turns out I am
going to be a mommy!!! I am about 10 weeks pregnant. I am due April 1,
2005. I can't believe it myself but it is the truth. I was really
starting to wonder about my pants not fitting as nice. I found out about
a month ago. Today I went to put my work pants on but they didn't fit.
Before work I had to buy new ones. And this is only the beginning. I
will have to come see you so you can see me when I get huge, I think I
will be funny looking. Anyway that is what going on in my life, It
sounds like you are doing better. I will have to come visit. I am not
sure when I have tons of stuff going on right now but when it slows down
a bit then I will let you know. Talk to you later. P.S. Mom says hello!
-Tracy |
Monday, September 6th 2004 - 07:00:26 PM
Name: |
Jenn |
Comments: |
Bill- I am so proud of how far you have come and the strides that you
are continuing to make. Watching you walk up the steps at Mom and Dads
house all by yourself amazed me once more. We are all proud of you, and
your two little angels (Abby and Emma) can not wait to go sliding with
you this winter (its coming soon). Remember our date for Saturday
evening, the good old �Demo Derby�. Take care and I�ll see you
soon� Love Jenn |
Monday, September 6th 2004 - 06:49:39 PM
Name: |
Alicia Anderson |
E-mail address: |
anderson985@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy~ It was good to hear all that good news. Looks like things
are getting back to where they should be. I hope to Courage Center is
going well for you. I keep meaning to come and see you but I started
School at North Hennipin, So its hard for me to even see my Family. I
will make it out there soon though. Promise! Well Its weird that I
didn't have to go back to high school this year. Nice though I was
really sick of it. Do you remember me talking about my boyfriend I had
for just a bout 3 years, well we broke up so a lot of things are new for
me these days. Shannon has a birthday coming up here soon on the 17th of
September. It's her golden birthday, Can you believe Shannon will be 17
this year. Wow time flys. And me I'm going to be 19. Remember when we
were like 13 and I was 15! We've grown up a lot. well Bill I should get
going and do some homework thought I would write to you and say
"Hi". If you feel like it and you are able to email me go for
it I would love to get an email from you any day!. Anderson985@yahoo.com
Have a good day and I will hopefully hear from you soon or see you soon.
Hang in there man!! Alicia |
Sunday, September 5th 2004 - 03:28:31 PM
Name: |
Carol Heins |
Comments: |
Bill, Forgot to tell you where we are...we're in Taipei, Taiwan, where
Brian lives. That's what we're writing about each day. Love, Aunt Carol |
Sunday, September 5th 2004 - 04:58:31 AM
Name: |
Carol & Les Heins |
E-mail address: |
les_heins@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Bill, sending our journal for you to read in your spare time. Thought
this would be the easiest way for you to read it. Hope you are staying
as well as it sounds in your latest update. Back to Courage Center for
you! Hurray! Okay, here's our trip news: Sept 1: We made it! Thanks to
Don & Jean Adams for driving us to airport with all the boxes. It
was funny watching San Diego baggage security x-ray and then open each
of the large moving boxes with Legos...not sure what they saw on xray
since it was only Legos, some kids books and some DVD's...was amusing to
watch as they struggled to re-pack the boxes since Les had the stuff in
there very compact and nested together in a specific way.....since we
hung around to watch them from a short distance, they did an ok job and
retaped the boxes....have not unpacked boxes yet we think they all made
it fine. Long, looooooooong flights....but very smooth flights, only
minor bumps during last hour or so....not bad considering 100-150 mph
headwinds most of the way....last couple hours had a 70 mph tail
wind...arrived about 20 min early but somewhere along the way lost a
day!....maybe we will find it on our way back home. Did not sleep very
much but we survived...with our 9 hours in Detroit airport Les did get
some sleep on floor there....very new airport building at Detroit and
very clean...and except for connecting passengers between 11am - 2pm,
not very crowded at airport. It is HOT and HUMID in Taipei...high 90's
and maybe down below 80 at night. At least they have an A/C unit in
their LEGO classroom/living room where we are staying. Great to see them
all....Calvin had gone to bed earlier than usual so they were up again
and out for a walk to the store with Clara when we arrived at their apt
about 11pm. It was fun to play a little with Calvin before we all went
to bed....he enjoyed wrestling with grandpa Les on our airbed after we
got it inflated and showed grandma Carol his cardboard box that can be
his house, his room or his boat depending upon which way he turns it.
Slept well last night and glad we do not need to get on an airplane for
a few weeks. At our stop in Tokyo, Japan we found some recliners in a
passenger lounge downstairs and CNN in English on large TV...Carol tried
the Haagan Daz "Green Tea" ice cream...very good, but not for
everyone, esp. those who expect green ice cream to be mint
flavored--NOT! It is now 7:30am Thursday in Taiwan.....looking forward
to our first day here. More later ! (Brian has a fast internet
connection and an english/chinese keyboard on his computer.) ***** Sept
2 & 3: All the boxes we brought got unpacked and Brian was glad to
get some Captain Crunch cereal from USA and all the specialized
educational and robotic control Legos he had bought and shipped to Poway
for us to bring with on this trip. Calvin has adapted one of the large
boxes as his play thing and grandpa Les pushes him in it as his car
sometimes. Calvin really enjoys tumbling and playing with grandma Carol
on our airbed and he is always rearranging our pillows. Continues hot
and humid. Thurs we walked around immediate neighborhood...a real
mixture of buildings, mostly apartment buildings but some very old style
single story houses with lots with trees. Cars and scooters, scooters
and more scooters everywhere. Large Catholic church two blocks away with
an English language service each Sunday. Two small parks nearby and a
very big park about 4 blocks away (have not been to that one yet). Ate
at the food court at bottom of Taipei 101, worlds tallest building just
recently completed. (101 floors above ground and many levels of parking
underneath.) Les saw many foods that did not appear to be on his list of
things he would eat. Then we went shopping at "Jason's" a full
grocery store at that location to get the supplies needed for Carol to
bake a couple of Brian's favorite things. Was interesting trying to find
powdered sugar (called icing sugar) and finally found the Wesson
vegetable shortening even though 2 clerks and even the bakers in their
bakery were puzzled...seems like "shortening" and even using
"lard" as an example did not translate (they primarily cook
using oils and seems like many families do not bake. (Brian &
Clara's apt has no oven so we use toaster oven.) Carol decided to bake
late last night (after 10pm) and needed baking powder so she walked a
few blocks (by herself) and paid for it with Taiwanese currency and got
the correct change! Thanks to previous e-mail correspondence with Taiwan
square dancers, we were able to attend an A2 level square dance on
Thursday night pretty close to the apartment. They had about 20 people
attend and they dance to CD's of USA callers. They gave us an
"International Friendship" banner and free dancing. I will
send them some CD's of C1 dancing, which they have requested. Having a
great time despite the weather. But at least we're not in Florida right
now! Brian looks great and his home is set up for his Lego business. He
even has an "American Lego" sign advertising in the Lane
outside his apartment. Will write more later. Love to all, Carol &
Les ******* Sept 3 part two: Forgot to mention that Les had a real
interesting time riding with Brian on the back of his
scooter....fortunately only went short distances to exchange US for
Taiwan dollars at a bank and stop to make dinner reservations. Try to
picture them both over 6 feet tall on one scooter ! Exciting displays of
fabrics and trim fill a multi-story fabric district building....hundreds
of individual shop owners...Brian bought material for a display table at
one booth and then we took it upstairs to have edge trim put on....they
finished it while we strolled and took colorful pictures among the maze
of fabrics. Brian then took Les to the "metals district," a
series of small shops selling a mixture of hardware, tools, metals
pieces, plastics, etc.....not like the convenience of Home Depot in San
Diego. Not able to readily find the concrete anchor screws we were
looking for. Most buildings are made of solid concrete walls so it is
amazing that such fasteners are not readily available here. For a taste
of home we visited COSTCO and stocked up on the basics of milk, ice
cream, mango juice, walnuts, and toilet tissue and brought home a slice
of seafood pizza for Clara and a hawaiian slice for Les. Carol wanted to
buy turkey, but all they had was goose so she bought pork. Then at
exactly 6:40pm on Friday Carol and Calvin followed Clara as she carried
garbage bags to the corner where two trucks parked for 5 minutes while
everyone threw in their waste. Complex trash pickup methods and very
limited timing to get your trash out. ******* Sept 4: Woke to some
sprinkles on windows this morning....somewhat overcast since a Typhon is
approaching...heavy thunderstorms and heavy rains expected in a few
days. Today however it became very hot and humid (heat index of 105
expected) but a sporadic breeze helps. After Brian finished tutoring a
3rd grader in English skills, and Clara left for her part time job
working at a private school helping people study for exams, we walked to
a large park with Brian and his friend Matthew and watched as they and
the kids played. Matthew is originally from Louisville, KY. Learned
today that toilet tissue is not provided in public restrooms so you need
to bring your own. Reportedly they don't provide tissue since people
would steal it. Ironic since when your put gas in the car you
automatically get boxes of Kleenex tissue whether you want it or not!
Then Brian had to be home to supervise a session of his Lego Club so
Matthew and his wife Isabelle and daughter Zoe (2 years old) took us to
the Ice Monster to have wonderful bowls of ice slush covered with fresh
fruit with just a little sweetened condensed milk poured over it and a
scoop of natural strawberry ice cream on top. Since it is walking
distance from the apartment, Les is sure we will be having a few of
these in following weeks. It is a very popular place. |
Sunday, September 5th 2004 - 04:52:02 AM
Name: |
Carie |
Comments: |
Good morning. It was nice to see you yesterday. Your getting better
everyday. I cant wait until you get back here so we can go to our
lunches again. HURRY HURRY. Your almost there. I hope you come in on
Fridays as planned. We can keep you busy. Want to do some VPOS? HAHA J/K
Hope everything goes as planned though. Your doing great, SOLDIER BOY!!
I have been organizing a lot with this move we just did. DJ is just
loving the fact he has a yard to run and play in now. He needed one of
those bad. Run off all that little boy energy. He has way too much. He
is starting to make me feel old school now. NOT!! I can still keep up.
Anyway - I hope you start coming into work sooner than later. We miss
you so much. Talk to you later. Love ya - Carie |
Friday, September 3rd 2004 - 11:52:50 AM
Name: |
Ann Rieff |
E-mail address: |
annrieff@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Good Morning Billy, We are so pleased to here of your progress and
that you are going back to Courage Center. We missed your parents @ the
last fire, may-be you could come up with them for the next on the 11th?.
Brian is up north bear hunting! can you believe that? We hope you have a
good day. Thinking of you.... Ann and Tom |
Friday, September 3rd 2004 - 06:06:36 AM
Name: |
Josh |
Comments: |
We look forward to visiting you at the Courage Center again. Hope to
see you soon and stay strong like you always have. Josh, Angie and
Keegan |
Wednesday, September 1st 2004 - 10:28:01 PM
Name: |
Lesley Anderson |
E-mail address: |
lkanderson@emmerlaw.com |
Comments: |
Hello there Billy! It has been a longtime since we have talked. I am
sorry to hear about your accident. I have been keeping updated with your
progress from your website. I talked to Sandy the other day and she
filled me full of good information. I also received the message from my
mother that you called my house on Friday. I am sorry that I have moved,
but I am planning on a night that I am able to come and see you. I
believe Sandy was going to try to come with me. I am excited to see you
though. I just thought I would write a quick note while at work just to
say hi! I will be in touch and see you soon! Lesley :) |
Monday, August 30th 2004 - 12:52:17 PM
Name: |
Krissy |
E-mail address: |
kiki12277@aol.com |
Comments: |
Hey Bill nice to see you got a new refreshing room! Your doing great
keep up the good work, see ya later 'o) |
Sunday, August 29th 2004 - 09:37:45 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
Comments: |
Dear Billy - Good to hear that you're on the move to Delano, and will
be back into the swing of your therapy regimen in no time. Also REALLY
glad to hear you're feeling better. Take care. Looking forward to seeing
you next week. Lynn and Dave |
Tuesday, August 24th 2004 - 06:04:37 PM
Name: |
Carol Heins |
E-mail address: |
carolheins@san.rr.com |
Comments: |
Bill, Just returned home from a dance up the coast of California in
Cayucos. Sorry to hear about your infection, but glad that surgery and
antibiotics are helping you get better. It can't be very fun being in
the hospital instead of getting physical therapy at Courage Center. Get
well soon! I know you are working hard...it shows in your face and in
how you hold yourself. So now to change the subject...Cayucos is a
touristy town just north of Morro Bay, which is a town that surrounds a
very large "rock" called Morro Rock in their harbor. At night,
when looking over the ocean to Morro Bay from Cayucos, you can see a lot
of lights interrupted by this dark spot (the rock!) It's very awesome,
especially when you look up to see all the stars and then hear the surf
crashing on the sandy beach. I walked along the beach and didn't see too
many shells (they get pulverized by the rocks too close to the shore),
but I found GREEN ROCKS! I brought a bunch home to put in my garden.
Then some friends drove us to Moonstone beach and I gathered a lot of
smooth rocks there, too. When you come to visit you'll have to check out
all the different rocks I have in my yard. We don't have grass (takes
too much water and we're trying to conserve water.) But we have lots of
ground cover and various rocks put together in nice ways. Jane was just
here for a wedding (she was the bridesmaid) and it was nice to see her.
She took her EMT certification test and is waiting for her card so she
can start working. In the meantime she's driving at Copper Mountain, but
they're not too busy. She's planning to come to Minnesota in October.
Then she can visit you. Les and I are coming in late September, so we'll
see you then, for sure. Take care of yourself and keep working hard as
you can. Don't give up! I want to go for a walk with you! See you soon,
Aunt Carol |
Monday, August 23rd 2004 - 12:50:34 AM
Name: |
Emma |
Comments: |
Dear Daddy....BREAKING NEW! I just WALKED ALL BY MYSELF!!! I took five
steps from my high chair to grandma's chair, then five steps back!
Grandma and Grandpa CHEERED and I clapped for myself!!!! I'm having lots
of fun, but I can hardly wait until I get to have fun with YOU!!! See ya
later...Emma |
Saturday, August 21st 2004 - 06:55:44 PM
Name: |
Emma |
Comments: |
Dear Daddy - I MISS YOU!!! Today I played outside and got really
dirty. It was fun, too. I took a really long nap and I'm in a SUPER
mood. Tonight I'm going to my first concert - Sawyer Brown. It's
outdoors and I can take my stroller. There will be thousands and
thousands of people there for me to watch, too. There's also a bbq, so
maybe I can eat some more corn on the cob and ribs with lots of sauce.
mmmmmm! I'm going to go help grandpa clean his boat now. I hope your
head isn't hurting as much. See you soon. Love, Emma |
Saturday, August 21st 2004 - 04:41:35 PM
Name: |
mom |
Comments: |
Bill I know you check this everyday. I believe you are doing your best
and can't wait to get back home. Things may have taken a side step but I
know you will get back on track real fast. You came through your shunt
removal surgery very nicely. A little snippety but I bet you don't
remember that because it was probably the anesthesia. You keep trying
hard and you may be surprised at how fast you will be back living at
home. I Love You. But you know that too. Gigamortz!!!!!! |
Friday, August 20th 2004 - 03:35:11 PM
Name: |
Lesley and Rob |
E-mail address: |
anderlv@aol.com |
Comments: |
Hi Bill, We were gone last week and I was just reading your updates.
Sorry to hear about your infection. Keep up the hard work Bill you can
do it. It was great to see you at our house a week ago or so. You know
you are always welcome. Take care and we will talk to you soon. Love, |
Wednesday, August 18th 2004 - 05:00:06 PM
Name: |
Linda Arens |
E-mail address: |
larens@rockler.com |
Comments: |
Hey Bill, Just got off the phone with Jeff. He said he had a good
visit with you and you are doing better. Just keep doing what they tell
you and you'll be out of there in no time. I hope they can pin point the
staph infection soon so you can get the antibiotics for that exact
infection. We are all so proud of you. You have amazed us all with your
determination to get better. I told Jeff that we have to have a bonfire one of these weekends, so you have to hurry and get well so you can come
over. Maybe we can make it a celebration in honor of you, for all of
your hard work. I will talk to Jeff and get something set up when you
are feeling better. Take care of yourself and get better soon. Lots of
Love, Linda |
Tuesday, August 17th 2004 - 03:40:22 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
Billy - You are young and you are definitely strong and you are
determined to get better. Keep fighting with the medical staff to beat
this infection. You can do it, and we know you will. With your track
record of disproving all the predictions of the docs, you'll be up and
about in days rather than weeks! and back to the harder work of your
rehab. Until then, know that you are in our thoughts and prayers! Lynn
and Dave |
Tuesday, August 17th 2004 - 03:02:46 PM
Name: |
Emma |
Comments: |
Dear Daddy: I'm glad I got to see you last night. You are my hero
because you are teaching me so many things about courage, determination
and goals. (Mommy says I already have the determination and goals thing
down pat - but she calls it 'stubbornness' because I never give up on
going after things around the house I'm not supposed to have.) I hope
you're much better very soon. Since I won't get to stay in the camper
with you this weekend, I'll have Mommy bring me to the hospital instead.
See you soon. I miss you. Love, Emma |
Friday, August 13th 2004 - 09:28:36 AM
Name: |
Jenny |
Comments: |
Bill- you�re a true fighter, you have shown all of us so far!!! I
will be down to see you after work today, but I don't think that I
should bring you a MISTER MISTY FREEZE, maybe next time :) When your
stomach gets a little better (hopefully really soon)... Love you a
bunch, Jenn |
Thursday, August 12th 2004 - 02:29:03 PM
Name: |
Crissy |
E-mail address: |
cmwindsperger@cbburnet.com |
Comments: |
Hi Billy, I just wanted to let you know that I had a lot of fun
hanging out with you this weekend. Everyone was really excited to see
you especially on Friday night. Good luck in therapy this week! I will
talk to you or see you soon. Love, Crissy |
Tuesday, August 10th 2004 - 03:02:35 PM
Name: |
Carol Heins |
E-mail address: |
carolheins@san.rr.com |
Comments: |
Bill, I am so happy to hear that everyday you are continuing to learn
to re-use that right hand. I have a friend who had to learn to walk
again after what was supposed to be a simple surgery, but a nerve in the
leg was injured during the surgery. She said it took a very long time to
completely get the use of her leg with physical therapy, but now she is
dancing again! Just remember, it seems like a long time to you when you
are trying very hard and only able to move slightly more each day, but
you are making great progress considering how serious you were injured.
Are you reading? This is a great time to catch up on movies and read
some really exciting adventure story. There are taped books, too. Just
some ideas when you have free time. Jane took EMT (Emergency Medical
Tech) training in Colorado and spent 11 days in the wilderness learning
to save people. Now she has to pass the National Board Certification
test in August so keep her in your prayers because she really wants to
do this type of work. She moved to Leadville and that's the highest city
(10,200 ft elevation) in the USA. She is surrounded by Rocky Mtn peaks
and is hiking them with friends. Sometimes she doesn't get to the top
because the weather turns bad, gets stormy or windy and really cloudy,
but she enjoys the hike and the scenery. Let me know if you want to see
some photos and I'll send you the link to her albums. She's going to
come to California for a few days because her high school best friend is
getting married and she's a bridesmaid. She told her friend she'd only
be in the wedding if she didn't have to wear PINK! So she's wearing
Periwinkle (lavender.) It will be good to see her. She thinks about you
all the time but doesn't spend too much time on the computer so I
thought I'd tell you what she's doing and that she cares about you a
lot. She's coming to Minnesota in October for Grandpa Arens' 80th
birthday party if she's not working during that time. Then she'll be
able to visit you. Keep working hard like you always do! Love from Aunt
Carol in California |
Saturday, July 31st 2004 - 03:13:32 AM
Name: |
Diane Narr, cousin of Connie Dahl |
Comments: |
I was sorry to have to miss the fund raiser due to my family commitment;
but glad it was a success. Just to let you know I continue to pray for
ALL of you along this struggle. Things will work according to HIS plan
!! Loving thoughts, as always......Diane |
Wednesday, July 28th 2004 - 04:24:34 PM
Name: |
Carie |
Comments: |
It was good to see you in the office on Friday. You really need to
stop teasing us though and get back here for good!! :) We can't wait
until you are back. Not too much longer. Have a great dinner and give me
a call later this evening. Talk to you later gater. We all miss ya and
of course love ya!! |
Tuesday, July 27th 2004 - 04:11:20 PM
Name: |
Emma |
Comments: |
Dear Daddy - I'm looking forward to spending the evening with you
today. Mommy is bringing me to Courage Center to see you right after
work/day care, so I ought to be there by about 6:15. Hopefully, we'll
stay until bedtime - around 8:30 (if I am good, Mom says.) If I'm in a
good mood and take a nap this afternoon, I might even feel like showing
you my latest fete....taking steps! I took a few for Mommy last night -
and a couple for Grandpa on Saturday, so I suppose it's time to show off
to you, too. Just think, before long you and I will be able to go for
walks together! Love you...see you tonight. Emma |
Tuesday, July 27th 2004 - 12:24:02 PM
Name: |
Krissy |
E-mail address: |
kiki12277@aol.com |
Comments: |
Hey #$*% head, good luck in therapy today. See ya later! |
Tuesday, July 27th 2004 - 07:09:54 AM
Name: |
Emma |
Comments: |
Dear Daddy: I hope you're feeling better today. I'm sorry I was
naughty last Tuesday....but I had a reason to be fussy....I'm trying to
punch through 3 more teeth all at once. That is NOT fun. It hurts every
time I smile, eat, drink or anything else. I've been good all weekend,
though. I got my first black eye, Dad! I got kicked by a (rocking) horse
at day care on Friday. Grandpa says I'm now officially 'broken in'. It's
not a bad black eye - just a little bit on my right eyelid. Everybody at
day care made a BIG FUSS over me - put ice on it, rocked me, gave me
extra cake for Jaron's birthday...so, on balance, it turned out to be a
pretty good thing! I went to a pool party for Emily's going-away
yesterday and played with lots of other kids, and got held by lots of
people....and ATE, ATE, ATE. I was SO FULL I couldn't even move...just
sat on Grandma's lap all evening without even wiggling. I'll be home
this afternoon, and we're getting the internet (FINALLY) so I'll be able
to look at your pictures again EVERY SINGLE DAY. Maybe, if I'm good,
Mommy will bring me to see you tomorrow night. I love you and miss you,
Daddy. I'll save up lots of kisses for you! XOXOXOX....Emma |
Sunday, July 25th 2004 - 11:45:37 AM
Name: |
Anne Schottenbauer |
E-mail address: |
shotty68@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Billy- Hey there bud! I am so glad to see how well you are doing. I am
sorry I miss your benefit dinner, it looks like it was a blast. I really
wished I could of been there, but I had a wedding. Billy stay strong,
and I am always thinking of you!!!! -Anne |
Tuesday, July 20th 2004 - 04:39:29 PM
Name: |
Kayla Hawkinson |
E-mail address: |
hawkinka@luther.edu |
Comments: |
I graduated from Orono with Bill. I was saddened to hear about his
accident. I didn't know about it until I went to my parent's the weekend
of July 10. I currently work for a retirement facility affiliated with
the Mayo Clinics. I would recommend getting a second opinion. It is only
2 hours from Orono and less from Golden Valley. I will keep Bill in my
prayers. |
Monday, July 19th 2004 - 06:48:13 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
Comments: |
Dearest Billy: Once again, you showed what you're made of last night
have an amazing mind - don't think there was anybody who you didn't
recognize and recall having shared good times as some point or another.
(Many of us can't remember who we had lunch with yesterday...an age
thing, you know). Your smile continues to light up a room - and that was
a pretty big room last night! You have always been one for a good party,
and a good time was had by all last night - to celebrate the tremendous
progress you've made, to date. It was a gathering that should to remind
you that there are HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of people
continuing that cheering section job so that you CAN and WILL continue
your job to improve. Wish we'd been there to see you up on the floor to
'your song', but we intend to be there in a few more months when you're
literally 'gettin down' to that and many more songs. You'll be in our
thoughts tomorrow (as you are every day). Aubrey will make sure that
Emma is ready to poor on the kisses for any resulting 'ouches'. Love
you, Bill. Have a good week! Lynn and Dave |
Sunday, July 18th 2004 - 06:29:40 PM
Name: |
Julie Scheffler |
Comments: |
WOW what an amazing night the benefit was! I'm so glad I was able to
be a part of this event for you. I'm also glad my journey of finding the
blinking lights for your wheelchair was successful. To see you out on
the dance floor and standing was the best anyone could have asked for.
It was the best sight I have seen in quite some time. Bill you give us
all so much belief in the strength we hold in ourselves. For the
strength you have shown in your journey to getting better. You have come
so far, you should be so proud of yourself. I wish you so much for your
future which I know will be bright. Again it was an amazing evening that
was incredible to see. Love Aunt Julie |
Sunday, July 18th 2004 - 02:47:53 PM
Name: |
Connie Dahl |
Comments: |
Bill you did a super job at your benefit. Everyone was so proud of
you. There were so many compliments about how great you are doing and
prayers still coming in for you. You are one amazing human being. The
turn out for your benefit was unbelievable. You have so many people
thinking about you everyday. So many people who care so much. We need to
say thank you to everyone. Yet how do we do that? One way would be to
keep doing as well as you are. Keep up the good work. I LOVE YOU!!! |
Sunday, July 18th 2004 - 12:23:51 PM
Name: |
Josh Swanson |
Comments: |
I had a wonderful time visiting with you on Wednesday it was nice to
spend time with you at dinner. Hopefully I didn't stain your shirt with
BBQ sauce. We'll see you soon. |
Sunday, July 18th 2004 - 01:26:21 AM
Name: |
James Clift |
E-mail address: |
jamesclift@702com.net |
Comments: |
Hey Bill its James again the guy who has been through it to. I just
read the update on your website. Just wanted to let you know that the
water therapy does amazing wonders. It takes the weight off of your legs
and allows you to move around quite easily, plus its warm enough in
there to loosen up those tight muscles. The baclofen is a great idea, I
take it three times a day and it eliminates about 90% of those painful
leg and arm cramps and helps to relax some elasticity. One last thing
today, if your losing a lot of weight like I did because of all of that
thin food you have to eat, I have two words for you, DAIRY QUEEN!! |
Thursday, July 15th 2004 - 12:40:21 AM
Name: |
Carol Heins |
E-mail address: |
carolheins@san.rr.com |
Comments: |
Bill, It's so exciting to read about your progress. I am so happy that
you are working so hard all the time. Every day you will be a little
stronger as long as you keep working steadily. Sounds like you are
really having a wonderful time with your daughters, too. What a great
incentive to keep improving. Sorry Les and I can't be at your benefit
this Saturday, but maybe Willie will be able to come after his
grandson's wedding in Monticello that same day. I hope so. Otherwise
he'll just have to see you another time. He's going to be in MN until
Aug 4th. I just know you will be around so many people on Saturday that
it will be mind-boggling. Have a great weekend! Love from California,
Aunt Carol |
Wednesday, July 14th 2004 - 02:50:53 AM
Name: |
Carie |
Comments: |
Hey there handsome one. I just wanted to drop a note to you and let
you know we went up to the VFW today. Everything is coming together as
we thought it would. Also the date came up so fast. July 17th is almost
finally here to celebrate your progress. I will be up there tonight to
see you for sure. I was happy to hear of your possible out date from
Courage Center. That will be nice to go home. And also get back here. We
all miss you so much at work. HURRY BACK!!! It is not the same without
you. I expect you here the day after your out date. :) Or sooner.
Whenever you feel up to it, we will all be here to greet you with wide
open arms!! I will see you tonight. Have a great day!! See ya later
gator! Love Ya and Miss Ya! |
Tuesday, July 13th 2004 - 12:40:20 PM
Name: |
April |
Comments: |
Hey Bill- It was good to see you at the parade yesterday. Amber was
very excited that you were there to watch her show off! So Saturday at
the benefit will be your chance to show off to her. I bet she'd love to
dance with you. |
Monday, July 12th 2004 - 08:38:00 AM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
Comments: |
Hey Bill! FABULOUS, FABULOUS! There's just no other way to describe
the progress you've made over the last 4 weeks! It may seem to you that
the progress is slow, and admittedly you're not skipping rope yet, but
YOU ARE WALKING SO MUCH BETTER!!!! You are gaining more strength and
control in your left leg, and your left arm and hand - you're opening
your hand SO WELL now (just gotta keep working on it like you have been
your walk). It's hard work for you, and on a day-by-day basis I
appreciate that you don't feel there's much difference - BUT THERE IS A
BIG DIFFERENCE WHEN THOSE DAYS ADD UP! I just knew you'd be better and
stronger the next time I saw you and you ARE!!! It was good to hear that
you spent a good weekend with your sweet little girls - got slathered
with kisses and crawled on like a jungle gym by both of them at once -
what FUN! Bill, just think of all the thousands of days over the tens of
years to come that you'll have with Abby and Emma - the joys (and
frustrations) of watching them grow up - the fun times you're able to
have with them now, and the many many many you'll share! God has truly
blessed you, Bill, and he's blessed those little girls, too, because
they still have a daddy. You love them and they love you....the best
motivation for working with the doctors, nurses and therapists to do
everything possible to recover! YOU CAN DO It - you ARE doing it!!!!
We'll see you next weekend I'm looking forward to some more GREAT NEWS
and demos from you! Lynn |
Monday, July 12th 2004 - 05:38:09 AM
Name: |
James Clift |
E-mail address: |
jamesclift@702com.net |
Comments: |
Hey Billy, my name is James I am 32 years old from Breckenridge
Minnesota and my story is much like yours. On 2/12/03 I fell at work and
hit my head quite hard. I was rushed to the hospital where over the
course of three days I had three brain surgeries to relieve the bleeding
and to remove two blood clots that had formed. I was in coma for two
weeks and when I woke up was paralyzed on my right side. After two
months of hard therapy I was able to leave the hospital and return home
where I would continue speech, physical and occupational therapy for
many months to come. I have limited use of my right side and get botox
injections in my right leg. My right arm is much like yours and I have
to take medication to keep the muscles from tightening up. It sounds
like your much farther along in a much shorter time than I. Your website
has some medical explanations in it that were very helpful in telling me
more about what I am going through. If you would like to talk to someone
who is going through it to or just to compare stories feel free to
e-mail me. For now keep up the good work, its going to be difficult but
worth it. TAKE IT EASY BUD!! |
Tuesday, July 6th 2004 - 12:56:04 PM
Name: |
Trish |
E-mail address: |
TrishJ613@aol.com |
Comments: |
Hey cutie! It was nice to see you again this past weekend! I even got
a nice little hand wave from you! Of course you are back to picking on
us all again! I really enjoy your nosey questions too! ; ) I know you
are bummed about not coming to Bermal Bash this year but there is always
next year and the year after! I have to admit it won't be the same
without you ripping around on the 4-wheelers and don't worry Crissy and
will vacate the Hilton Hotel until you are back next year! Take care
sweets and I will see you soon! Trish |
Tuesday, July 6th 2004 - 09:47:00 AM
Name: |
Emma |
Comments: |
Dear Daddy: I am really excited to visit you tonight. I had a fun
weekend in Ely. I went for stroller rides and scared up some deer, got
to pick LOTS of wildflowers and heard things in the woods. I got really
excited when a doe stopped about 20 feet away and stared at me. She
snorted and I snorted back. She just looked at me and looked at me -
until I jumped up and down and yelled REAL loud - then she walked into
the woods. Then, her baby fawn ran fast across the trail to join her. I
REALLY got excited, then! I sure wish you'd been there, too. It was
pretty cool. I have a BIG surprise for you tonight, Daddy. Have Mommy
show you what I can do now! You'll be really proud of me. (Just a
hint...it won't be too long until we're REALLY able to go for a walk
together). Also, I now have 3 new teeth! I worked hard to get those
buggers through! Mommy says I'm pretty grumpy (she would be too if she
had 3 teeth coming through all at the same time!) I hope you had a fun
weekend, too, and I can hardly wait for you to tell me all about it.
I've been saving up lots of hugs and kisses for you, so get ready!
They'll be plenty slobbery, so they'll last longer! Love you, love you,
love you. Emma |
Tuesday, July 6th 2004 - 05:46:33 AM
Name: |
missy |
E-mail address: |
braunm@parknicollet.com |
Comments: |
Bill it was great to see how good you're doing . You are awesome! Take
care and maybe we'll see you on the 4th! Missy |
Friday, July 2nd 2004 - 07:42:18 AM
Name: |
Debby Merritt |
E-mail address: |
debby@metro=ortho.com |
Comments: |
Dear Billy My brother was airlifted to North Memorial on Tuesday. My
cousin in Kansas sent me your home page to give us hope after he had
read your story. God Bless you, and I hope my brother can be a success
story too! |
Friday, July 2nd 2004 - 01:02:25 AM
Name: |
Paul |
Comments: |
Hi tunica albuginea, What's shaken? I am amazed to see how far you
have progressed in the past months. I was stunted to see you walking on
your own and moving your arm. You even gave the bird which I found to be
comical. That is really good shit. I will have to go over the boarder to
cheese head land and buy some shit that will blow up things for the 4th.
Maybe we can find some sort of creature to blow up or we could just
scare the shit of chops. Take easy and see you soon buddy. |
Wednesday, June 30th 2004 - 11:49:54 PM
Name: |
Krissy |
E-mail address: |
kiki12277@aol.com |
Comments: |
Hey Bill, Your doing great, keep up all the good work. I don't
know.......but I can imagine it's hard. It's also well worth it! You'll
be picking up those two beautiful girls of yours in no time. See ya
later |
Monday, June 28th 2004 - 10:10:44 PM
Name: |
Billy Dahl |
E-mail address: |
bildo381@ aol.com |
Comments: |
Hi everyone it's me Billy, I would just like to say thanks to everyone
for all your thoughts & prayers during this troublesome time in my
life. It has helped me a lot, but most of all I'd like to thank god for
giving me a second chance at life. I'm looking forward to seeing all of
you at my benefit on July 17th at the Hamel VFW. |
Saturday, June 26th 2004 - 09:11:13 AM
Name: |
Josh Kuehn |
Comments: |
Glad to here you are getting better! We have a lot of memories that i
will never forget! And we have a lot of stuff to catch up on! one day
hopefully we can! Miss you Billy! stay strong! Sincerely, Josh Kuehn |
Friday, June 25th 2004 - 01:50:20 PM
Name: |
Carie Donahue |
Comments: |
Yes Sir!!!! I knew you would be walking long before your party July
17th. I told you that you will be dancing by then. You know us ladies
here at STS will not leave the party until we get to dance with ya. You
did so good getting up out of bed and walking for DJ and I last night.
DJ was definitely speechless. He couldn't say a word!! He was in shock
and all he could do was slap his own knee!! HAHA That was funny. And
also GREAT to see your height again. NICE!!! Sorry DJ was hitting on
your big sis Krissy. He just couldn't resist telling her "Bye
Krissy, you look pretty today". Funny. You have great day and walk
to therapy every chance you get. See you later gator!! |
Wednesday, June 23rd 2004 - 03:03:05 PM
Name: |
Jamie and Chris Mauk |
E-mail address: |
jamienmauk@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy! I just wanted to say hello and let you know that we are so
happy to hear about all of the progress you have made. It sounds like
you are doing great! We were really bummed that we couldn't make it out
to Wolfies in time to see you on Friday night. Crissy is going to show
us pictures that she took on Friday-we are excited to see them! We told
Crissy to make sure to call us next time you were there so we could for
sure make it out there to see you! Keep up the great work. We look
forward to seeing you soon! |
Wednesday, June 23rd 2004 - 01:54:03 PM
Name: |
Shayna Johnson |
E-mail address: |
beanie1506@Yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Billy- I was so excited when I heard that you were at Alicias Grad
party and i tried to get there as fast as i could so I could see you,
but I didn't make it. I am just happy that you are improving everyday.
You are such a courageous person and i know that everyone is eagerly
waiting for you to be back to your old self. I will come and see you one
of these days. Maybe I'll see you up at good old Mille Lacs.Love ya
Billy. |
Wednesday, June 23rd 2004 - 08:40:53 AM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
Lynn.Rasmussen@schwans.com |
Comments: |
Billy: It was good to see you on Saturday. You've put on a bit more
weight and are looking more like your old self. (Still could use a few
more malts, etc.) As usual, your spirits were high and you brightened
the day for those of us around you. Most heartening was to see the
improvement in your stride - you're much steadier on your feet - and
amazing to see you getting up/down with very little assistance (and
later to hear from you that you got out of bed without ANY assistance.
YOUR LEFT ARM!!!! FANTASTIC!!!! A long while ago, I challenged you to
recover quickly to the point you could give your mom a hug - and I don't
believe you've done that yet. I also have reminded you in the past that
there is a sweet little girl who needs a hug from/to be held by Daddy
again. In fact, there are two such little girls - one who may remember
hugs of the past, and one who can't. That makes 3 very important ladies
in your life who need that special gift of a hug from you. Now that you
have use of your left arm, you have no excuse and in fact (from the way
I see it) a DUTY to work as hard as your therapist will let you to not
only raise/flex that arm, but to learn to give a big hug and a tender
squeeze. I expect reports in the very near future that you've in fact
rewards you receive from them will be all the motivation you'll need to
then work at loosening up that left hand - so that you'll have two hands
that work just fine - one for Abby and one for Emma to hold onto when
you take them both for a walk in the very near future!!!) (Then, after
you've taken care of your top 3 girls, you can start handing those hugs
out to your best and favorite nurses - sister Krissy, Jenny, April, your
dad, Amber - and all the other special people in your life.) So, as we
discussed yesterday, you've got a lot of work still to do, it's slow
going at times, but it IS WORTH IT....GET WITH IT TODAY AND KEEP IT UP
EVERY DAY AS YOU HAVE SINCE 2/7/04!!!! It was nice sitting by the lake
on Saturday waiting for the fish to bite (though I had my doubts we'd
get you to shore in one piece - you need to learn better navigation
skills and Aubrey needs to bone up on her piloting skills!) Looking
forward to the next time we go fishing - hope to see you with that nifty
reel you mentioned. We'll have a contest - most fish, biggest fish, best
fried fish. No doubt, I'll win. (yeah, right!!!) Take care and we'll see
you soon. Lynn |
Tuesday, June 22nd 2004 - 03:24:30 PM
Name: |
Krissy |
E-mail address: |
kiki12277@aol.com |
Comments: |
Hey $&#@ face, you are doing sooooooo great. I can not believe the
improvements you have made in just a week. Well then again I can because
it's you! I think most people put in your situation would've just given
up along time ago. Somehow you just keep getting better & better
& nothings gonna stop you. Keep smiling Bill your dimple's cute
& your right, the girls like it. See ya soon. |
Sunday, June 20th 2004 - 10:32:59 PM
Name: |
Missy Graunke |
E-mail address: |
misalynn1783@aol.com |
Comments: |
Billy~ I was finally able to get a hold of someone who had some
information for me about how you've been doing, and everything I heard
was so GREAT to hear! I'm SO unbelievably proud of you, which it sounds
as though everyone is. I know that we haven't talked or seen one another
in a while, but I am planning on coming down to visit you tomorrow just
like I told you on the phone, and hopefully you'll still be able to
somewhat recognize/remember me in person. Although if you don't it
really doesn't matter, I just want to be able to see you. Hang in there
Billy, I know you said on the phone that it's been a long trip so far,
but you're just getting to the best parts and everyone is behind you and
knows that you can do this including yourself. You have impressed a lot
of people with your strength and determination including myself and I
can't wait for more. YOU'RE AMAZING!!! Love you lots! |
Sunday, June 20th 2004 - 09:37:24 PM
Name: |
Lesley and Rob |
E-mail address: |
anderlv@aol.com |
Comments: |
Hi Bill, Love to see you out on the pontoon with your buddies. It was
really nice talking to you at the bon fire. You are looking good Billy
boy. Keep up the good work at the courage center. Take care we will talk
to you soon. Your friends, Lesley and Rob |
Monday, June 14th 2004 - 12:08:23 AM
Name: |
Alicia Anderson |
E-mail address: |
Anderson985@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy, Thanks for coming to my grad party. It was nice seeing you
out this way again. It was too bad I wasn't able to talk to you more.
There was so many people here it was a little hard to talk to them all.
If you know what I mean. You looked great though and i am so proud of
you for how far you have came. you looked like you were having fun when
you were on the boat. I hope that I will be able to see you and Dan's
Grad party. I have to go I have an interview now. I will see you later.
Maybe I will come and see you some day next week. See ya! Love ya,
Alicia |
Friday, June 11th 2004 - 10:42:10 AM
Name: |
Paul |
Comments: |
Hey Bill Every time I see your doing better and better. You still have
your sense of humor. It was good to get back on the lake like the good
old days. Good thing Brain did not have the fish finder. No worries
about snapping turtles or monster fish biting at the toes. Good luck
fishin this up coming weekend. I went and picked up "Pumping Iron
With Aronald Shwarwanager??????????" ( not real sure on the
spelling) When I see you next time, we will have to have a screening. It
is a real good motivator to get big and buff. "Hey Lou it is quiet
time" Take it easy buddy. |
Wednesday, June 9th 2004 - 03:17:32 PM
Name: |
Carol Heins |
E-mail address: |
carolheins@san.rr.com |
Comments: |
Bill, Sure is great seeing you in that pontoon boat with your friends.
And it's wonderful to read the reports about all your activities at
Courage Center. Hope they figure out how to keep helping you improve the
use of your elbow and any other things that come up. Are you able to get
in the swimming pool yet? I'm doing water-aerobics and it's so much
easier exercising my muscles this way. I can do karate kicks in the
water and frog leaps--things I could never do on land. It really makes
me feel energized after these sessions twice a week. I'm sure you'll be
doing this soon, if not already. A friend came from MN a few days ago
and we hiked a few mountain trails so he could keep training for
Grandma's Marathon in Duluth in a few weeks. He ran up one trail and met
me on the way down. I know my limits and I don't run...especially
uphill! Keep up your good work and all your exercises. Maybe someday
you'll be passing me hiking uphill! It can happen! Love, Aunt Carol |
Wednesday, June 9th 2004 - 01:04:48 AM
Name: |
Lisa Barlage |
Comments: |
You are looking good bud!! I wanted to make it out on the pontoon with
you on Sunday, but unfortunately I couldn't. Hopefully next time!! Keep
up the hard work... you are doing amazingly and will only progress more!
Hopefully I will see you soon! |
Tuesday, June 8th 2004 - 07:27:49 AM
Name: |
April Debner |
Comments: |
What a great surprise it was yesterday, you showing up at our house.
Keep up all your hard work Bill, it's paying off. Love ya - Ape |
Monday, June 7th 2004 - 12:19:05 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
vbrown@cpinternet.com |
Comments: |
Hey, Billy! How has your first 10 days at Courage Center gone? Heard
they started therapy yesterday (bet you're glad to get back at it) and
had you start walking with a cane. That's GREAT! Also heard you're able
to shrug your rt shoulder, and more movement in your left hand. YOU ARE
AMAZING!!! Keep up the hard work - it is paying off!!! Dave's trip to
the BCWCA was definitely a success....79 walleye, 19 northern, 11
crappie. The boys were beside themselves (as was Dave). We fished White
Iron 2 days this week, but only ended up w/1 crappie...though the locals
say the crappie are running on White Iron. Guess we haven't found that
magic spot yet. We'll fish again this a.m., then load the boat for the
trip back home tomorrow. It was gorgeous here yesterday and the day
before - in the low 70's on Wed/80 on Thur - which brought out the bugs
big time. Already have some nasty fly bites. Are lining up the power co
to put in the lines to our building site, then will have the excavator
lay the pad in prep for moving the sleeper cabin. Next steps will be
prepping the building site (excavation work), septic system and drilling
of well for the big cabin. Logs are ready and waiting!!! We should be
finished w/all that by Labor Day - then will be ready for the foundation
and putting up the log shell before snow flies. Maybe you'll be ready to
swing a hammer and help w/ the interior finish work by winter?!? If not,
maybe you'll be ready to come up and give us moral support, at the
least. Grandma Ginny put us through our paces...as usual....mowing,
spring clean-up of the yard, planting flower/veggie garden, etc., etc.
Wore us down. Looking forward to seeing Emma this weekend in Marshall.
Boy, I miss that little girl SO MUCH!!! (Don't think her mom misses us
seeing her every day, as she insists we've spoiled her rotten, resulting
in much of her crabbiness of late - but I think it's just the cutting of
more teeth.) Hope you have a great time at home this weekend, and fun on
the fishing trip on the 15th. Again, we're so impressed with all you've
accomplished, and are sure you will accomplish even more over the coming
weeks/months. We admire you, Bill. You're one tough kid. You're setting
an example and demonstrating inner strength that will serve your little
girls well as they grow up. You ARE a vital part of their lives - thank
God!!!! Lynn |
Friday, June 4th 2004 - 08:36:35 AM
Name: |
Emma |
Comments: |
Dear Daddy, On Friday I made my first trip to an airport - to meet my
uncles David and Denny. Their plane was late by an hour, so Grandma and
I had lunch (fresh fruit - yummy!) and walked around a lot. I really got
a kick out of seeing so many people - and they seemed to like me, so I
giggled, smiled and really wooed the crowds. (I LOVED the attention!)
Then, we drove to Ely and met up with Grandpa Dave. While we were
waiting for Mommy to drive up after work, Grandpa took my uncles,
Grandma and me six-wheeling. I REALLY, REALLY like going through the mud
puddles, and down the trails in the woods. Grandpa took me to the place
where you and he almost sunk the six-wheeler (but he wouldn't take me
through the water there). After Mommy got here, we sat around a camp
fire and I just stared at the fire, then at all the stars - and I heard
wolves howling for the first time. On Saturday, I got to go fishing in
the boat on White Iron (I didn't get to fish, but I tried to grab a pole
for myself on several occasions). Everybody in the boat except Mommy and
me caught fish - Northerns, Smallmouth Bass and BIG Crappie. Today it's
raining. Grandpa and my uncles went to the Boundary Waters to fish for
'MONSTER WALLEYE'. Mommy and I have been taking a lot of cat-naps - to
catch up for the late bedtimes the past two nights. (Daddy, I'm really
having a good time, but I miss you - and most of all, I wish I was doing
all these things with you, too. I know you're working hard to be able
to, though, and Mommy says someday soon we'll be able to do all this
stuff and more together.) I hope you are having a nice weekend with
Grandpa Ron and Grandma Connie, and I hope you are getting to fish this
weekend. Mommy's going to bring me to see you Tuesday night and I can
hardly wait. Oh, you might see some new bruises on my head because I
keep whonking it HARD. I've had a rough weekend trying to catch Grandma
Ginny's cat (Ted) under the tables, and trying to walk around all the
stuff she has in her house. I also bumped my head out on the deck. (This
place of Grandma Ginny's is NOT set up for children!!!) Love you, miss
you and I'll see you soon! Emma |
Sunday, May 30th 2004 - 02:03:27 PM
Name: |
Vanessa |
E-mail address: |
flutterbymt@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Congratulations on getting into the Courage Center so soon Billy! I
know you were looking forward to moving there from Bethesda. I am sure
the staff at Bethesda will miss you, and those at the Courage Center are
going to love having you there. Of course you have that effect on people
everywhere you go! It was good getting to see you at home, and I know
you'll keep up your speedy recovery so you can be home for good in no
time. Good luck at the Courage Center, miss ya! Vanessa |
Thursday, May 27th 2004 - 01:18:07 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
Hey there, Billy!!!! The next time we see you, you'll be in your new
digs at Courage Center. HOOORAH! We know you're looking forward to it -
one step closer to INDEPENDENCE!!! We have every confidence you'll be
strutting your stuff for them - more so every day - and AMAZING the
staff there, as you have at every stop in your journey to recovery. Too
bad the weather was stinky over the weekend, since you were looking
forward to wetting a line, but the forecast is improving (wishful
thinking?!?)so maybe soon. Take care, and know that you continue to be
in our daily thoughts and prayers. Lynn and Dave |
Monday, May 24th 2004 - 08:49:19 PM
Name: |
Carie |
Comments: |
All I can say is "WOOP WOOP". I knew you would get in the
Courage Center. It was just a matter of time. That was quick!! I am so
happy for you. Like the nurse said they are particular in who they
choose. I knew you had it in the bag from day one. Your positive energy
is bouncing off the walls. Plus your ambition and flirtology comes in
handy. :) Keep up the good work. You will only be a hop, skip and a jump
from me. That will be nice. Have a great day and AGAIN
HOME!!!!! Home is where the heart is and that is definitely here at STS
waiting for you. MISS YA AND LOVE YA TONZ!! |
Monday, May 24th 2004 - 10:38:28 AM
Name: |
Betty Ziegler |
E-mail address: |
betty.ziegler@brandes.com |
Comments: |
Dear Billy, You're probably wondering who in the world am I? I sing
with your Aunt Carol in the RB Chorale, in San Diego. I just wanted to
let you know that all of us out here have been praying for you too, and
I have been following your wonderful progress throughout the weeks.
You're really doing great, but we won't stop thinking of you, praying
for you, or wishing you the very best, Billy. Take good care of
yourself! |
Monday, May 24th 2004 - 10:09:53 AM
Name: |
Alicia Anderson |
E-mail address: |
anderson985@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy~Man I can't even tell you how excited I am for you. I think
its great that you get to go the the courage center. I think you will
like it there. I also think that it will be easier for everyone to come
and see you and well really I think that I will come see you soon too. I
graduate in about 7 days! WOW can you believe that? Hopefully I will see
you soon and hopefully you'll be able to go fishing tomorrow. GOOD LUCK!
I will talk to you later. And keep it up you can't stop now! Love ya
Alicia |
Saturday, May 22nd 2004 - 09:41:44 PM
Name: |
Carol Heins |
E-mail address: |
carolheins@san.rr.com |
Comments: |
Bill, I am so very happy that you will be living at Courage Center.
What a great place to continue your amazing recovery. We think about you
everyday and my friends are constantly asking about you. I'm hoping
you'll get to go fishing soon and enjoy one of your favorite activities.
Give your mom and dad a big hug, and your sisters, too. Love to you and
your children and family and keep up your positive attitude. Love, Aunt
Carol |
Saturday, May 22nd 2004 - 02:18:30 AM
Name: |
Jenn |
Comments: |
Bill~ I am so excited that you are going to be closer to home soon :)
Remember to stay strong and keep telling yourself that you can do it.
Your showing everyone around you how strong you really are, we are all
so proud of you, please keep up the good work and I will see you soon.
Love Jenn |
Thursday, May 20th 2004 - 08:34:04 PM
Name: |
Lesley and Rob |
E-mail address: |
anderlv@aol.com |
Comments: |
Hi Bill, We love to hear all the good news. We are so glad you got
into the Courage Center. Keep up all your hard work. Your in our
thoughts and prayers. Connie and Ron you guys hang in there. If you need
anything we are here. Take care, Your friends Rob and Lesley |
Thursday, May 20th 2004 - 09:15:28 AM
Name: |
Pat & Gary Debner |
E-mail address: |
pdebner57@hotmail |
Comments: |
Bill, I am just amazed at your progress. You will be up dancing in no
time. You and I didn't dance together at April and Mike's wedding but we
will some day. We are thinking and praying for you everyday. Praying is
very powerful and I really believe in it. Connie and Ron, I hope you
guys are taking care of yourselves too. You are always so strong. Take
care and we will talk again. |
Tuesday, May 18th 2004 - 07:23:15 PM
Name: |
Kurt Seydow |
Comments: |
Hey Mr. Bill! It sure was nice seeing you in your old environment
again. Soon you'll be out of there and moving on to Courage Center where
it will be so much easier for your family and friends to visit. It's
great seeing you make such amazing strides each day. You're such a great
person and you have such great determination. You've taught me a lot
about positive thinking and setting goals and not looking back. Best of
all, you are achieving those goals and it's so cool to see you do it. I
can't wait until we all get together for the benefit. It's going to be a
blast! Hope you enjoy the magazines, see you soon, buddy! Kurt |
Sunday, May 16th 2004 - 09:14:24 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
Billy: Last week had its ups and downs, but mostly UPS! The results of
the BOTOX are GREAT!!! Before you know it, you'll be you will be walking
thousands of feet!!! Great news about Courage Center. We'll all keep our
fingers crossed that an opening comes soon. Keep up the hard work....the
rewards are worth the pain! Thinking of you daily....Lynn |
Sunday, May 16th 2004 - 09:07:38 AM
Name: |
Nicole VanBockel |
Comments: |
Bill I am so glad to see that you are doing much better. You must be a
really strong person to go through everything you have encountered in
the past few months and still be able to keep your spirits high. Again I
am glad to see that you are doing so well I hope to see you in a few
months. My thoughts and prayers are with you. |
Thursday, May 13th 2004 - 07:34:05 PM
Name: |
Carie |
Comments: |
Good morning. I just wanted to let you know it was the best thing to
see your face at STS again! It really made everyone's day. I wish you
could have stayed longer and worked on some VPO's or something with me.
HAHA. Oh well, soon enough you will be back in your desk and when you
stand up I will see your head over the cubes as usual. Every day you are
getting better. It is amazing to see the progress you have made,
SUPERMAN!! I can't wait to hear about the Courage Center on Friday. You
are a perfect candidate, that is for sure. Your so positive and focused
on getting back here. Keep it up. Every day that passes is one day
closer to getting here Mr. Bill so keep on pushing. I'll talk to you
later gator. LOVE YA! |
Thursday, May 13th 2004 - 10:41:55 AM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
Billy, Ron, Connie, girls and family - it was great to see you on
Sunday - Mother's Day - all together at home. We enjoyed spending the
time with you all. Billy, you look so good, having gained the pounds -
and you looked even better on Monday when you had that fresh shave! I
wanted to send a note to say that I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and
hoping that the dr appt brings good prospects and a quick timeline for
making the repairs that will get those wings flapping (you still owe
your Mom a BIG HUG, you know!) We'll stop in to see you (hopefully at
Courage Residence) the next time we're in the Twin Cities. Take care,
keep up the hard/rewarding work and keep downing that food - gotta beef
you back up! Lynn |
Tuesday, May 11th 2004 - 08:15:54 PM
Name: |
Mary Sorensen |
E-mail address: |
kauth53@msn.com |
Comments: |
Bill, So glad to hear that you're getting to come home for visits now.
I know you're family is very happy about that too. Getting to see you in
your own home instead of a hospital bed cheers everyone so much. I am so
proud of all the progress you have made. Keep up the great work. |
Friday, May 7th 2004 - 10:17:35 AM
Name: |
carie |
Comments: |
Good morning. Just wanted to say HELLO. Have a great day!! Work real
hard!! Also Monday is a big day for you. Get ready for the courage
center person to come see you. That way you can get out of there and be
a lot closer to home. I'm sure you will charm them as you do everyone
else. They will be more than happy to meet you I'm sure. It seems that
all of us at work have a case of the BILLY-I-DIS. Some more than others
of course. LOL. Anyway have fun when you go home this weekend. Remember,
every day you are one day closer to getting back here. LOVE YA!! |
Thursday, May 6th 2004 - 10:29:04 AM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
Billy....Once again, pleased to hear of your continued progress in
therapy. You are AMAZING!!! So happy for you that your day trip home was
enjoyable. We will be heading your way (or I should say your area)
bright and early Saturday morning (if not before) to plant our girls
closer to you. They are both excited. We, on the other hand, are
becoming more sad with each passing day. Hope to have the opportunity to
stop in and say hi while we're in the Twin Cities. See you soon. Lynn |
Wednesday, May 5th 2004 - 05:14:39 PM
Name: |
Brian Heins |
E-mail address: |
brian.heins@gmail.com |
Comments: |
Hello, You...have...four-hundred-fifty-eight...new...messages...
BEEEEEEEEP! Hi, Billy, it's your cousin Brian checking in. Sounds like
you were able to get out this past weekend, I hope it worked out for
you. I'm just sittin' at my PC in my apartment in Taipei, getting ready
for bed soon. It's really hot here now. I got sunburned on my right arm
- right down the side, my hair hides it but it really hurts. Monday is
like my only day off now and there is just crap on TV. You're not
missing much I guess. My son is starting to talk a lot now in Chinese
and English so that's cool, at least I know half of what he's saying. I
hope I can bring him to Minnesota one of these days, maybe during the
winter, check out the ice castle next time they build it. I'm trying to
have cold thoughts to deal with this heat. One last bit of advice, you
don't have to read all these messages right away. Pace yourself, please.
Later, Brian |
Monday, May 3rd 2004 - 09:26:27 AM
Name: |
Kurt Seydow |
Comments: |
Hey Bill! WOW, it was great seeing you at home today! I'm sure it was
great for you, as well. This is just the beginning of a whole new
opportunity in your life. I'm so proud of all that you've accomplished
with the help of your family, friends and God! You are an inspiration to
everyone. Keep up the great work! See you soon, love ya buddy! Kurt |
Sunday, May 2nd 2004 - 07:06:14 PM
Name: |
Carol Heins |
E-mail address: |
LesHeins@san.rr.com |
Comments: |
Bill, I am so impressed with your spirit, your drive to succeed, to
push yourself as far as you can. Look how far you've come! Just 12 weeks
ago we didn't know what to expect, and certainly no one could have
predicted that you would be ready to come home so quickly. Your family
is dedicated to making sure you get the best treatment and they are
incredible people--being there every step of the way. I don't know who
is more responsible for your improvements--you or your family--because
they are there to encourage you all the time. I just want to make sure
you thank God every day for your family, Bill. Start every day with a
prayer and end every evening with a prayer. See what happens in your
life. Keep up the tough work. We're constantly thinking about you and
praying for your continued recovery. May God keep His arms around you to
steady you as you walk and may your guardian angel be right there to
support you, too. Have a great weekend with your family and soak up the
sights and smells by Lake Independence so you can bring that back with
you. Love, Aunt Carol |
Saturday, May 1st 2004 - 01:53:25 AM
Name: |
Lisa Barlage |
E-mail address: |
lisa_barlage@archway.com |
Comments: |
Hi Billy!! April showed me the video she has of you... I can't believe
how well you are doing! You are looking good too, keep showing that
dimple. Continue working as hard as you are in therapy, you have come SO
far so quickly, I am so proud of you! We all (Hanover/St
Michael/Albertville hang) miss you so much. It sounds like you may be
able to make it out just in time for the fishing opener and I bet just
knowing that makes you work so much harder!! I knew you were a strong
person, but I never would have imagined you were this strong. Keep it up
Billy and keep telling everyone "I GOT IT!!" Hopefully I will
be able to see you soon. Love ya! |
Friday, April 30th 2004 - 09:19:08 AM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
Billy - So pleased to hear the good news that you're strong enough for
a day trip home to your mom and dad's. I know you'll enjoy getting out
and about for a day! Also relieved to hear that the doc finally
identified the shoulder problem....now he can get to work and get it
fixed so that you can charge ahead in your therapy! We'll see you next
weekend. Sorry that we're snatching Emma away from you for the weekend,
but Dave and I want to introduce her to her great grandpa and great
uncle/aunt/cousin in KS. Don't fret, though. That little sweetie insists
on looking at her pictures of Daddy EVERY DAY...so those will go on the
trip, too. She'll be ready to slobber you with kisses on the 8th! Keep
up your hard work next week, so you can show off to us when we visit!
Lynn |
Thursday, April 29th 2004 - 09:03:54 PM
Name: |
carie |
Comments: |
Hey there. I heard the good news. You get to relax in your own bed for
a while. That will be real nice. I also heard you have a really cute
nurse giving you sponge baths. THAT IS EVEN BETTER!!! I know you are
feeling a lot better. Just remember eat all your food and do your best
in all your therapies. If it don't hurt, it is not working. I know I
don't even have to tell you that. You will just do it. Have a great day.
I will talk to you later. If you ever need anything, just call. I'll be
there. Oh yeah, you had told Tom and Jon that you couldn't drink that Mr
Pibb they brought for you. They said you told them you can only drink
water so you don't get dehydrated. Good answer. They gave it to me. I'll
think of you every sip I take. LOL. LOVE YA! Did you see that -I wrote
Thursday, April 29th 2004 - 02:09:33 PM
Name: |
Josh Amland |
E-mail address: |
josh@archerlandtitle.com |
Comments: |
hey Billy boy, glad to hear you're doing so well! you have a wonderful
family behind you, bless them for all of their support. hope to see you
soon! let me know when you can steal the old lady's sporty, we'll take a
good long ride. |
Wednesday, April 28th 2004 - 09:39:19 AM
Name: |
Pati |
Comments: |
Hey Bill, sounds like you are making a terrific speedy progress there
with everything. I am so happy for you and your family that everything
is going to be o.k., will come and see you soon, hang in there, your
doing great:)!!!! Happy Birthday Jenny:)!!!! |
Wednesday, April 28th 2004 - 06:30:09 AM
Name: |
Carie |
Comments: |
Good morning. Just was sitting here at work thinking about you wall jumping
for me to get in my office every time I forgot my key. You know I won't
jump the wall. It is too much of a drop for me. Can't wait for you to
get back here. I seen the video your sister took of you walking. I WAS
SO HAPPY AND PROUD YOU!! That is what I'm talking about. KEEP GOING!!
Don't stop. NO PAIN, NO GAIN!! You are doing a great job. I will see you
this evening. Have a great day and show them what you got!! |
Tuesday, April 27th 2004 - 09:02:46 AM
Name: |
Ben Bidne |
E-mail address: |
ben.bidne@bsci.com |
Comments: |
I used to go camping with Billy and got to know him well over past 4
years. don't know if this is to him or his family. just want to know
that he is doing alright. |
Monday, April 26th 2004 - 03:18:10 PM
Name: |
Alicia Anderson |
E-mail address: |
anderson985@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Billy~ It was so nice to see you on Sunday. It was a blast Considering
I haven't seen you for about a year or more. You are a fun guy and I
miss you! Get better so you can hang out with us Andersons again. I
think that you look great. And most of all your doing a GOOD job getting
better. It was fun, I think that Tracy might be coming down this week
sometime. Maybe I will come down with her. But only if it will be ok.
Next time I do come down though I want you to show us how you can walk.
Because yesterday I think that you were tired and you didn't feel like
it. That's cool though your still doing awesome! Well I suppose I will
go and I will hopefully come down again this week and see you. Get
better soon! We're all praying for ya. Plus You have to come up north
sometime and come fishing with us again (like we used to) love ya,
Alicia |
Monday, April 26th 2004 - 02:43:47 PM
Name: |
Joshua |
Comments: |
Billy, I have really enjoyed spending time with you in the last two
weeks. It sure is nice to talk to you. I can't wait to come see you
again. I will be coming down there as often as I can or until you tell
me to get out. Don't worry buddy we'll be out fly fishing before you
know it. Spring of 2005 I'll take you out. That's a promise. Of course I'm
sure you'll show me how it's done. |
Saturday, April 24th 2004 - 12:15:44 AM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
Billy, the news that you're walking is ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!! You are
accomplishing so much so quickly and continue to amaze everyone. Your
parents and sisters are bursting with pride each time we see them, with
good reason. Keep your spirits up and remain determined, Bill! I
promised you updates on Emma - well, she has a second tooth - it popped
through yesterday. She's looking forward to seeing her daddy tomorrow -
instead of only begin able to visit the website to view her favorite
pictures of you (she still giggles and bounces when she looks at them,
so that daily ritual will continue.) She especially likes the 'new' Mr.
Pibb pics - those really get her going (but maybe that's because she
sees Grandpa, too.) See you soon. Love, Lynn |
Friday, April 23rd 2004 - 05:45:18 AM
Name: |
Vanessa |
E-mail address: |
flutterbymt@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Billy, I am so impressed with all the progress you have been making! I
knew you could do it, but it is amazing how fast you are recovering. I
am so proud of you! I know there are lots and lots of people who are
encouraging you so you have lots of company while you are getting
better. I am planning on coming up to see you soon, I know you are
anxious to get out of there, and knowing you, it won't be long till you
do! Good luck with everything, you and your family are still in my
thoughts and prayers. See you soon, Vanessa |
Thursday, April 22nd 2004 - 10:53:47 AM
Name: |
Shayna Johnson |
E-mail address: |
Beanie1506@Yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Billy- I am so happy that you are doing better. When I saw that
picture of you for the first time it brought tears to my eyes. I am
planning on coming to see you soon. I just hope you will remember me. I
know you will have a full recovery and you are a fighter so it will not
take you six months. Well I am so glad that you are doing so good and I
will see you soon. |
Thursday, April 22nd 2004 - 08:37:26 AM
Name: |
Emma |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
Dear Daddy - I went to the doctor today and she says I'm okay now.
That means I can come see you on Saturday and I can hardly wait! Guess
what? You and I are eating the same stuff - mush. I don't think mine
tastes any better than yours, either. I had spinach lasagna followed by
bananas and blueberries - all disgusting, slimy stuff. (Believe it or
not, I didn't mind the spinach stuff all that much, except I WANT
TEXTURE TO MY FOOD!!!) I got in a fight at day care today, Daddy. It
wasn't with any of the other kids, though. It was with that darned cat -
she's a big baby. I only tried to lay down on her to cuddle for a nap,
but SHE started freaking out and SHE scratched ME, but I GOT LECTURED -
NOT HER!!! I'm thinking this life thing isn't always fair, huh? Anyway,
I'm standing up every chance I get now (but I have to still hang on to
something). I think I want to learn to walk as soon as possible, because
I know you're working really hard to walk, too. I want to go for walks
with you, Daddy! Well, I need a diaper change and a big bottle, so I'll
go now and see you on Saturday. I can hardly wait. Love, Emma |
Wednesday, April 21st 2004 - 05:21:16 AM
Name: |
Lori Vander Heyden |
E-mail address: |
lori.vanderheyden@stsflooringinc.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy. It was so good to see you today. It was great to see you
talk and laugh. I will try to get down and see you again soon! Keep up
the awesome work you are doing so we can get you back to work! |
Tuesday, April 20th 2004 - 02:36:37 PM
Name: |
Mary Sorensen |
E-mail address: |
kauth53@msn.com |
Comments: |
Tuesday, April 20th 2004 - 11:15:28 AM
Name: |
Carol & Les Heins |
E-mail address: |
LesHeins@san.rr.com |
Comments: |
Bill, It is wonderful to see a picture of you with your dad holding
the soda for you to drink. You look GREAT! I expected to see a beard and
scraggly hair. You are groomed and polished and look like you are ready
to get down to business. Whoever is cutting your hair and shaving is
doing a professional job, I must say! Thanks for posting those pictures
since we can't get to see you in person. We think about you every day
and it's a small world. Two of my friends were talking about someone who
they were praying for who was in a snowmobile accident and they looked
at the website every few days--and they had no idea they both knew me
(Carol) and it was you they were talking about. What a small world.
Talking about a small world--has Amber told you about that ride at
Disneyland? We sat in a boat and listened to the song, "It's a
Small World--After All" over and over in many languages. It was the
most colorful ride and I'm sure you will see the pictures she took. Les
and I just returned from a dance weekend in Solvang, driving through the
northern side of LA county, admiring the mountains and orange groves and
strawberry fields. It was about a 4 1/2 hour drive from San Diego. We
avoided a lot of traffic by going this route instead of through the area
around Disneyland. Someday when you are walking and doing more things I
hope you will be able to visit here and I'll take you for a ride. You
know how much I love to drive. Keep working as hard as you can every
day. We love you! |
Monday, April 19th 2004 - 12:29:11 AM
Name: |
Jenny |
Homepage: |
http://www.superiormerchandise.com |
Comments: |
Bill- It is so great to see how much you improve daily! You are doing
great- we know you will get out of there soon and we will have to
celebrate your great recovery. Please keep up the good work that you are
doing and keep impressing everyone that you can (remember that your
therapists are cute- you better really impress them). Love you, Jenn |
Sunday, April 18th 2004 - 09:22:14 PM
Name: |
Russell Ingersoll |
Comments: |
Hi Bill Just wanted you to know we have been thinking of you. Everyday. I
am amazed at the recovery you are making with all the injuries you had.
I hope to get over and see you soon. Praying for your continued
recovery. Best wishes and good luck. |
Sunday, April 18th 2004 - 08:37:06 AM
Name: |
Bill & Darcie Miller |
E-mail address: |
Comments: |
WOW. Way to go Superman. You must get that super human strength from
your Mom. May God continue to bless you and your family with good
things. Our thoughts and prayers continue to always be with your family. |
Friday, April 16th 2004 - 07:14:55 PM
Name: |
Lori Vander Heyden |
E-mail address: |
lori.vanderheyden@stsflooringinc.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy. I saw the pictures your dad took of you the other day! Your
looking great. I'll bet that Mr. Pibb tasted like the best thing in the
world. We can't wait here at work to have you back so keep up all the
awesome work your doing. If you can't go fishing on opener I promise to
catch a whole bunch for you! I am hoping to be able to come and see you
soon but in the meantime keep doing what your doing and you'll be back
in no time! |
Thursday, April 15th 2004 - 09:24:50 AM
Name: |
Tracy Anderson |
E-mail address: |
tracerdoodle13@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Billy- Just read the newest update. your doing great! You know I can't
wait to come and see you. I can't even express to you how grateful I was
on Sunday to hear you talking to me. I hope that next week I will be
able to make it down to see you. My mom can't wait to see you either.
She will probably come with me. Keep up the good news Bill. Love you
lots. Tracy |
Wednesday, April 14th 2004 - 08:50:42 PM
Name: |
Emma |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
Dear Daddy....It's pretty neat that you will be able to start standing
up. Soon you'll be walking, and that means you will be able to push me
around in my stroller! That will be a lot of fun, because you make
EVERYTHING FUN!!! My knees are pretty red and sore. I've been crawling
around and have them all raw. It really hurt a lot when Gammy put lotion
on the red spots. (I'm going to kick her even harder if she tries that
again.) I can hardly wait for the time when you can go outside with me.
I like the outdoors...I like birds, rabbits, dirt, dried leaves and
grass, but nobody around here will let me have much fun with all that. I
think they'll taste good if I can ever sneak them into my mouth. Bet you
will let me have outdoor fun, though, Daddy! See you Saturday! I can
hardly wait. Love, Emma |
Wednesday, April 14th 2004 - 06:41:27 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
Lynn.Rasmussen@schwans.com |
Comments: |
Hey, Billy...just wanted to say that we enjoyed our visit with you
last Friday. You are making such a miraculous recovery, and hearing YOU
reassure US that you'll soon be up, out and back to doing the things you
love was so heartening! And, when Emma came home on Sunday CRAWLING
after her visit to you, we got a good laugh. You assured us you'd get
her to crawl, and you did....I assume by 'willing' her to do it, just as
you are 'willing' yourself to conquer each challenge that confronts you.
Keep up the hard work...it's worth it. See you soon. Dave and Lynn |
Tuesday, April 13th 2004 - 11:27:03 AM
Name: |
Carie Donahue |
E-mail address: |
carie.donahue@stsflooring.com |
Comments: |
Just thinking of you and wanted to say how boring work is. I MISS
YOU!!!!! |
Tuesday, April 13th 2004 - 10:31:53 AM
Name: |
Jessica Naylor |
Comments: |
Hey there Billy just thought I would say Hi and just let you know that
you are doing wonderful. I am so proud of the progress you have made and
the determination you have within you. Its great to hear that you can
eat food and drink again. Next time I come up there I will kick your
nurses ass for you. Let me know if she has yet to start treating you a
little better. Well I will talk to you later and enjoy that view of the
"White House"!!! LOL Jessica is so not smart!!! ~ Love ya
Billy ~ Jessica |
Tuesday, April 13th 2004 - 06:47:56 AM
Name: |
Krissy |
E-mail address: |
kiki12277@aol.com |
Comments: |
Hey Bill, Your doing great. It was pretty cool to see ya drinking
& eating again. As soon as we get the o.k. I'm going to bring some
food & ice cream (yummy). That'll Hopefully fatten you up a bit.
That artificial dimple you got is pretty cute, how the heck will you
keep the girls away now? Just kidding &*%^ face. Your doing awesome
Bill... you've amazed everyone so far, keep up the good work. I'll see
ya soon. |
Monday, April 12th 2004 - 10:09:34 PM
Name: |
Carie Donahue |
Comments: |
We just got the email that you can start eating some food, pop and
water. I told you I would smuggle you in some leftovers from Easter, but
I think we will have to cancel that until we know exactly what you can
eat. I'll bring you a Mr Pibb when I come up on Wednesday. I enjoyed
your company on Saturday. It was nice to visit for more than just an
hour. I'm so glad you can finally drink fluids and at least eat
something. Like I told you on Saturday, the harder you work, the faster
you get to come home. SO KEEP IT UP!! You are doing great. See you
shortly. |
Monday, April 12th 2004 - 02:12:04 PM
Name: |
Tracy Anderson |
E-mail address: |
tracerdoodle13@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Billy- So good to hear your voice again. It made my Easter complete. I
was surprised to get that phone call today. I am happy to hear that you
are out of your coma. I knew you had it in you. HAPPY EASTER!!! I will
be down this week or the beginning of next depending on my work
schedule. Sending lots of love your way. Love ya. -Tracy |
Sunday, April 11th 2004 - 08:12:51 PM
Name: |
Megan and Abby |
E-mail address: |
yanezmegan@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
I just wanted to wish you a happy Easter! We will see you on Friday!!!
Love Megan and Abby |
Sunday, April 11th 2004 - 09:34:13 AM
Name: |
Arlo & Virginia Schultz |
E-mail address: |
virginiaschultz@charter.net |
Comments: |
Bill & Family: We are so thrilled that Bill is out of the coma and
on the road to recovery! What better time than Easter to remember that
miracles really do happen. We continue to keep you all in our thoughts
and prayers. Arlo & Virginia |
Saturday, April 10th 2004 - 11:13:39 PM
Name: |
Shannon Frye |
E-mail address: |
alyssasmommy1@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Billy, Its so good to hear you are out of the coma!!! You have been so
strong through all of this. Wishing you the best in your recovery. love
your cuz Shannon |
Thursday, April 8th 2004 - 09:50:57 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
Lynn.Rasmussen@schwans.com |
Comments: |
WELCOME BACK, BILLY!!!!! The reports over the past month have been so
heartening, and while each report was one of amazing progress and a new
milestone, EVERYBODY has been anticipating this most recent 'official'
word. Bill, you are a heck of a lot tougher that I ever imagined. The
professionals say that every TBI patient's recovery is drastically
different, with one of the primary factors to success being the 'will'
and 'hard work' of the patient. Your own 'will' and 'hard work' is what
has resulted in the expressions of 'amazement' from the doctors. The
hard work to full recovery isn't over, as we all know. But with your
continued demonstration of 'strong will and hard work', know that there
are many, many people who are being INSPIRED to support your efforts -
emotionally, physically and philanthropically. We are so looking forward
to visiting you tomorrow evening! Congrats! Lynn and Dave |
Thursday, April 8th 2004 - 11:20:25 AM
Name: |
Megan and Abby |
E-mail address: |
yanezmegan@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Billy! I am so happy that you are finally out. also so proud of you
for what you have accomplished thus far. I know that you are strong and
will be out of there in no time. we continue to pray for you and a quick
recovery. love you! Megan and Abby |
Thursday, April 8th 2004 - 10:58:15 AM
Name: |
Carie Donahue |
E-mail address: |
carie.donahue@stsflooring.com |
Comments: |
I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!! I knew you had BEEN out of that coma. You have
been so alert and know what is going on. That is awesome. Tomorrow
morning you get the jaw piece out and soon enough, we will be out on the
boat again. I can't wait. I'll probably stop up tomorrow around lunch
and say hi again. Keep on surprising them. I'm not at all surprised
because I know your strong. Next it will be you going home and there is
nothing like sleeping in your own bed. SMILES ARE ALL OVER STS FLOORING
let me tell ya. Even Sammy is happy today. We know your gonna be back
shortly. Take care. |
Thursday, April 8th 2004 - 10:51:06 AM
Name: |
Alicia Anderson |
E-mail address: |
anderson985@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Billy, I am so happy to hear that you are completely out of a coma!
It's so cool. But I am at school and I should get back to work. I will
see if I can make it down there soon. See you then! Alicia |
Thursday, April 8th 2004 - 08:25:03 AM
Name: |
Kurt Seydow |
Homepage: |
http://www.stsflooringinc.com |
Comments: |
Hey Bill! What great news I received tonight about you being out of
the coma. You never cease to amaze me. I am so proud of you! Thank God
and all the prayers across the country. I can't wait until you get out
so we can give each other some grief! Hang in there, buddy. It won't be
long now. Stay tough and keep working hard. I'll be there for you. Kurt |
Wednesday, April 7th 2004 - 11:14:04 PM
Name: |
Pati Lobitz |
E-mail address: |
PatLobitz@mchsi.com |
Comments: |
Hey Bill, Sounds like you are making an AMAZING recovery and I am so
glad for you and your family. Keep up with your progress and hopefully I
can come to see you before you are out of the hospital, The way your
going, it won't be long - Happy Birthday April:)!!!! Pati |
Wednesday, April 7th 2004 - 07:29:33 AM
Name: |
Jessica Naylor |
Comments: |
Hey there Billy, just thought I would say hi, I am going to try and
get up there some time this week to see you. I am so happy to hear that
you are doing unbelievably well. You are a trooper. Well keep your
spirits and your good sense of humor up, see ya soon!! |
Tuesday, April 6th 2004 - 06:55:38 AM
Name: |
Rob and Lesley |
E-mail address: |
anderlv@aol |
Comments: |
Hi Bill, We love to hear the progress. You are doing a awesome job!!
Now that you can have visitors we will be down to see your smiling face.
Connie and Ron we hope you guys are taking care of yourself's. You are
all in our thoughts and prayers. Take care. |
Monday, April 5th 2004 - 08:54:55 PM
Name: |
Carol and Les Heins |
E-mail address: |
lesheins@san.rr.com |
Comments: |
Bill, We are so thrilled that you are progressing so rapidly with the
help of your family and friends constant thoughts and prayers and your
strong will. We knew you could do it. Now show everyone how courageous
you are and do your best at the tasks you must achieve in order to get
home. God speed! Love, Carol & Les Heins |
Monday, April 5th 2004 - 12:13:34 PM
Name: |
Colin |
E-mail address: |
lucia_maki@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
hey there bill, what a fight huh? everybody has been keeping me
informed and my prayers have been with ya. keep up the healing and
pretty soon we can take the argo out for some ducks. see ya Billy |
Sunday, April 4th 2004 - 09:57:48 PM
Name: |
Leah Hawley |
E-mail address: |
leahhawley@msn.com |
Comments: |
Just wanted you to know that April makes us laugh with the stories of
your progress. She says your being yourself and making them laugh. I'm
so happy for you and your family. I am so glad to know that the day will
be coming soon when you get to go home and be with your family and
friends. I know you see them now but going home will be the best. Still
praying for your speedy recovery and that God will speak to everyone's
heart to help out with your financial needs. God is our provider and He
will be sure that everything will be taken care of. Leah |
Friday, April 2nd 2004 - 01:41:39 PM
Name: |
Carie Donahue |
E-mail address: |
carie.donahue@stsflooring.com |
Comments: |
YOU SAY GOD SAYS BIBLE VERSES You say: "It's impossible" God
says: All things are possible (Luke 18:27) You say: "I'm too
tired" God says: I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28-30) You say:
"Nobody really loves me" God says: I love you (John 3:16 &
John 3:34) You say: "I can't go on" God says: My grace is
sufficient (II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15) You say: "I
can't figure things out" God says: I will direct your steps
(Proverbs 3:5-6) You say: "I can't do it" God says: You can do
all things (Philippians 4:13) You say: "I'm not able" God
says: I am able (II Corinthians 9:8) You say: "It's not worth
it" God says: It will be worth it (Roman 8:28) You say: "I
can't forgive myself" God says: I Forgive you (I John 1:9 &
Romans 8:1) You say: "I can't manage" God says: I will supply
all your needs (Philippians 4:19) You say: "I'm afraid" God
says: I have not given you a spirit of fear (II Timothy 1:7) You say:
"I'm always worried and frustrated" God says: Cast all your
cares on ME (I Peter 5:7) You say: "I don't have enough faith"
God says: I've given everyone a measure of faith (Romans 12:3) You say:
"I'm not smart enough" God says: I give you wisdom (I
Corinthians 1:30) You say: "I feel all alone" God says: I will
never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5) |
Friday, April 2nd 2004 - 09:59:26 AM
Name: |
E-mail address: |
Comments: |
Thursday, April 1st 2004 - 07:04:15 PM
Name: |
Tracy Anderson |
E-mail address: |
tracerdoodle13@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Billy~ It is good to hear we can come and see you. I will be down to
see you but I am not sure of when at the moment. Keep the good news
coming! Hang in there. Love Tracy |
Thursday, April 1st 2004 - 04:37:24 PM
Name: |
Alicia Anderson |
E-mail address: |
anderson985@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy, Well we have finally got the ok to come see you. I will
have to wait and see if Tracy wants to come with me or actually more
like if I can go with her. I am so happy that your doing well. I have
always been praying for you through this whole thing! Keep it up bud! I
will come see you soon. Love ya Alicia |
Thursday, April 1st 2004 - 02:29:02 PM
Name: |
April Debner |
Comments: |
Happy April Fool's Day! I hear you like your new room. Visitors are
now able to come and see you! Now instead of just our immediate family
you can see aunts, uncles, cousins and ALL your friends. I'm sure you'll
enjoy making everyone laugh. At the rate your going, before we know it
you'll be home. Hang in there bud, love ya! -Ape |
Thursday, April 1st 2004 - 01:48:55 PM
Name: |
Carie Donahue |
E-mail address: |
carie.donahue@stsflooring.com |
Comments: |
Hi Billy Boy. Just sitting at work thinking about you. Wishing you
would walk by my office. Your dad tells me you are feeling a lot better
with the trach thingy out. GOOD!! Next it is the jaw piece. That is
great. When you move to the 4th floor, they are going to be working you.
That will be nice. Then you will be walking out that front door and home
you go. I can't wait. Everyday I think about you and pray for you every
night. Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see you again. It should
be real soon. Take care and stay strong. Love Always. |
Wednesday, March 31st 2004 - 03:59:20 PM
Name: |
Terry Niles |
E-mail address: |
terry_niles@archway.com |
Comments: |
I work with April at Archway Marketing. We will keep Bill and your
family in our thoughts and prayers. We wish you the best of luck and God
speed in your recovery. |
Wednesday, March 31st 2004 - 10:18:59 AM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
Lynn.Rasmussen@schwans.com |
Comments: |
Billy: Great news that the trach is FINALLY completely out. Hopefully,
you are much more comfortable, and hopefully you'll soon be wolfing down
all sorts of foods - to fatten you up a bit. Bet some of your mom's home
cooking will taste pretty good. Take care...you're still in our
prayers...in our thoughts. Lynn |
Tuesday, March 30th 2004 - 03:11:39 PM
Name: |
Paul |
Comments: |
hey numb nuts. It sounds like your in a lot better shape. I can't wait
till they move you off the floor you are currently on. I am looking extremely
forward to talking and seeing you. If you were wondering what a corpora
cavernosa is, well you will have to ponder the question at hand till we
met. Actually I will give you a little hint. It is part on your body.
Anyhow back to the grind. Take it easy and give them hell. See you soon
buddy |
Tuesday, March 30th 2004 - 02:49:20 PM
Name: |
Heidi Barthel |
E-mail address: |
tinoswan@msn.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy, we have been working on a few fund raisers for you. So far
we are doing pretty good, but I know more money needs to be raised to
help you pay your hospital bills. The girls from my work were happy to
donate to your fund, because they think you are so good looking of
course. Working on the fund raisers has been so much fun and it helps
the time pass, since we are unable to be with you at this time.
Hopefully we will be able to come see you soon. I can't wait to see that
smile of yours, hang in there bud. Heidi |
Tuesday, March 30th 2004 - 02:02:49 AM
Name: |
Someone who cares |
Comments: |
Bill, I hope you get better soon. A lot of people miss you! Thank God
your still alive after that. Hang in there. Unknown |
Saturday, March 27th 2004 - 02:44:08 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
Lynn.Rasmussen@schwans.com |
Comments: |
Hey, Billy! I imagine you're looking out the windows and witnessing
winter's departure/spring's entrance and getting antsy to get outside
into the nice weather and to getting ready for fishing, camping, etc.
And, appreciating that you REALLY like to sleep in on the weekends, I
imagine you're about sick of hospital schedules and endless
interruptions from the staff to check on this and that. But, you're
where you need to be for now to get the assistance needed so that when
you DO get out, when you ARE free to sleep as late as you want it will
be ONCE AND FOR ALL out of hospitals and on with your full life. The
progress you're making is amazing and humbling everyone who knows you or
has heard of you. Keep up the GREAT EFFORT you're putting forth. Emma is
looking forward to showing you all the things she's learned to do in the
past two weeks, and you will be able to talk to you and laugh with her
on this visit. Have a great weekend. Lynn |
Friday, March 26th 2004 - 02:34:13 PM
Name: |
carie.donahue@stsflooringinc.com |
E-mail address: |
carie.donahue@stsflooring.com |
Comments: |
Hey there tough one. Yesterday was a good day. I was so happy I got to
come see you. That really made my day. You are still charming, that is
for sure. You are doing so good. You had said you wanted to go home. I
know you do, but this is the best place for you right now. They will
make sure that you are able to get home soon. So keep up the good work.
I can't wait to see you again. Keep smiling. And keep flirting with
those cute nurses. |
Friday, March 26th 2004 - 11:33:47 AM
Name: |
Carol Lawrence |
E-mail address: |
carol@gustavus.edu |
Comments: |
I am Michael Debner's aunt. I got word about this accident through my
daughter, Tracy Thoma. So sorry to hear of the accident, but glad that
medical treatment is looking good. My best wishes to Bill. |
Friday, March 26th 2004 - 11:10:02 AM
Name: |
Jane Heins |
E-mail address: |
jane_heins@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Oh Billy, the day that I learned of your accident i was in tears.
Attempting to drive a bus around a ski resort where i saw a million
snowmobiles was so hard for me. I even drew a picture for you and told
you to "hang on." You and I, although we have lived far apart
for most of our lives, we have always shared such adventurous memories.
I still hold you responsible for my knew injury when I was in 7th
grade....when you dared me to go down the side of your sledding hill and
instead of the snow, I found a field plow! :) Well, I've been following
the events of your recent life and been praying all the way...I'm so
glad that you are recovering so well and so quickly! Remember, life is
valuable, but short - be sure that you are where you want to be, doing
what you want to do, and being who you want to be! :) I love you, *Jane* |
Thursday, March 25th 2004 - 05:33:09 PM
Name: |
Mary (Kauth) Sorensen |
E-mail address: |
kauth53@msn.com |
Comments: |
Bill, I talked to your Mom a few nights ago and she updated me on how
well you are doing. Keep on getting better. I was so very happy to hear
that you are sitting up and talking and cracking jokes again. This is a
great joy and relief for your family and friends. I will keep praying
for your speedy recovery, it sounds like your friends are eagerly
waiting for you to party with them again. |
Thursday, March 25th 2004 - 09:52:47 AM
Name: |
Carol & Les Heins |
E-mail address: |
LesHeins@san.rr.com |
Comments: |
Bill, You are working really hard to recover and we just want to thank
all the prayer groups, church prayer teams and individuals who are
holding you up at all times. God bless you all! We were on a camping
trip when we heard news of your ability to talk and laugh--EXCITING!
Just want you to know that I am enjoying laughing and visiting with your
sis, April and another one of your great fans--Amber. We toured the Wild
Animal Park and the San Diego Zoo. April is getting a workout giving
Amber piggyback rides--told Amber she'll have to carry her mom all
around Disneyland--HA! Amber really wanted to swim and then go to the
ocean. We granted her this wish, but it was really icy water so the hot
tub was a little more popular with her that first night. I'm sure you'll
get more details later, but Amber is picking out some gifts for you and
is going to bring you a movie showing you a new way to catch fish. Keep
working hard to heal and we'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers all
the time. Love, Carol & Les Heins |
Tuesday, March 23rd 2004 - 11:38:39 PM
Name: |
Connie |
Comments: |
Bill, You have been amazing us all along. Just keep doing it. I know
you can. Your determination is unbelievable. It was great to hear and
see you laugh. You have a gift no one else has. always the entertainer.
Love you lots!!!!! mom |
Tuesday, March 23rd 2004 - 05:51:30 PM
Name: |
Carie Donahue |
E-mail address: |
carie.donahue@stsflooring.com |
Comments: |
Hello Again Soldier Boy. I wish I could have came to see you on your
birthday. But yesterday was a great day, I spoke with you on the phone
and "I TELL YOU WHAT", it brought tears to my eyes. But
touched my heart in a many ways. You are recovering so fast. You amaze
those Drs everyday from what your dad tells me. That is great!! Keep it
up. We all are so excited for you to get your butt back here to work you
know. Take your time and recover at your own pace. Just know that you
are dearly missed and loved. I will come see you soon as they say the
word. (Immediate and STS Family is the word I'm looking for.) Everyone
is still praying for you and your family. Talk to you real soon. Stay
strong!! Love. |
Tuesday, March 23rd 2004 - 02:46:41 PM
Name: |
Tracy Anderson |
E-mail address: |
tracerdoodle13@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Billy- WOW, I am so excited after I read the new updates, or when I
get phone calls from Jeff like the other day. Too hear about how great
your doing makes my day so happy. (it even brings little tears of happiness)
I am so proud of you for the effort you are putting into your recovery.
Keep it up and it will be no time until you get to leave. HAPPY BELATED
BIRTHDAY. I thought of you lots on your birthday. I remembered when we
dated how much you loved to eat Harry and David's gummy frogs. I use to
have to buy a bag a week. When you are able to eat them I owe you a bag
or two. Don't let me forget. Hope to be able to see you soon, love you
lots. -Tracy |
Tuesday, March 23rd 2004 - 01:21:24 PM
Name: |
Jessica Naylor |
Comments: |
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY BILLY!!!!!!! Sorry I didn't get around to
telling you sooner but I have been really busy lately. I have heard from
Brian that you are doing so much better now and I am completely amazed.
I am impressed that you have progressed so fast it just shows that you truly
are a fighter and you ARE going to make it through this. I hope to be
able to come and see you some time soon but I have been told it may be
awhile. I just want you to know however that I am and will always be
thinking about you. Hang in there and don't hit on any of your nurses!! |
Tuesday, March 23rd 2004 - 07:19:08 AM
Name: |
Kurt Seydow |
Homepage: |
http://www.stsflooringinc.com |
Comments: |
Hey Bill! It was great seeing you on your birthday! You had us going
there with your laughing and cracking jokes. Matt & Brian really got
you going and it was pretty funny. You have some pretty special friends
in those guys. They brought up a poster they made up with some photos of
you and I can see you really have a way with fish! You've come a long
way in a short time and it's great to see you coming around to your old
self. Take care buddy and keep up the good work. See you soon, Kurt. |
Monday, March 22nd 2004 - 09:38:14 PM
Name: |
Comments: |
Monday, March 22nd 2004 - 01:54:30 PM
Name: |
Lori Vander Heyden |
E-mail address: |
lori.vanderheyden@stsflooringinc.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy! Happy Birthday. Your still just a youngin but you sure are
a lucky one! It was so awesome to hear your voice on Friday. We can't
wait here at work until your fully awake and giving us all kinds of
shit. I heard what you wanted for your b-day (I am not surprised!) but
you will have to wait just a little longer. You just keep on going the
way you are and it won't be long before you are out of there and back
with everyone that misses you so much! Talk to you later!!!!! |
Monday, March 22nd 2004 - 01:41:27 PM
Name: |
Trista Westberg |
E-mail address: |
twestberg@profloorinc.com |
Comments: |
I was thinking about you today- so I thought I would check up on you-
Happy Birthday!!! Jeff F and I collected some money for your trust fund
from people at work here, hope it helps you guys out! Don't worry Kurt
helps me to remember every once in awhile to change my voice mail
(between you and me, its not the same :) Anyways- I am really glad to
hear you are doing better everyday- I pass it on to the guys in the
production room every time I check on it. Keep getting better and I hope
to talk to you again soon! P.s. You are missing our work winter party on
Saturday- Kurt, Lori, Jennifer and I will be thinking about you :) |
Monday, March 22nd 2004 - 01:26:32 PM
Name: |
Brianna Mann |
E-mail address: |
breezieseas@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILLY!!!!!! I am so glad to hear that you are getting
better. I wish you a wonderful birthday, and a wonderful year to come.
May all your wishes come true! My thoughts and prayers are with you and
your family. Keep fighting Billy!!! and Have a wonderful birthday.
Brianna |
Monday, March 22nd 2004 - 12:15:37 PM
Name: |
Kristi Dell |
E-mail address: |
kristi.dell@stsflooringinc.com |
Comments: |
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILLY, sounds like you are the same old Billy as you
always have been. I am so happy that you are coming around, and I can't
wait to see you and talk to you. Miss you lots and lots around here and
hope nothing but the best for you and your family!!!!! Get better soon
and I know that you will cuz you are soooooo amazing!!! Love ya Kristi |
Monday, March 22nd 2004 - 09:42:41 AM
Name: |
Jenny |
E-mail address: |
JennyCionca@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Bill- No words can explain what you did yesterday! You were making
jokes and laughing- (everyone in the room was laughing with you). It was
so nice to get to see you smile and laugh! Thank you so much for
cheering everyone up. You are such a great guy- please keep up the great
work. See you really soon, Jenn |
Monday, March 22nd 2004 - 08:33:00 AM
Name: |
Donna |
E-mail address: |
ddoboszenski@innovexinc.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy, Happy Birthday. It is wonderful to hear all the progress
you are making. Keep amazing us and hopefully we can all see you soon. |
Monday, March 22nd 2004 - 08:28:36 AM
Name: |
Ron |
E-mail address: |
rondahl1116 |
Comments: |
BILL, Yesterday on your birthday is one of the best times I can
remember in quiet some time. You smiled and laughed for the first time
since the accident. You made us all smile and laugh with you it was
great. Love Dad |
Monday, March 22nd 2004 - 07:09:46 AM
Name: |
Matt |
E-mail address: |
anderlv@aol.com |
Comments: |
Happy B'day Billy! Billy after today I will always look to you for
Inspiration, Determination, Hope, and most of all laughs. I did before
of course, but today changed everything. We will be closer than ever
from this day forward, me and your other friends are lucky to know you.
You have taught some of us valuable lessons that will help us in the
future. With the love of your Family, Relatives, and Friends we will see
this thing out. Keep up the good work, we'll be fishin' before you know
it. Love your Bro, Matt |
Monday, March 22nd 2004 - 12:15:35 AM
Name: |
April & Amber |
Comments: |
Hey Bill - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! As soon as you get home we owe you a big
b-day dinner! It'll be soon at the rate your going. Amber and I made it
to California this afternoon. The weather is great. We'll bring back the
sun, just like you asked! I'm sure you'll have made leaps and bounds by
time we see you next. Love ya! Ape & Am |
Sunday, March 21st 2004 - 10:38:32 PM
Name: |
Krissy |
E-mail address: |
kiki12277@aol.com` |
Comments: |
Happy Birthday Bill Well you little terd, you made my day today. It
was so wonderful to see & hear you laugh let alone see your smile.
It was pretty nice to hear you call me by the nickname you gave me a
long time ago. It might not be the nicest thing but it was always a
little joke between us & you can keep on calling me that. You keep
getting better & better everyday. You amaze me by how strong you've
been thru this whole thing. I'll see ya soon $%^# face. |
Sunday, March 21st 2004 - 09:13:28 PM
Name: |
Lisa |
E-mail address: |
lisa_barlage@archway.com |
Comments: |
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILLY!!! We will all have to celebrate with you at the
4H, when you are ready. Stay strong, you are progressing so much daily.
I talk to April at work a lot, she is always so excited to tell a new
story on something you have done. You are an amazing person and have
come so far already! Stay patient, you will get there! The entire
Hanover gang misses you! And at this rate... you may just make it to
Bermel Bash 2004 after all. :) Hang in there Billy... we will see you
soon! |
Sunday, March 21st 2004 - 05:32:15 PM
Name: |
Crissy |
E-mail address: |
CMWindsperger@cbburnet.com |
Comments: |
Hi Billy! Happy Birthday to you! Hope to see you soon! Love, Crissy |
Sunday, March 21st 2004 - 12:08:21 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
Dearest Billy...Happy 23rd Birthday! We are so pleased for you and
your family - and for our little angel, Emma - that you are making such
a strong recovery. We'll celebrate your special day at some point in the
future...maybe in the North Woods fishing in the Boundary Waters?!? We
plan to move the cabin to our ground this spring. It'll be much more
quiet and peaceful...a good place to reflect. As usual, it's yours for
the using when ever you're ready. Keep up the hard work in therapy.
We'll see you soon. Again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Dave and Lynn |
Sunday, March 21st 2004 - 09:49:26 AM
Name: |
Megan and Abby |
E-mail address: |
yanezmegan@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Happy Birthday Billy!!! You are doing so good with all your
progression. You keep fighting and always remember you have a lot of
support so you never have to be alone. We love you and are very proud of
you for what you have accomplished so far. Love Megan and Abby |
Sunday, March 21st 2004 - 09:35:39 AM
Name: |
Matt |
E-mail address: |
anderlv@aol.com |
Comments: |
BILLY'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! You little S.O.B, I know you are a strong
willed person, but to recover this fast from your type of injury is
almost unheard of. I laughed so hard when I heard from Brian what you
wanted for your Birthday, right then and there I knew you haven't even
lost a step. I'm coming to see you really soon, I miss you, Love your
bro Matt |
Friday, March 19th 2004 - 07:23:12 AM
Name: |
Paul Smaciarz |
E-mail address: |
psmaciar@css.edu |
Comments: |
Hey corpus cavernosa! I have herd the excellent news of your
progression. I am thrilled to hear your doing so well. I have been
checking out your website and talking to Wolf Chops to check up on your
skinny ass. I looked through the pictures on your website and I found
one of you and me from Ben and Jenny's wedding. HOT DAM WE LOOK GOOD!
Damnit Bobbie we should look that good everyday. I know your back in
action after what Chops told me and glad to hear it. Bill you need to
keep working on P.H.D. You should ask one of the little hottie nurses to
help you out with that being that they are so well educated. See you
soon Bill keep on truckin. |
Thursday, March 18th 2004 - 11:40:46 PM
Name: |
Ed & Pat Wickham |
E-mail address: |
wickham1@omnitelcom.com |
Comments: |
We have been keeping track of your progress on the web page. Just
wanted to let you know we are still thinking of you and your family and
you are in our prayers daily. Hang in there. Ed & Pat Wickham |
Thursday, March 18th 2004 - 05:45:26 PM
Name: |
April Debner |
Comments: |
Bill, your words have left me without any.... I am just, I don't know.
I don't even know if amazed is a strong enough word. I am so happy for
you! Keep fighting bud! love ya-Ape |
Thursday, March 18th 2004 - 03:01:38 PM
Name: |
Emma Rasmussen |
Comments: |
Way to go, Daddy!!!!! Before we know it, you'll be able to read me
stories, hold me and chase me around the room! I can hardly wait to hear
you talk to me, because I've missed that SO MUCH! Maybe soon I'll once
again be able to get tucked just right in your arm, then we'll cuddle up
and 'veg out' together while we watch a ball game! Love, Emma |
Thursday, March 18th 2004 - 05:54:33 AM
Name: |
Jenny Cionca |
E-mail address: |
jendahl0428@aol.com |
Comments: |
Billy- you truly are amazing!!! God is answering our prayers. To hear
you talk so clear tonight- it surprised us all. Hang in there Bill- we
are standing by your side every step of the way. We Love You... Jen
& Ben |
Wednesday, March 17th 2004 - 10:19:56 PM
Name: |
Alicia Anderson |
E-mail address: |
anderson985@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy! I can't even put what I want to say into words. When Tracy
came home today and told me that you actually called Jeff and talked to
him on the phone. I have to admit I was pretty surprised. I am so
excited to hear that, and I think that it is one of the coolest things I
have heard this whole time. I can't even imagine what's going on through
everyone's head. I just can't wait until I can come see you. Everyday
all I think about is you and wondering how you are doing. And when I
heard that you have been talking on the phone that just made me even
more excited. I am so proud of you this kind of stuff is hard and man it
just sucks being where you are. Remember when I was in the hospital? I
thought about how it sucked and how bad it was for me. I thought I had
it bad until I think about everything that has happened to you and
everything that you have gone through already! Its unbelievable. I am
just glad that you are making it through this in no time at all. And it
wont be long until you'll be back out there fishin' and huntin'. Well I
suppose I should get going, oh yea tomorrow we are going to Arizona to
see my grandma and grandpa. And for old times sake me and Shannon will
ride those bikes around on the roads. I remember that and how funny you
looked on the bike. It was an old time bike and it was hilarious. But I
will see you later. Hopefully by the time we come back it will be ok to
come and see you. See~ya Alicia Shannon says "hi" she says
that she's sorry that she doesn't write. She just doesn't know what to write. |
Wednesday, March 17th 2004 - 07:35:57 PM
Name: |
Kurt Seydow |
Homepage: |
http://www.stsflooringinc.com |
Comments: |
Dear Bill: All I can say is WOW!!! I've visited you every day since
the accident except a couple days, and when I miss a day, you seem to do
miraculous things. Are you trying to tell me something? Oh, well. I'll
just have to put up with it for a little longer, because at the rate
you're going, you'll be out of there really soon. I've watched you put
up such a strong fight and with God's help you've given me a lot of
inspiration. Keep fighting little buddy, I'll see you soon. Happy St.
Patrick's Day, Kurt Seydow |
Wednesday, March 17th 2004 - 06:37:55 PM
Name: |
April Debner |
E-mail address: |
aprildebner@yahoo.com |
Homepage: |
http://www.debnerdesign.com |
Comments: |
Hey Bill - Happy St.Patty! Ahh, the fun tradition of dinner at Mom
& Dad's - the salty corn beef, the smell of cooked cabbage, the good
bread and of course to top it off - the green milk! Don't worry Bill,
you aren't going to be the only one to miss it, we'll all be at the
hospital with you tonight. So when you get home we'll have to catch up
on all the occasions you've missed and spoil you. Lot's of chocolate
from v-day, birthday cake from Abby's b-day, Mom's St.Pats dinner. Well,
I'll see you tonight bud! Hang in there! Love ya! Ape |
Wednesday, March 17th 2004 - 09:36:53 AM
Name: |
Aubrey Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
Aubrey24@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy! It was SO great to hear your voice again, even though I
have to admit that it was one of the hardest parts for me so far. It
made me so happy that you knew who Emma and I were though. Don't worry,
you'll get to hold her soon okay?! I can't even explain how proud I am
of you. I always knew you were a fighter, but had no idea of just how
strong you really are. I have no doubt that you'll be back to yourself
in no time at all. I'll see you soon, and can't wait for you to show me
all the new things you can do by then!! Love you, Aubrey |
Tuesday, March 16th 2004 - 12:09:27 PM
Name: |
Jenny Cionca |
E-mail address: |
jendahl0428@aol.com |
Homepage: |
http://www.superiormerchandise.com |
Comments: |
Bill~ Your doing great!!! It is so nice to hear you talk again. I know
it is hard to talk- but hopefully in a few days they will change your
trache (to a smaller size) and that will make it easier for you talk.
There are a lot of people thinking about you daily, in fact hourly, your
a really likeable guy. Hopefully everyone will get a chance to come and
say hi to you soon. A lot of people miss you being around!!! Please stay
strong- lots of love... Jenn |
Monday, March 15th 2004 - 09:33:44 PM
Name: |
Lori Rich-Nusbaum |
E-mail address: |
gatorsb8@mchsi.com |
Homepage: |
http://www.geocities.com/manthajadon |
Comments: |
Billy, I have been checking in on you here a couple of times a week,
and I see that you seem to be making HUGE improvements! I know sometimes
they may seem frustrating to you and sometimes your family, but
frustrating or not, the fact that you are still fighting is a WONDERFUL
thing! I hope that you start to feel more like "you" soon, and
I will continue to check in on you, and pray for you! Ron and Connie,
what a great kid! I guess it comes from great parenting!!! Take care all
of you! Lots of love from St James! Lori Nusbaum (formerly Rich of
Shaw/STS Flooring) :) |
Monday, March 15th 2004 - 05:05:57 PM
Name: |
Franny Ross |
E-mail address: |
Frannycaye53@aol.com |
Comments: |
Dear Connie and family, All my prayers and best wishes to you and
especially for Bill. Although I haven't met him yet, I do know of him.
As it turns out, for the brief time he lived in Hanover, I just happened
to be his mail carrier. That's right, I am somewhat connected as I heard
about the accident from his ex-neighbor, Stan Kolasa, before I knew
which family he belonged to. I'll continue to pray for a safe and
effective recovery. Love to you and yours, Connie, Your old pal, Franny |
Friday, March 12th 2004 - 10:29:00 PM
Name: |
Your Sassiest Niece Amber |
Comments: |
HEY BILLY! I get to come see you tomorrow, I'm so excited! |
Friday, March 12th 2004 - 02:45:30 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
Comments: |
Hey, Billy. It's me again - just thinking about you, as usual. The
progress you've made over the past week is phenomenal to those who are
tracking it. I understand that for you, the past day or so has been one
of confusion and frustration, but that's said to be 'normal' and a good
thing because it means you're getting better. You are trying to
communicate verbally, and have been successful (thrilling those who
heard it) and you are wanting to control your movements - all GOOD
THINGS. Soon you'll be able to control the agitation and frustration and
turn it into determination - to tackle and master the various therapy
challenges in order to make the best possible recovery. Your
ever-supportive family will be there to bolster you, as needed, and soon
your friends will be able to join the cheering section 'in-person'.
We'll join in to reinforce you at every step of the challenges ahead of
PRAYED FOR BY SO MANY EVERY DAY. (Maybe a goal to consider is Walleye
Opener - perhaps you'll be able to wet a line by then, which would
THRILL you, I know.) Lynn |
Friday, March 12th 2004 - 12:19:42 PM
Name: |
Megan Yanez |
E-mail address: |
yanezmegan@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy ~ Abby and I went and saw you today, and you have made so
much progress since Tuesday. Today it seemed as if you wanted to talk
and you sit up in your wheelchair really good. There are so many people
that are praying and thinking of you. You are loved by many people and I
know that you will recover soon. The progress you have made is
wonderful. Hang in there and stay strong, we are all here for you! Love
you, Megan and Abby |
Thursday, March 11th 2004 - 09:48:07 PM
Name: |
Connie |
Comments: |
You have no idea how proud we are of you. In the last few days you are
holding your head higher and straighter. Your trying to say words with
your lips, your trying to communicate. It's GREAT!!! Your medication has
been changed to make you more alert and your sitting up in a wheelchair
for short periods. Dressed in your own clothes. Your getting more
handsome everyday. But don't let that go to your head. You have some
very nice nurses and pretty ones too. You keep up the good work and be
patient. I love you. |
Thursday, March 11th 2004 - 07:34:24 PM
Name: |
Linda Dillman |
E-mail address: |
linda.g.dillman@healthpartners.com |
Comments: |
Ron and Connie and family, You are in my prayers and thoughts daily. I
hope Billy and is doing better. This is a great web site to send
messages. Linda Dillman |
Thursday, March 11th 2004 - 04:41:01 PM
Name: |
Tracy Anderson |
E-mail address: |
tracerdoodle13@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hey Bill, I haven't written for a while, but I check the website
daily. I am glad for the updates, they kind of ease my worries. I am
happy that you got out of the hospital, It sounds like you will do great
at this new place. I am waiting for the okay to come and visit,
hopefully that will be soon. I just wanted to remind you that you are a
strong person with ambition, and you will conquer this. keep fighting
and continue to amaze us all. I miss you lots. Love you lots Bill!
Thinking of you, -Tracy |
Thursday, March 11th 2004 - 04:38:48 PM
Name: |
Alicia Anderson |
E-mail address: |
anderson985@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy, I am really glad to hear that you have improved greatly.
After reading that you weren't out of a coma I think everyone needed something
good to hear. I am so happy for you and happy for your family as well. I
hope you the best and you need to get better! I want to come and see you
with Tracy soon. I should go though. I will see you soon. Take care!
Alicia |
Thursday, March 11th 2004 - 01:07:49 PM
Name: |
Emma |
Comments: |
Dear Daddy: Grandma told me that you had a good day showing off some
things you can do that you hadn't shown before. Me, too! You'd be proud
of me, I think. I FINALLY decided it wasn't doing me any good to only be
cooperative with this food think once in a while and then most of the
time to keep batting that spoon away or spitting out whatever the slimy
stuff is people keep forcing into my mouth, so I just took it....and
guess what? It wasn't half bad. In fact I really liked it - something
called peas. I liked it so much, I ate a whole jar of the stuff and
wanted more. Then I had some more stuff - fruit, it's called - and ate
it all gone, too. I'm still not sold on all that cereal stuff you and
Mom had been trying to feed me. I think it's just nasty, Dad. Anyway, I
not only will eat from a spoon now, but I got pretty impatient when it
didn't keep coming to my mouth fast enough. I've got a trick up my
sleeve, though. (I did my baby wildcat scream; Grandma was so freaked
she worked pretty fast to shovel the food in. That animal act come in
handy - gets the job done! You might want to try it if those nurses
don't step to it when you need something. I'll teach you how to do the
wild scream sometime.) I also tried really hard to crawl to Grandpa. As
you know, I can get up onto my hands and knees - but I do it really good
now, Daddy. I still just can't figure it out from there. I know now that
I have to move my hands and feet together...but it's hard. I tried and
tried for Grandpa, but after I fell on my nose a 4th time I decided, to
heck with it; I can go anywhere I want by rolling and scooting, so
what's the big deal? I still got across the room to Grandpa, and he
still played with me like I wanted. I promise I'll keep trying to crawl,
though. (There ARE a lot of things I could get to and grab more easily
once I master the crawl. You may regret it when I finally get the hang
of it, though!) I'm looking forward to seeing you again this weekend if
you're feeling okay, and I'll show you in person what I can do. I love
you, Daddy. Emma |
Thursday, March 11th 2004 - 05:10:12 AM
Name: |
Rob and Lesley Anderson |
E-mail address: |
anderlv@alo |
Comments: |
Hi Bill and family, Think about you guys more than once a day. Bill
keep up the fight, we know you can do it!! It's great to get the
updates. If your going to have a benefit we would love to help in anyway
we could. Take care your in our prayers. Love your friends Rob and
Lesley |
Wednesday, March 10th 2004 - 06:59:34 PM
Name: |
Carie Donahue |
E-mail address: |
carie.donahue@stsflooringinc.com |
Comments: |
Hey Soldier Boy!! I am so excited with the progress you have made.
There are so many people praying for you and your family. We miss you so
much at work and can't wait until you come back. You are so strong and
have shown that to each and every one of us. Every night DJ and I pray
for you and your family and we will continue to do so. I have not been
to see you since the night before they moved you to Bethesda. That was
the best night for me since the accident. I knew you were on the road to
recovery. You were so alert. I asked you to blink if you remembered
Carie, like 4 different times, and you blinked at every one. THANK YOU!!
I am going to continue to pray for you and your loving family. And soon
enough, we can get you eating some real food. I'll even cook it for you.
I will see you real soon. Take care. Stay strong. Love. |
Wednesday, March 10th 2004 - 03:51:38 PM
Name: |
Ashley |
E-mail address: |
totallyme@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
This is kind of weird for me because I don't know Billy. I know his
Aunt from a website where we play games together. I am just writing to
say that Billy sounds like a fighter and I know he will make it through
this. He has such a great family and friends. I just want the family to
know that even though I don't really know any of you, Billy's Aunt
really loves and cares for him. Billy is now on my personal prayer list
as well as the prayer list at my church. I have hung a flyer at the
church for everyone to read. Many of my friends and family come to the
site often to see what progress he is making. I just wanted to say
you, Ashley |
Wednesday, March 10th 2004 - 02:49:31 PM
Name: |
April Debner |
E-mail address: |
aprildebner@yahoo.com |
Homepage: |
http://www.debnerdesign.com |
Comments: |
Well Bill, it's been a while since I wrote you a note... I might bring
Amber down to see you this weekend, we'll see how things go for you this
week. Mike is going to stop in today, he's going to watch Ty's brother
Anders play hockey, Orono made it to the state tourney this year. I'm
sure they'll turn your TV to that station for you to see/hear the games.
Your getting stronger everyday Bill, hang in! We all love you and can't
wait to see your smile! |
Wednesday, March 10th 2004 - 11:41:29 AM
Name: |
Joyce Engman |
E-mail address: |
jengman@mninter.net |
Comments: |
Billy - Another grade school friend of your Mom's wishing you a speedy
and complete recovery! Joyce |
Wednesday, March 10th 2004 - 10:14:35 AM
Name: |
Gary & Pat Debner |
E-mail address: |
pdebner57@hotmail |
Comments: |
Connie, Ron, Jen, Krissy & April Our thoughts and prayers are with
you always. Connie I talked to LuAnn Esinger, St George Church, and told
her about Billy and now Billy is on their prayer list also. The more we
get praying for Billy the better. Hang in there and we will see Billy
dancing very soon and this challenge will be a memory. Pat & Gary
Debner, |
Tuesday, March 9th 2004 - 07:31:36 PM
Name: |
Scott and Anne Wenner |
Comments: |
Hey Billy, just wanted to say keep up the fight. Your a tough kid with
lots of loving family and friends to support you through these tough
times. |
Tuesday, March 9th 2004 - 01:59:34 PM
Name: |
Barry & Jo Field |
E-mail address: |
janellwi@omnitelcom.com |
Comments: |
Bill--We've still keep thinking about you every day, wondering what's
going on and keeping an eye on the website. Our thoughts are with you
and with everyone holding together to help get you thru this. Keep up
the fight!!!! |
Tuesday, March 9th 2004 - 12:35:16 PM
Name: |
Matt |
E-mail address: |
anderlv@aol.com |
Comments: |
Hey Rockstar! it's me Matt your goofy buddy, thought I would send ya a
little letter. I think about you a lot so it's nice to type out what's
on my mind, empty it sort of to fill it back up with great memories, and
fun times we have had. When the news came about that they were moving
you to the Bethesda in St. Paul I was relieved. Like I was saying
before, we had to get you outta that dang hospital! Well mission
accomplished. The Bethesda is a wonderful place for you, I know that
first hand because of Brad Peterson's mom. She had a brain aneurysm,
which is a very difficult, and scary for a person to endure. They had
her at the Bethesda, took the best care of her, so good in fact that she
came out of there almost like nothing happened to her. I know every
person is different, but hey, always looking at the positives. Your
parents said you have a nice room, I'm anxious to come and see it, big
pimpin in St. Paul huh? Only the best for our Billy Barn Squirrel. I
have been collecting pictures from our friends, I'm going to make a big
huge poster for you to check out. It will brighten up the room a bit.
Your Dad told Brian and I that we should bring your Xbox down there,
give ya something to do anyhow. So I was thinking the other day, I know
it's hard to imagine, ME! thinking, but yeah, and this crazy memory came
to me. It goes like this.... I was in seventh grade you were in eighth
grade... we were invited to Washington DC by some random selection
process by the schools.... they had this stuff planned out to do once we
got there, an itinerary of sorts.... well on one of the days while we
were doing are daily activities, the teachers allowed you and a buddy to
wonder off for a couple of hours and look at some sights in the nations
capital, seems innocent enough, Wrong! not when your dealing with Billy
and I. After we look at like one monument were like screw this and began
our own tour of D.C. -A couple of hours go by- (Billy-"Hey
Matt" Matt-"yeah Billy" B:" Weren't we supposed to
here at like 45 minutes ago" M:" Yes Billy we were, one little
problem we don't know how to get there") So Billy and I wonder the
Streets of D.C. desperately trying to find the rondevue point where we
were supposed to meet the rest of the students and teachers 45 minutes
ago. No luck. So we walk around in the area where we think it is. Sure
enough a bus pulls up next to us on the street, it was our bus. Oh Boy!
were we in some deep shit. There wasn't any excuse that would of helped
there, needless to say the trip wasn't the same from there on out, no
one had any freedom anymore. And Billy and I were to blame, we never
heard the end of that! That's the type of stuff we have been thru
together that has made us so close. Billy you are truly one of a kind, I
wouldn't be the same as I'am today if it weren't for you. Keep battling,
like you have been doing and we will be able to create many more
memorable memories. Love Your bro, Matt |
Monday, March 8th 2004 - 09:22:44 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
Hey, Billy! It was so good to finally be able to say once again that
"Emma spent the weekend with her daddy." We're so pleased to
hear that you will soon start into a regular therapy regimen. Hope you
have a rewarding week. We'll see you soon. Lynn and Dave |
Monday, March 8th 2004 - 08:40:28 PM
Name: |
Carol & Les Heins |
E-mail address: |
LesHeins@san.rr.com |
Comments: |
Dear Billy, Just a note to let you know that we are so thankful for
your miraculous recovery and I'm not alone when I say thanks to everyone
for their continued prayers during this next phase of your recovery. You
need to wake up everyday with the desire to achieve as much as you can.
It may be difficult to move your fingers the way you want them to go and
send signals to your feet to move a certain way and not get the right
response...but keep at it because you are going to learn all over again.
Like your mom says, so many people love you and are sending words of
encouragement that we know you will do the best you can each day. Jane
(CO) and Brian (Taiwan) are sending good thoughts your way. So is
Willie. We'll keep spreading the word that continuous prayers are
requested for your complete recovery. Today is the second "really
warm"--80 degree day we've had in CA in the past few months. It's
been in the 60's and lows in the 40's which takes some getting used to
when you are expecting it to be in the 70's all the time. I know...when
it heats up to 40 in MN people shed their jackets and start wearing
shorts--so I'm not complaining at all. Just letting you know what's
going on in our part of the USA. Soon you'll be able to look out your
window and see flowers blooming. It will be a great day when you'll
stand right up out of that wheelchair and look out the window yourself!
Take care...fight hard! Love, Carol & Les |
Monday, March 8th 2004 - 08:29:30 PM
Name: |
Connie Dahl |
Comments: |
Bill It's Monday morning and the beginning of another week. We are
eager to hear what therapy the doctors will line up for you. It sounds
as if you shall be busy. It was nice to see you sitting in the
wheelchair. Keep getting better and feel the love everyone is sending
your way. You have no idea how much that is. Just lots and lots. Love ya. |
Monday, March 8th 2004 - 08:58:40 AM
Name: |
Terry Courteau Skreen |
E-mail address: |
skreens@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Dear Billy, We prayed for you at church the day after your accident.
Jennifer Butcher's mom told us about what happened. I didn't realize,
though until a couple days later when Diane Ganglehoff Derdoski told me
that you were Connie's son! I hadn't realized that. I have been praying
for you since then but only just recently got a hold of your web site
address. It is great to see how far you have progressed! You will
continue to be in my prayers. Tell your mom we would love to see her at
Axel's on Sat. March 20, if she can break away for a couple of hours!
Continue healing! I'll be watching your progress. Your mom's friend,
Terry Courteau Skreen |
Sunday, March 7th 2004 - 05:50:47 PM
Name: |
Connie Dahl |
Comments: |
Bill, your showing us everyday the strength you have. Keep it coming.
In no time you will be able to show everyone how you can twirl me in the
air until I need my wheezing juice. well, maybe I have time to get
myself in shape before that happens. Be positive!!!! It sounds like John
B. will have your dog trained enough to go with you on walks in the
future. Keep up the good work. Love you Lots. |
Sunday, March 7th 2004 - 12:08:39 PM
Name: |
JoEllen Otten |
E-mail address: |
Queendakine@aol.com |
Comments: |
Hi Billy, You don't know me, but I went to school with your mom for
many years. I just found out today of your accident and I was
devastated. I am glad you are out of your coma and know that you will
continue to get better as time goes on. I have read many of the notes
your friends and family have sent you and I am very thankful you have
such a huge support team. You and your family are in my thoughts and
prayers. I am very glad you have this website. It is so nice to have a
means to communicate ones thoughts and wishes. Take Care and stay
strong. You are loved and missed by many. JoEllen Otten |
Saturday, March 6th 2004 - 10:32:33 AM
Name: |
Stacy and Niki |
E-mail address: |
slicchic45@aol.com |
Comments: |
Billy, When we heard about your accident we were heart broken, but we
know you are a fighter and you will make it through this. We are so
happy to hear that you are on the road to recovery. We know that we lost
touch when you moved to Ely but still have many great memories like up
at Mille Lacs, skiing at Lutsen, and those late nights at Kenny's
Apartment. We want to continue making more memories in the future with
you. We will come see you as soon as you can have visitors, we can't
wait and are very excited for that day to come. You and your Family are
in our thoughts and prayers. Love Niki an Stacy |
Saturday, March 6th 2004 - 12:18:47 AM
Name: |
Alicia Anderson |
E-mail address: |
anderson985@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy, I am so happy that you are moving along very well. I can't
wait until I can come down and see you. It's been so long since I've
seen you last, probably over a year! I'm not that little girl you
remember and wow especially Shannon she sure has changed. You keep
getting better so I can come and see you ASAP. Love ya Billy! Alicia
Anderson |
Friday, March 5th 2004 - 03:48:51 PM
Name: |
Jackie Jordan -Frisvold |
E-mail address: |
j_fris@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Connie, I have been praying for Bill, you and your family every day. I
was so glad to read that he is doing better. What power all that support
and all those prayers have. Stay strong....you have friends that love
you. |
Friday, March 5th 2004 - 07:37:19 AM
Name: |
Jeano Anderson & mike Cornelius |
Comments: |
Billy, sorry it took us this long to write, but were so glad to hear
you are doing better. When I first heard I was like, no way but there
was no doubt in my mind that you would not make it. Your a tough little
shit=) As soon as you can have visitors we'll be there to see you and
your smiling face. Keep on keeping on sweetheart! love Mike & Jeano |
Thursday, March 4th 2004 - 09:22:54 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
Dear Billy: As usual, you are constantly in my thoughts, but today
most of my thoughts associated with you are really for another mother -
yours. I've seen your mom remain cool, calm, collected and constantly
upbeat and positive since the day of the accident. She's been a ROCK -
at least as viewed by others. She has comforted family and friends as
they broke down while trying to provide the comfort to you and your
family that was their intent. I've watched your mom, and I admire her so
much. As a mother, I know that she has been wrenched to the depths of
her being to stand by - helpless to take away your pain and make it all
better - what moms always want and usually are able to do for their
kids. The daily progress you have made has been the rewards she has
received. Keep it up! Do me a favor....give your mom the FIRST HUG that
you are able to give as you continue to progress. Then, give her the
opportunity to cry in relief on your incredibly strong shoulders. Lynn |
Thursday, March 4th 2004 - 03:57:05 PM
Name: |
Mary Sorensen (Kauth) |
Comments: |
Congratulations Bill on being moved to Bethesda Hospital. SO glad
you're fighting so hard to come out of this. Still praying daily for you
and wishing you all the best. Connie and Ron, I'm sending you prayers
and good wishes and admiration for the strength you have shown through
all of this. |
Thursday, March 4th 2004 - 09:20:02 AM
Name: |
Gini Riddering |
E-mail address: |
getridd@comcast.net |
Comments: |
Dear Bill, I am so pleased to hear that you are at Bethesda now and
your therapy will be starting full time. I have to tell you that I saw a
young woman on the Today show this week who suffered a very life
threatening blow to her head and was on the verge of death. She pulled
through and is living a normal life today. I could not help but think of
you and reaffirmed to me the power of prayer and positive thinking. You
are making incredible progress and I am so excited for you. Keep up the
good work. We miss you very much at work and we talk about you all the
time. You have no idea how much you are loved by your co-workers. You
have brought happiness to so many lives. We all continue to pray for
your speedy recovery. You have taught us all lessons in the power of
friendship and how to appreciate the people in our everyday lives.
Continue to heal and know that we are praying for you. Your friend, Gini |
Wednesday, March 3rd 2004 - 09:26:09 PM
Name: |
Jenny Cionca |
E-mail address: |
cioncj@parknicollet.com |
Comments: |
Bill- I was so glad to see you with your eyes wide open today!
Although you were watching the basketball game more than anything- it
was great to see you so alert! Your new room at Bethesda Hospital is
great- you have a nice view of the Capital (hopefully you will be able
to see it soon). All of the staff seem to be very nice and friendly. It
sounds like they are going to be doing a lot of therapy in the following
days/weeks, we know you will keep up your strength- you really are a
True FIGHTER. I'll be down there again to see you soon... Love, Jenny |
Wednesday, March 3rd 2004 - 08:59:37 PM
Name: |
Kathleen Seydow |
E-mail address: |
Haley1storm@aol.com |
Comments: |
Dear Billy, Even though I have met you just a few times at STS, there
is something that is magical about you. An energy that fills a room with
a smile and peaceful sensation lingers even after you leave the room.
What a wonderful gift you have! When I visited you at North and you laid
there in your bed so still, I left you my angel, so he would watch over
you until you are able to call on your angels and your god yourself. I
will continue to pray for you and your family during your healing time.
We all believe in you and if anyone can come through, it is you! And you
are! I heard good news today! You are moving to your new home in St.
Paul! AWESOME!!! My brother, Kurt, keeps me posted daily. He too is a
great guy! Wow!!! Feel Good soon so we can laugh together. Your new
friend, Kathleen |
Wednesday, March 3rd 2004 - 07:45:37 PM
Name: |
Kathy Pope |
Comments: |
I have been praying for Bill ever since Patty Washatka notified me of
his accident. I have a son who had a terrible snowboarding accident last
February. The journey that my family went on was an emotional roller
coaster. We wish you, Bill's family, strength and that they feel God's
loving arms around them constantly. I will continue to pray for all of
you. His progress sounds wonderful. Every little improvement is a big
miracle! Kathy Pope |
Wednesday, March 3rd 2004 - 01:01:25 PM
Name: |
Danny Waltenberg |
E-mail address: |
dannyawaltenberg@msn.com |
Comments: |
Billy you may remember me from Joe S., but Just want to let you know
how many people are thinking of you. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
..Danny.. |
Wednesday, March 3rd 2004 - 11:07:33 AM
Name: |
Chris Swaggert |
E-mail address: |
chris.swaggert@co.hennepin.mn.us |
Comments: |
My thoughts and prayers are with you all that Billy will make complete
recovery. He must be a pretty tough guy -- I have been checking in to
the web site periodically to see how his progress is coming along. I am
very happy for you all that is doing so well. Stay strong. Chris
Swaggert |
Wednesday, March 3rd 2004 - 09:02:59 AM
Name: |
Jessica Naylor |
E-mail address: |
jess_mn2@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Hey there Billy Boy!!! I am SO Glad to hear that you are out of ICU
and doing better. You truly are a fighter, I have never had a doubt that
you wouldn't make it. I'm also glad to hear that you will be moving a
little closer to me, and I can't wait to come and see you once you are
allowed visitors again. I really miss you Billy and I know you are going
to get through this. So many people are here for you and we all hope for
the best recovery possible for you. I just want you back to your old
self, making fun of me all the time and all, I miss that so much!!! Take
care for now Billy I will be there to see you soon! Much love Jessica |
Wednesday, March 3rd 2004 - 07:15:39 AM
Name: |
Dan Gangelhoff |
E-mail address: |
Slooge@excite.com |
Comments: |
Hey Bill, Glad to hear you're off the respirator and out of intensive
care. I was shocked to hear that a guy as thin as you has somehow
managed to lose over 20 pounds already. I'm sure your rapid weight loss
has made several frumpy middle-aged women quite envious. Perhaps the
doctors can remove some fat out of some overweight mama's rear end and
use it to beef you back up. Keep on fighting; at this rate you'll be as
good as new in no time. |
Tuesday, March 2nd 2004 - 11:45:03 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
Billy: Congrats on the progress you've made and the recovery that has
resulted in the move out of ICU!!!! We look forward to seeing you soon
at Bethesda. Aubrey and EMMA will be up to see DADDY on Saturday/Sunday.
Love and Best Wishes! Lynn and Dave |
Tuesday, March 2nd 2004 - 05:49:51 PM
Name: |
Vanessa |
E-mail address: |
flutterbymt@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy, I am just writing again to say I am so proud of the
progress you are making! I know you can make it through all this, you
have so many people supporting you, including your amazing family, all
kinds of friends, and even people who don't even know you. I was so
happy to hear you did good through your surgery! I can't wait till you
are able to check out this website and see how many people wrote
messages to you, and what everyone had to say. I miss you and keep you
in my thoughts and prayers. To Billy's family, God bless you guys, and I
wish you all more of the great strength you have shown and want you to
know there are lots of people here in CO praying for Billy and thinking
of all of you. Please let me know if there is anything at all I can do
for you. Vanessa |
Tuesday, March 2nd 2004 - 04:26:30 PM
Name: |
Joanne Hawley |
E-mail address: |
rjhawley@emily.net |
Comments: |
Bill, I am so glad to see you are improving daily. We are all still
praying here for you and your family. Joanne |
Tuesday, March 2nd 2004 - 03:02:15 PM
Name: |
Hasek Family |
E-mail address: |
MHasek1124@aol.com |
Comments: |
Bill and family, Thank you for keeping us informed with this beautiful
web site. We are so thrilled with all the recent progress and will keep
you in our prayers daily. The Hasek Family Rex, Molly, Alex & Hannah |
Tuesday, March 2nd 2004 - 01:49:48 PM
Name: |
Lucille Kauth |
Comments: |
Hi Bill, Glad to hear you're doing better. I was at the hospital with
your Grandpa to see you a couple of times. I'll keep praying for you and
hope you are up and about really soon. |
Tuesday, March 2nd 2004 - 01:45:38 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
Billy: I read today's update...your progress may be slow from the
perspective of the ever-cautious doctors- but the point is PROGRESS IS
BEING MADE AND WE CAN SEE IT. We don't care how much time you need -
take it slow and easy. I know you are a deliberate and focused person
when you have to be to tackle problems, and am guessing this is just one
of those times when you are taking the time needed to make deliberate
steps toward recovery. Hang in there and know that there are a lot of
people waiting in the wings to offer you any assistance you may need.
When you're ready, we'll be ready. Your family is AWESOME (I don't have
to tell you that, though) and still there generating mass quantities of
energy for you to draw upon. Keep up the hard work with the therapists,
because it IS paying off. You are in our thoughts and
prayers.....always. |
Tuesday, March 2nd 2004 - 12:55:10 PM
Name: |
Kathy Blanchette Olson |
E-mail address: |
DWIKMO@aol.com |
Comments: |
Sooooooooo glad to hear things are going better. I have been praying
for Bill & your family daily. Connie, when you get Bill home we will
have a little celebration party with the Loretto girls. We'll drink many
bottles of that white wine that you like !!!!!!!!!! KATHY |
Tuesday, March 2nd 2004 - 10:40:23 AM
Name: |
Mary (Kauth) Sorensen |
E-mail address: |
kauth53@msn.com |
Comments: |
Connie, Ron, Bill and girls, This has been a very frightening time for
all of you but you are all in my prayers and constantly in my thoughts.
Keep up the great work Bill, you're a tough kid, I know you'll pull out
of this. |
Tuesday, March 2nd 2004 - 08:52:11 AM
Name: |
Jim and Roxie Uzzell |
E-mail address: |
juzzell@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Billy - We were so sorry to hear about your accident, but are happy to
hear that you are on the road to recovery. Our prayer is that your
recovery will be a speedy one and that God will see you and your family
through this difficult time. We will pray for you daily. God bless you,
Billy. Your neighbor, Jim and Roxie |
Monday, March 1st 2004 - 07:10:09 PM
Name: |
Rob Hering & Rachel Jensen |
E-mail address: |
rjmay4@hotmail.com, |
Comments: |
Hey Billy! We have been calling Megan ever since we have found out
what had happened. I must say you gave us quite a scare. We were so
happy to find out that you woke up. We have discussed that you are a
fighter and we knew you would pull out of this. We have kept you in our
thoughts and prayers and will continue to do so. You have lots of
friends and family that will always be there for you. We will keep in
touch to see how things are going. Stay strong!! Rob and Rachel |
Monday, March 1st 2004 - 06:50:12 PM
Name: |
Jeff Welch |
E-mail address: |
decoy_363@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Get well soon. Our prayers are with you. Take good care of yourself so
that we can party sometime. Good Luck Jeff Welch |
Monday, March 1st 2004 - 06:25:20 PM
Name: |
Donna Doboszenski |
E-mail address: |
ddoboszenski@innovexinc.com |
Comments: |
Billy, you and God must be working well together being that you are
recovering faster than the doctors said. We all have you in our prayers,
amazing what prayers can do, and there have been a lot of them said for
you and your family. I'm sure you already know, but I want to tell you
anyway how amazing your Mom and Dad and sisters have been through this.
They have been by your side constantly with encouragement and love. The
kids want you to get better soon so they can come and visit with you
too. Hope to be seeing you soon. God Bless you, the Doboszenski Clan |
Monday, March 1st 2004 - 03:42:22 PM
Name: |
Trish Heitz |
E-mail address: |
TrishJ613@aol.com |
Comments: |
Billy, Sorry it has taken me so long to write to you. I am having a
hard time coming up with the right words.... I keep reading all the
diary entry's and all the good time's you have had with so many people!
It is amazing that no matter where you went you were always the light of
the show! We all miss you so much. Your family and friends have all been
so strong and supportive of each other. You have so many people pulling
for you and hoping for the best in your recovery! We have all been
hanging out at the farm house, go-cart racing, bowling at Medina and at
your favorite place the 4-H Club, but we are all waiting for you to be
back in the game with us! Every time your songs come on at the 4-H
(shake ya'tail feather and salt shaker) we all go out and dance like you
are there! I miss you dancing and stepping on my toe's sayin your famous
words, "I got it"... Crissy and I have been looking at
picture's from Bermel's cabin. You with your uni-brow from 4-wheeling
down the dusty trails! Then of course the two of us trying to be the
DJ's....we had a little different taste in music. You wanted 80's and I
wanted Hip-Hop...but you kept telling me I got it....don't worry I got
it. Distracting us by throwing the CD's over the campfire so you could
play the same songs OVER AND OVER. Oh-yeah and the lily pad
incident...at least everything is still in tact. I guess what I want to
say to you the most is-I am so proud of you Billy...You are such a
fighter and you won't let anything hold you back! You are in my thoughts
and prayers always. Love you, Trish |
Monday, March 1st 2004 - 02:38:41 PM
Name: |
Marcy Hebzynski |
E-mail address: |
marcyannski@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Hey! I am so glad to hear that you are quickly recovering. Jesus is
amazing!!! So many people have been praying for you and my prayers are
with you too. Psalm 46 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present
help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, thoughy the earth give way
and the mountains quake with their surging There is a river whose
streams make glad the city of God. the holy place where the Most High
dwells. God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break
of day. Nations are in uproar, kingdom falll; he lifts his voice, the
earth melts. The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our
fortress. God Bless!!! -Marcy Hebzynski |
Monday, March 1st 2004 - 02:23:01 PM
Name: |
Laura Schommer |
E-mail address: |
schommer@anoka.k12.mn.us |
Comments: |
Sorry I'm so belated, but you have been in my prayers! Connie and
Ron-I did call the hosp. one time, but you weren't there. With
parent/teacher conferences the last 2 weeks, it's been a bit hectic,
time-wise. My mom and dad (most wonderful Roman!) are praying for you,
Billy, also. Love, Laura |
Monday, March 1st 2004 - 11:49:12 AM
Name: |
Connie Dahl |
E-mail address: |
carens799@aol |
Comments: |
Bill, After 23 days I am taking time to send you a note. There have
been big changes in all of our lives. You've shown a lot of strength and
courage to come this far. I am so proud of you!!!! You may not be able
to communicate much at this time but I have faith that you still have
lots of things to show me. You are getting thin looking because you have
lost 20 pounds. But that will come back on slowly. Your head is still
swollen because of your surgery on Thursday but you should get back to
normal in a few days. We all say that people in Hollywood would pay big
money to have the lips you have right now. I want you to keep up the
good work and know I love you. God is answering many prayers for me and
others. You have a huge support group. See you shortly. Love you, mom |
Monday, March 1st 2004 - 11:16:19 AM
Name: |
Travis and Heather |
E-mail address: |
heather.bourassa@shps.net |
Comments: |
Hey Billy! I hope once you finally are able to get through all these
emails, this one will find you well. You are in our thoughts and prayers
everyday along with your family. The Bermel bash is always the weekend
after Labor day and now since you have been initiated, you must come. It
wouldn't be the same without you. I'll make sure the HILTON HOTEL is all
set up for you. We will have to get you a new Lazy Boy recliner for the
camp fires since last years has been retired. Also, we will need you
there to make sure Trav doesn't stick his hand in the 600 degree oil
again! Take care sweetie and we look forward to seeing your smiling face
real soon. Hang in there. The Hanover gang is all thinking and praying
for you and your family. Please let anyone of us know if you or your
family needs ANYTHING at all. Love, Travis Bermel and Heather Bourassa |
Monday, March 1st 2004 - 09:58:16 AM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
Billy: Pleased to hear that you had a good weekend of much needed rest
and quiet following your recent surgery. Hope this week will bring you
much progress. Emma had another milestone! She got onto her hands a
knees in her on-going efforts to crawl! Unfortunately, her little brain
hasn't yet figured out what to do next. She rocked back and forth, and
even figured out that she should be able to propel herself forward in
the direction she wanted to go - just didn't get it that she had to move
her hands and feet, so she spent a lot of time plowing nose-first into
the floor. She's a fighter with a lot of determination, though - just
like her daddy. Little Emma won't give up - she'll keep trying and
probably have success this week. So, by the time you see her (soon), she
may be scrambling all over the place. Take care, know you're in our
thoughts and prayers, and we'll see you soon. Lynn |
Monday, March 1st 2004 - 05:51:59 AM
Name: |
Katie |
E-mail address: |
ktbeanz2004@aol.com |
Comments: |
Hello. I have no idea who you guys are, nor do you know who I am. I am
friends with Kenzie Brown, and on her buddy profile it said Keep Billy
Dahl in your prayers! Praise GOD he's out of his coma!!! :-) I was
wondering who that was, so I went to the website. I want you all to know
my family and I are praying for you, and I pray that everything will be
alright. God bless you all, and hang in there! Amen *Katie* |
Sunday, February 29th 2004 - 01:06:31 PM
Name: |
Rob & Lesley |
E-mail address: |
anderlv@aol |
Comments: |
Bill, we were down in the Florida Keys when Matt called and told us
the good news. You were out of your Coma!! It was so nice to have tears
of joy. Keep up all your hard work and we will keep up our prayers. Connie, Ron
and girls take care. Your in our thoughts everyday. We are here if you
need anything. Love, your friends The Anderson's. |
Sunday, February 29th 2004 - 09:40:13 AM
Name: |
Rebecca Clark |
E-mail address: |
rosenthorn70@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
I am sorry for this tragic time you all are going through. My prayers
are with you all. I will pray for him everyday. We are all pulling for
you Bill. |
Sunday, February 29th 2004 - 06:05:01 AM
Name: |
Dirkx, Treptau, Bechtold, Loney |
Comments: |
sup Billy? We are all really happy to hear that you are going to pull
through this whole thing. We all hope to see you out having a good time
and tearin it up at the bars once your up and feeling better. Hey Billy
boy this is Bloney and you know what you are to me and I am glad to hear
that you are rockn' buddy. Hey buddy we are all here behind you so keep
it real and we'll see you soon. Call us if you got a minute we want to
hear from you. Later Dude, Your Buds |
Sunday, February 29th 2004 - 05:50:41 AM
Name: |
Matt |
E-mail address: |
anderlv@aol.com |
Comments: |
Hey you little shit..... damn it's just one day after the other, you
are progressing so fast... truly amazing. Came in and saw you for about
5 seconds (literally) the day you had surgery on your face, and jaw...
dang your head looked like a giant melon... maybe a watermelon! Anyhow
it was fat, they were messing with your breathing apparatus so your mom
and I took off so they could do the best job possible. Sorta getting
used to seeing you in there... We gotta get you otta' there, the way you
are battling this thing it won't be long... listening to some Garth
Brooks right now, just thinking about you... for the most part only you
and I are the only ones who want to listen to country music. It's to
bad, those people don't know what there missing, huh Bill? I know your
thinking about everyone else as much as they are of you, I'm thinking
about driving around in BUM F*** Corcoran (you and I of course) cranking
country tunes on a CD or the Radio, singing along as loud and as best as
we can.. no one knows every word, =) Then thinking where the hell are
we... you always knew all those back roads, You're like don't worry
about it. I GOT IT! and sure as shit you always got us there... that's
the kind of stuff I think about you everyday.. just hanging out being
goof balls, we did that to perfection... Ok enough rambling.. just
wanted to write some stuff that was on my mind.. YOUR MY BOY BILL! LOL...
no for real.. so just keep doing your thang, kicking ass that is...
pretty soon were going to be able, possibly, to bring some pics in
there, of your friends family, etc.. I already have some ready to go..
you will laugh when you remember when they were taken. Oh another
thing.. Mike Keskitello, Crissy (Rockford), and I were talking to your
mom and dad about your weight loss. absolutely incredible... she said
you had lost 35 Pounds already.. that blew me away, you know because
your a scrawny, gangly kid already. I told your MOM and DAD that we are
going to call you somalian, I hope no one takes offense to that, but
they are skinnier than hell, anyway we'll come up with something
different... I'm sure there will be plenty of rips for ya after this.
geez sorry so long, I'll be checking up on you regularly, you better not
give me the finger you wise guy. Alright Billdo, Billy BOB, I'll let you
go. Keep your head up Love your Bro Matt |
Saturday, February 28th 2004 - 05:11:53 PM
Name: |
Leslie Dunlap |
Comments: |
My prayers are with ya'll. I wish the best to all of you. love, leslie |
Saturday, February 28th 2004 - 11:29:42 AM
Name: |
Tiffany (O'Brien) Pavlish & Family |
E-mail address: |
tiffany.pavlish@usfamily.net |
Comments: |
I heard a prayer request for Billy Dahl and just knew that it had to
be the Billy I knew. I remember you visiting at the bakery in Maple
Plain and you had lots of spunk then. From the sounds of it, the spunk
is still there and is pulling you through this difficult path your life
has taken. A scripture verse comes to mind when reading all the entries:
"He will command His angels...to guard you in all your ways."
Psalms 91:11 Keep moving forward Billy and to you and your family know
that you all are in my thoughts and prayers. God's Peace. |
Friday, February 27th 2004 - 10:05:18 PM
Name: |
Carol & Les Heins |
E-mail address: |
LesHeins@san.rr.com |
Comments: |
We are continuing to pray for your miraculous recovery. You are
thought about every time I walk by my photo board on the wall where I
keep pictures of all my friends and relatives. Every night when we
square dance, all my friends ask how you are doing. They check the web page
but they want to know more--all the details because they are so
concerned about you, even though they have never met you. What is so
amazing is the way our great community pulls together to support each
other when someone is in need. First, you have family, then friends,
then co-workers, then faith communities, then social clubs (cards,
dances, bingo, sports, etc) and it explodes into the entire world
praying for you because we all have connections around the world. To
make a long story a little shorter...I'm just happy to be part of such a
caring community who are all praying for your complete recovery and
knowing that you are in the best possible place for that to happen. Your
parents and sisters and extended family are incredible in their courage,
strength, persistence and cooperation needed to make sure the best is
being done for you. I pray for the nurses, the CNAs, the doctors,
students, med techs, X-ray techs, PT, chaplains, housekeeping and every
person involved in your care that they are vigilant and ready to go
beyond their duty to ensure that they always have your best interest in
mind in everything they do. Those involved in your minute to minute care
need to know they are appreciated and prayed for at the same time we are
praying for you, Bill. God Bless and keep you safe, in His healing
hands. Love, Carol & Les (& Willie) |
Friday, February 27th 2004 - 01:55:19 PM
Name: |
Jenny |
E-mail address: |
cioncj@parknicollet.com |
Comments: |
Hey kid- Hang in there! The next few days are going to be really
tough, we know you can do it!!! You didn't look to bad after your
surgery yesterday~ we all know that you are a fighter, and we'll be
standing by your side through this tough time in your life~ HANG IN
THERE... Love, Jenn |
Friday, February 27th 2004 - 07:29:33 AM
Name: |
Janet Lyrek |
E-mail address: |
jjlyrek@lakedalelink.net |
Comments: |
Connie and family, I haven't talked to you in a while because I know
you have lots of support at the hospital. Let us know when Billy can
have visitors, again. We will keep him in our prayers (and everyone I
tell gets him on their prayer lists also. He is being prayed for by tons
of people. We can see how God works through prayers. He already is
proving the doctors wrong. He woke up way before they expected and it
sounds like he is improving miraculously everyday. Have April call me
when she gets home with updates. God speed, Janet and John |
Thursday, February 26th 2004 - 09:44:51 PM
Name: |
Josh & Angie |
E-mail address: |
Jswanson79@msn.com |
Comments: |
Billy we are so glad to know that you're doing a lot better. There has
not been one day that we don't think of you and your family. You have so
many people that care for you. We hope you have a fast recovery and can
return home to your family. We can't wait to see you and hear how good
you feel. Josh, Angie & Keegan Swanson |
Thursday, February 26th 2004 - 09:44:49 PM
Name: |
Ann Brown |
E-mail address: |
ann.brown@honeywell.com |
Comments: |
I'm A friend of Judy Gangelhoff and she told me about the accident. We
have a bible study class here and we put Billy in our prayers. God bless
you all and keep you in the palm of his hand. Ann |
Thursday, February 26th 2004 - 03:52:58 PM
Name: |
Judy Barry(Gangelhoff) |
E-mail address: |
judy.barry@honeywell.com |
Comments: |
Connie, It's been a long time since we've talked, but I've been
thinking of you and your family every day since I heard of the accident.
I know you have a long road ahead of you, so please, please call me if
there's anything at all I can do, even if you just want to talk! Hang in
there!! Judy |
Thursday, February 26th 2004 - 03:34:10 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
Billy: Aubrey just spoke with your dad about your day....sounds as if
a lot more work was done than initially planned, which means you'll be
one sore guy for the next few days. The good news is, it sounds as if
what was accomplished today will mean fewer trips to the O.R. in the
future. I feel for you, Bill. Hang in there!!! We're all so proud of and
awed by what you've accomplished thus far. You truly are a fighter - and
one tough cookie! I'll say a special prayer asking for help with the
discomfort and fast healing from today's procedures. Take care and rest.
We'll see you soon. |
Thursday, February 26th 2004 - 03:15:29 PM
Name: |
Eileen Seydow |
E-mail address: |
salesneen@aol.com |
Comments: |
My prayers and thoughts are with you. You're in my thoughts every
day!!!!! |
Thursday, February 26th 2004 - 01:30:29 PM
Name: |
Jessica Naylor |
E-mail address: |
jess_mn2@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Good luck today Billy. I hope your surgery goes well for you. I know
this will just be yet another hurdle you will have to get over. But like
you have shown us already, you can do it. Hope to see you some time soon
when you can have visitors again. Love you much ~ Jessica |
Thursday, February 26th 2004 - 06:59:23 AM
Name: |
Dylon |
Comments: |
I heard the good news and that's great to hear. I have been keeping in
touch with Megan and Wolfe. oh and Megan said that I need to hurry and
come back so a certain somebody will stop picking on her and tease me.
Great I can't wait. ha. ha. well I need to go to bed know it's 8:30 and
that is past my bed time . Oh I have been checking on Billy's web site
everyday and it's great to read about his progress. So I wish everyone
well and I will see you all when I come home . take care Dylon.. |
Wednesday, February 25th 2004 - 11:49:36 PM
Name: |
Judy Eykyn |
Comments: |
Hi Dahl family, I am Mike Debner's aunt -- and I have been reading the
updates often. I just wanted to greet you and tell you all keep up the
good work, Bill! I will be praying for you also! Judy Eykyn |
Wednesday, February 25th 2004 - 08:31:02 PM
Name: |
tattooette333 |
E-mail address: |
tattooette333@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Bill is in my prayers. I am in hans room all the time & saw u
talking to travis. Went to the web site. Nice young man so hope
everything turns out gr8. |
Wednesday, February 25th 2004 - 07:52:21 PM
Name: |
Scott Wolf (Brian Wolf's little brother) |
E-mail address: |
Minichops@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Tony Hawk! Hey man, I can't wait until you get better and we can go
fishing again. I'm routing for you every day here at St. Cloud. Hang in
there and get well soon! Scott |
Wednesday, February 25th 2004 - 06:43:12 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
April and Family - Thanks for the updates! Bill: Pleased to hear that
you continue to improve. Hope you knock the bronchitis soon, since you
have more than enough to challenge you as it is. Great to hear that you
may be able to get rid of the ventilator soon. I'm sure it is an
annoyance to you. I probably don't need to tell you that YOU are the
primary topic of conversation in this household. I have two girls on my
hands that are BOTH flaunching at the bit to see you soon. Emma is
getting a real kick out of all the pictures of "Daddy" on the
web page. She'll point to different ones, then we enlarge them. That
always brings a BIG smile to her sweet little face! (Good thing her face
is so wide and fat, 'cause the smile she'll get when she sees you in the
flesh wouldn't fit otherwise.) Your dad and Emma share this little
'grunt' back and forth when they are together, but in recent days that
little 'grunt' has become a LOUD, REPETATIVE GROWL which is more than a
little annoying (thanks much, Grandpa Ron!). Makes Emma sound like a
big, tough wildcat - something you'll probably get a kick out of, Bill.
You may not have gotten a little boy, but you may have gotten a little
"tomboy". Take care, rest and best wishes for your surgery
tomorrow. Lynn |
Wednesday, February 25th 2004 - 03:41:28 PM
Name: |
Shayna Johnson |
E-mail address: |
Beanie1506@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Billy- I am so excited to hear that you are getting back to your
normal, funny self. I know you will there in no time. We all miss you
and I will see you when I come down to see you. My friend is having a
baby down there so maybe I can see you then too. Well I am glad to see
that you are progressing everyday. Love ya Billy. |
Wednesday, February 25th 2004 - 03:23:53 PM
Name: |
Laura Merritt |
Comments: |
Great News!!!! So glad Bill's out of the coma. We are all praying for
his FULL recovery. |
Wednesday, February 25th 2004 - 03:10:04 PM
Name: |
Diane Narr |
Comments: |
GOOD NEWS is welcomed by all concerned !! Billy, I am one of your
Mom's many, many cousins. While visiting with her at the hospital, the
evidence of support, love, concern, determination and strength from
within were stronger than I have ever seen in a person !!!!!!!! I know
you can sense that - and now the next hurdles are in front of you -
remember that strength on your back with help push you through. Keep
fighting ! My daughter-in-law had a friend involved in a car accident a
few years ago who was in a coma over three months! She is currently
teaching school with Sara and has completely recovered. My family and I
will keep praying your continued recovery. Diane Narr |
Wednesday, February 25th 2004 - 02:02:27 PM
Name: |
Heather Dally |
E-mail address: |
nascar_4_future@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Bill, I saw you for the first time last saturday, and you opened your
eyes for me and Brian. It was the awesome thing I've ever seen. I can't
believe you're hurting like this, but I know you'll pull through, you
always find a way to get through the hard stuff. I keep thinking about
the 1st time I met you, with Casey, and how much I laughed my ass off
that night. I also cant help but think of all the crazy stuff you and
Janks and all those guys did together. Don't forget all the sweet times
we had at the Wolf House, G-Spot, and all the pit parties. You were
always there to make sure we were laughin and havin a good time.
Remember when we were out on Lake Independence with Matty and Brian and
all those guys, and the whole "Wrecking Ball" thing?, we gave
Brian crap all night about that. Oh and don't forget about Matty's house
that night, and all the other farm nights.. Anyways, sorry I didn't say
much when I saw u at the hospital.. I was just a lil shocked I guess...
But keep kickin kid, you're awesome! Don't forget you ever forget that!
We still have a lot of partyin to do baby! Hang in there, we're all here
for ya. Casey Maternowsky says heyhey and to tell you to keep kickin.
I'll see ya soon Bill-Dawg! ~Heather~ |
Wednesday, February 25th 2004 - 11:08:25 AM
Name: |
Carol Lawrence |
E-mail address: |
carol@gac.edu |
Comments: |
Aunt of Michael Debner. Madison Lake MN |
Wednesday, February 25th 2004 - 08:14:42 AM
Name: |
Stacy (Recker) Brooks |
E-mail address: |
shrecker@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Hey. I, as quite a few others listed in the guestbook, went to high
school with Bill. He may not remember me, but I remember him. I just
wanted to let him and the family know that you are all in my thoughts
and prayers. God bless. Psalm 9:9-10 |
Wednesday, February 25th 2004 - 02:53:48 AM
Name: |
Heather P & Amanda L |
E-mail address: |
mantasquirrel83@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Billy, Even though you don't know either of us very well, we want you
to know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. You
came and visited Heather in St. Cloud and her roomies thought you were
the sweetest/nicest guy that was in the group...Heather also worked with
your cousin Heidi who called her and told her about your accident.
Heather knows you through Joe S and Amanda knows you through Joe and
Matt...From what we hear.... you are a fighter. So keep showing everyone
that you are strong!!! Hope to see you doing the things you do best very
soon!! God Bless you and your family. Praying for you at SCSU and MSU-Mankato.
~Heather and Amanda |
Wednesday, February 25th 2004 - 12:09:12 AM
Name: |
Aubrey |
E-mail address: |
Aubrey24@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
See, I told you you'd be awake by the next time I saw you!! I'm SO
proud of you and can't wait until I get to see you again. I know the
road ahead will be long and hard, but you've got TONS of people that
will be right by your side the whole way. I'm so amazed at how well
you've done through all of this; the last two weeks have just blown my
mind. It's unbelievable how many people have pulled together to support
you! (You're such a pimp!!) Anyway, I love you and will see you soon.
Aubrey |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 11:21:03 PM
Name: |
Anne Schottenbauer |
E-mail address: |
shotty68@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Billy- I am so glad you are out of your coma! You are a strong man and
I know you can do anything! Billy I know it has been a while since we
last seen or even talk to each other, but we will always be buddies. You
have a lot of people pulling for you, and I want you to know you are
always in my thoughts and prayers!!!! |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 10:41:55 PM
Name: |
Mike Pepin |
E-mail address: |
mpepin@aol.com |
Comments: |
Keep Fighting Billy! We're here for you! |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 08:19:57 PM
Name: |
Gini Riddering |
E-mail address: |
getridd@comcast.net |
Comments: |
Ron and Connie, It was so great to see you two at STS on Monday and
little did we all know that your good news would turn into great news by
the end of the day. Billum has had enough of this sleeping business and
is ready to get on with getting back to life. We are all so happy for
all of you. It's not the end of the road yet, but the pot of gold is in
sight. It's another example of the power of prayer. I continue to pray
for Bill and all of your family and ask him to grant you all the
strength to carry on and work Bill back to full recovery. Thanks again
for all the updates. It means so much to all of us. Gini |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 07:58:10 PM
Name: |
Dan & Gayle Koch |
E-mail address: |
DKoch03@aol.com |
Comments: |
Connie & Ron & family, I love your web site and was happy to
see that Bill is coming around. It seems like he's been through quite a lot,
remember, his youth will help him get through the rest. Our thoughts and
prayers are with your whole family. Bill keep fighting and we hope to
see you around soon. Dan, Gayle, Ryan, Brent & Kelly Koch |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 06:28:53 PM
Name: |
Brianna |
E-mail address: |
breezieseas@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
BILL- WAY TO GO!!! I am so Happy To hear you are getting better!! You
and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers! I will continue to
pray for you. Keep fighting Bill!!!! Brianna |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 06:24:01 PM
Name: |
Mark Gangelhoff |
E-mail address: |
markgangelhoff@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
The Gangelhoff family was ecstatic to hear the news of Bill awakening
from the coma. I wish I would have known about this site earlier so we
could keep abreast of the developments. Until now, Daniel has been
giving us updates as he's received them. Bill, keep up the good fight.
Our prayers and thoughts have been with you and your family. Ron and
Connie, I can't even imagine what you two have been going through, but
you've certainly have surrounded yourself with a great network of family
and friends to help you through this ordeal. Stay strong. |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 05:17:29 PM
Name: |
Terry Walters |
E-mail address: |
tw1buddy@msn.com |
Comments: |
I work at MTS and am looking forward to seeing yur smiling face come
in, maybe for the Holiday lunch again. Bill, I knew God would keep his
eyes on you until you could fight on your own. We will keep you in our
prayers and our thoughts as you heal. Terry Walters and Nancy Thomseth |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 05:10:04 PM
Name: |
Dan Gangelhoff |
Comments: |
Dear Billy, I just received the great news that you emerged from your
coma last night. I've never fancied myself as a religious man, but
perhaps the power of prayer can make miracles happen after all (or maybe
you're just made of steel like that Wolverine fellow from those comic
books). Either way, you've proven that a person can overcome
unbelievable obstacles and that will be a constant source of inspiration
for me and all of those who know you. I'm sure that there's a whole
legion of women out there who feel lost without you, so get back on
those feet soon, playa! ---Dan Gangelhoff |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 04:03:25 PM
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 03:07:18 PM
Name: |
Mike Keskitalo |
E-mail address: |
northee007@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hello Billy: Mikey here, Higher powers are in control. I would like to
thank those higher powers for your wonderful progress. Bill I would also
like to thank those higher powers for sending me home a few moments
before you arrived to ER. If I would have been aware it was you behind
the snowmobile vs. truck trauma call I got just before leaving, I would
have stayed. Thankfully the higher powers knew enough to send me out of
your way. Working in emergency I have unfortunately become accustom to
situations like yours & have seldom seen a family with the strength
and resolve of yours Billy!! Don't worry Billy, Brian and I are watching
old Oliver for you. Godspeed Billy and God bless your family. See you
soon! |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 02:34:00 PM
Name: |
Tracy Anderson |
E-mail address: |
tracerdoodle13@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hey Bill, it's me again. I wanted to let you know that I was thrilled
to hear the great news. I saw you on Friday, Garrett came with me. We
didn't get to talk to you for too long because we got down there to late
and had limited time before they closed the doors. We did talk with your
family and some of your friends, I brought pictures from back in the
day. They are fun to look through. I would have to say you look good in
the pictures but what was I thinking when I cut my hair short. YIKES!
Until recently I never really knew the impact you had on my life. When I
first heard about the accident I was in shock, then I saw the website
and came to visit you. That is when it became reality for me. Not one
hour goes by when I don't think about you. I think about how great of a
friend you are to me and about the countless times you have been there
for me when I was having issues, sometimes they where real problems you
helped me through and other times it was telling me my hair looked fine
or the outfit I was wearing looked great. No matter what it was you were
there. I want to let you know that I will be there if you need me. I was
very happy to be able to talk to you on Friday and look into your caring
eyes. Everyday I think about how great the next time I come to visit you
will be (maybe I could get a thumbs up or something). Keep the good news
coming Bill. Thinking about you daily and missing you every second. I
Love you lots. Love always your friend, Tracy |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 01:21:22 PM
Name: |
Lori (Rich) Nusbaum |
E-mail address: |
gatorsb8@mchsi.com |
Homepage : |
http://www.geocities.com/manthajadon/ |
Comments: |
BILLY!!! I was so sad to hear about your accident, but it looks like I
got the news on a good day! Brenda just let me know this morning, and
when I went to see your site, I saw that you are awake! That is the
fighter I remember from my Shaw/STS days! You keep fighting young man,
or I will come up there and kick your booty! I miss you and your dad,
and hope to hear more good news soon!!! Give each other a big hug from
me!!! Hang in there! Lori |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 12:50:58 PM
Name: |
Nicole VanBockel |
E-mail address: |
bucklyluvr@aol.com |
Comments: |
Billy I am so glad to hear that you are out of your coma. Even though
we do not know each other that well, I have been worried sick about you.
Get well soon. |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 12:45:53 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
Billy: What a wonderful day...thanks to your heroic efforts to fight
your injuries and come back to the present! I know you've fought hard to
make it this far, but you have more work ahead of you. I appreciate how
difficult and frustrating it will be at times. But you are a lucky man
who has the tireless support of your parents, sisters, brothers-in-law, niece,
extended family and many, many friends. You also have two lovely little
girls who, in their own ways, are cheering and 'willing' you along, as
are their mommies. Everyone wants to help you recover to the fullest
extent possible. Just to see your bright smile and dancing blue eyes as
you walk into a room in the future will be such a treat! We're here for
you, Billy. Thanks for being a part of our lives. Have a good day, Bill,
and good luck tomorrow with the jaw surgery. |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 12:12:11 PM
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 11:16:52 AM
Name: |
Ashley Hirsch |
E-mail address: |
girlygrlracing1@aol.com |
Comments: |
Wow...I'm so excited to hear the absolute good news I read today on
your website!! That's amazing Billy, I knew that you were a fighter. You
showed everyone that your a true fighter. I'm so proud of you!! You'll
back to normal in no time-you'll be out partying, fishing, and hanging
out with all your friends!! I am so relieved that your okay, I go to
your website everyday to see how you've improved. I don't think I've
ever said this but- GOD BLESS YOU!!! Love, Ashley |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 10:48:45 AM
Name: |
Nicki Storms |
E-mail address: |
nstorms@hutchtel.net |
Comments: |
Great news today! I'm so happy for your family! Our family will
continue our prayers for a remarkable recovery! |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 10:12:00 AM
Name: |
Barry & Jo Field |
E-mail address: |
janellwi@omnitelcom.com |
Comments: |
Bill, we were absolutely thrilled to hear the news today!!! Good work,
everyone that knows you knew you could do it. When you're fighting for
yourself & your family is one thing, but when there are babies
involved it's a whole different story. We have a 6 1/2 year old daughter
that has been worried about those girls missing their daddy! It's so
hard for kids to understand. But, they will understand that all is OK
when they get to see you! Keep up the fight, and we will be keeping an
eye on the site. Again, thanks to April for letting us know about it, we
were curious. Barry & Jo Field Nora Springs, IA |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 09:12:40 AM
Name: |
Leah Hawley |
E-mail address: |
leahhawley@msn.com |
Comments: |
Praise God! How truly awesome He is. April I am so happy for you and
your family. I will keep praying that Billy has a complete and speedy
recovery. |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 08:59:56 AM
Name: |
Missy Braun |
E-mail address: |
braunm@parknicollet.com |
Comments: |
This is the best news ever!! I am so happy for all of you! We all new
he was strong! Take Care!! |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 08:52:57 AM
Name: |
Brian Heins |
E-mail address: |
briancheins@yahoo.com |
Homepage : |
http://www.lynxavr.com |
Comments: |
Hi Billy, I suppose you thought I forgot about you since I'm on the
other side of the planet. I should have written something sooner but I
couldn't think of anything to write. I just started reading all your
letters and I cried a lot. So I never got to writing something myself
until now. I'm very happy today Billy. Not only are you coming back into
the world, but another cousin of mine just had a baby boy. I feel so
much new life and it makes me feel like all the solutions to my problems
will start to show some life too. I've been having some tough times
lately and there was really nothing I could say to you or your family. I
do know how tough life can be and it's hard to go through so many
emotions. Somehow I feel like I knew you'd be back, but I just couldn't
say it, I had a hard time thinking it too. I just wished I could be
anywhere I wanted to be anytime, and there were some moments when I
wished I could be with my family in Minnesota too. I've prayed for your
family to have strength and patience, and being a parent like many of us
cousins are now, I know what it feels like for your mom and dad. Welcome
back Billy. Love from Taipei, Brian and Clara & Calvin Heins |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 08:40:44 AM
Name: |
Lisa Barlage |
E-mail address: |
lisa_barlage@archway.com |
Comments: |
Billy, I am so proud and happy for you hearing you have come out of
your coma!! You have show so much strength the last two weeks. We all
knew you wouldn't give up or let that get you down for too long. You
have had so many people thinking and praying for you. Now... as Jamie
said... you have about 6 months until Bermal's annual cabin trip. It
would not be the same if you were not there this year... no pressure
though. :) (Just remember to take their advice on the Lilly Pads) Take
your time to gain strength, everyone will be patient with you as you
recover. Your family has been so amazing and so strong. I hear how April
talks about you and how strong she has been and so very proud of you!
Keep going Billy... we are all still rooting for you!! :) |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 08:35:54 AM
Name: |
Pati Lobitz |
E-mail address: |
PatLobitz@mchsi.com |
Comments: |
Ronnie, Connie, April, Jenny & Chrissy - Congrats to all of
you!!!! Bill is lucky to have the GREAT family that you are. You all
have been so strong and so supportive for Bill even under all the stress
you must have gone thru the last couple of weeks. Your GREAT!!! Love Ya!!!
Bill - I am so happy that you came back for everyone and Good Luck on
your Road to Recovery!!!! You are strong and I am sure you will recover
very quickly and we will see that smile of yours again real soon:)!!!!
Love Ya!!!! Aunt Pati |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 08:30:58 AM
Name: |
Dave and Lisa |
E-mail address: |
lisa@horizonagency.com |
Comments: |
So happy for the whole family to have learned such great news! This
brings a little relief and encouragement. Billy knew everyone was
pulling for him and he fought hard and has now overcome a great
obstacle. Who knew a "thumbs up" would have so many people
ecstatic?! Although it will still be a long road, there will only be
better news from here on. The updates and the entries from Billy's
friends and family are so touching, it only proves how much he is loved.
Over 3500 visitors, that is amazing. Its so great to hear positive news. |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 08:13:07 AM
Name: |
Kristi Dell |
E-mail address: |
STSFlooringinc.com |
Comments: |
I knew you could do it!! you still have a long road ahead of you and
if you or your family need anything just let me know. Keep up the great
healing and get better soon, miss you a lot! Love ya Kristi |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 07:07:17 AM
Name: |
Jessica Naylor |
E-mail address: |
jess_mn2@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Hey there Billy boy, just wanted to say hi and let you know that I am
so happy to hear the good news that you are doing so much better. This
is such a big step for you I am so glad you are out of your coma!!! I
can't wait to come and see you. I know I haven't been up there for
awhile, I just figured it would give your family some time to spend time
with you and the rest of your family. I just want you to get better so
we can spend time together once more. I miss you a lot Billy and I am
still praying for you everyday. I hope you continue to get better real
soon. (Happy late Birthday Abby!!!) Much love to you Billy, take care! |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 06:55:16 AM
Name: |
Joanne Hawley |
E-mail address: |
rjhawley@emily.net |
Comments: |
Praise God!!! How encouraging. Hang in there Bill. It sounds like you
are a real fighter. Happy Birthday little Abby. We are all still praying
here. Our church is praying too. Joanne |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 06:27:15 AM
Name: |
Ed and Shirley Wood |
Comments: |
Bill we were so happy to hear that you are out of your coma, it just
shows that prayers are answered. Now keep your spirits up and give it
your all. We will continue to pray for your speedy recovery. God bless
your whole family and give them the strength they need to get through
this part of your recovery. Thinking of you each day, Ed and Shirley |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 02:55:28 AM
Name: |
Scott Hatcher |
E-mail address: |
Hatch99@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy, I was shocked to hear the bad news. So glad to hear you are
making progress. As a snowmobiling buddy and R.E. classmate,&
friend, my thoughts are with you. I think of you every time I get on my
sled. Get well soon, we're all praying for you !! |
Tuesday, February 24th 2004 - 01:43:28 AM
Name: |
matt anderson |
E-mail address: |
anderlv@aol.com |
Comments: |
hey Billy it's matt, this has been a roller coaster ride. you are one
tough S.O.B. you make miracles seem like nothing, you are truly an
amazing person, friend, brother (closest to one I will ever have),
father, to put it simply you are one hell of a person. I miss you really
bad, we tell each other stuff we don't tell other people close to us. I
think about your skinny ass everyday, all the memories we have had in
the past, (my first kiss up in Loretto with Sarah, it was probably like
your tenth time kissing a girl. I remembered the girl you were with,
Jamie Holder I think that was it, we were probably only like 8 or
something, even back then that's all you thought about, girls that is.
Always fishing back in the day. Causing ruckus in the neighborhood.
Riding bikes like we were maniacs) and I never stopped thinking about
the memories we are going to make in the future. I say that because
there was no doubt in any ones minds that you weren't going to make it.
Billy you are my best friend, I know that because we always had
something to talk about. If we weren't talking sports, girls, fishing,
cars, toys (big boy toys), then we would be ripping on each other,
giving each other a hard time. No matter what was said or done we would
always laugh and never let anything destroy our friendship. Billy what
I'm trying to say is that I Love you, I know I know we never told each
other that but we both knew. We both have 3 older sisters, we turned to
each other for that brother we never had. as the years went on we really
did become brothers. The support you have received from everyone has
been awesome, you have effected more lives than I knew about. Your
sisters and your mom and dad are very special people, they have been
strong and encouraging. Billy everyone misses having your smart ass
around, we will all be waiting when your ready. |
Monday, February 23rd 2004 - 11:46:18 PM
Name: |
Kristi Thompson |
E-mail address: |
kmthomp9@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy- I just heard your out of your coma, so you better be ready
to deal with me, cause I'm not gonna loose touch again like last time. I
have missed you soooo much and I cant wait to see you. I'm gonna be down
the first weekend in march for more than a week and I will definitely be
at the hospital again. hopefully ill get a chance to see you and maybe
even talk for a second. I love you and miss you!! Kristi |
Monday, February 23rd 2004 - 11:30:28 PM
Monday, February 23rd 2004 - 10:49:35 PM
Name: |
Alicia Anderson |
E-mail address: |
anderson985 |
Comments: |
Hey, Billy! I am so happy that your back. It seems like forever and I
can't wait until we get the OK to come down there and see you. I miss
having you around, you are awesome and it looks like you'll have to come
to my grad party! See you soon I can't wait to see you! Alicia |
Monday, February 23rd 2004 - 09:40:49 PM
Name: |
Jenny |
E-mail address: |
jendahl0428@aol.com |
Homepage : |
http://www.superiormerchandise.com |
Comments: |
Bill- You are so strong, you are showing us more and more everyday! I
am so proud of you for blinking at Krissy tonight and for squeezing my
hand when I asked you questions. You are a true fighter! Keep up the
great work that you are doing- I will be by your side, Jenny |
Monday, February 23rd 2004 - 09:34:28 PM
Name: |
Amber |
E-mail address: |
aprildebner@yahoo.com |
Homepage : |
http://www.debnerdesign.com |
Comments: |
Hi Bill, I hope you feel better so you can get out of the hospital and
come see my new bedroom Mike is building with Rich. Grandpa and Grandma,
Krissy and Jenny, and me and my mom and Mike, and EVERYONE (hehe -amber
giggle) are praying for you to get well. We are waiting for you and hope
you get home soon so I can come see you and you can tickle me. I want my
friends to come too so we can hogpile you and tickle torture you like we
did at my birthday party. You are the bestist uncle ever in the world. I
love you. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo--amber |
Monday, February 23rd 2004 - 08:50:22 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
Yippee!!!! Welcome back, Billy! Thanks for the call, April! |
Monday, February 23rd 2004 - 07:44:58 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
Dear Bill: So pleased to hear that you're progressing with each
passing day! You have a lot of courage and strength - you've shown it
through this entire ordeal. I'm sure you will continue to demonstrate
your strong will until the time comes that you are able to break into
that broad smile of yours. Your parents and sisters are so dedicated to
giving you the support you need, and there is no doubt that your recent
responses are giving them the adrenaline boosts they need, too! Keep
fighting, Billy. Nobody has doubted that you were hearing the prayers,
encouragement and pleas for you to come back - and you have!!! We're all
rooting for you, and will be standing by to help you through the coming
weeks and months. We'll keep up the prayers. Looking forward to seeing
you again soon. |
Monday, February 23rd 2004 - 06:28:19 PM
Name: |
Jennifer and Jesse Honkala |
E-mail address: |
jjhonk@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Connie, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers during
this difficult time. Let us know in what way we can be of any help while
Billy recovers. |
Monday, February 23rd 2004 - 05:58:38 PM
Name: |
Jane Petron |
E-mail address: |
jane.petron@stsflooringinc.com |
Comments: |
Ron & Connie - Thanks for stopping by the office today to share
the great news about Bill's progress. I was so encouraged after my quick
visit to the hospital this morning...Bill looks so much better than just
a week ago. "Thumbs up" to you and your family for the
strength and courage you've shown through this very difficult time. May
the good Lord continue to guide you and strengthen you as you travel on
this winding road to Bill's recovery. My prayers continue to be with you
and our Bill. Take care -- Jane Petron |
Monday, February 23rd 2004 - 05:52:58 PM
Name: |
Aubrey |
E-mail address: |
Aubrey24@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Hey Bill! Well, it took a while but you finally decided to show me
those big blue eyes again. I know you can hear everyone talking to you.
I just can't wait until you wake up and tell us all of the sappy shit
you've heard; some of it's gotta be amusing I'm sure! I wish I could be
there with you every day but I guess I'll just have to settle for the
weekends for now. Emma's getting so big:) She's STILL trying to crawl,
with little success, but I'm sure she'll be tearing into everything in a
week or two. I'll be up to see you again in about a week. Hopefully by
then you'll be up terrorizing all the nurses; I know you want to:)
Anyway, get better and we'll see you soon! Love you always, Aubrey and
Emma |
Monday, February 23rd 2004 - 11:49:21 AM
Name: |
Angela (tweety57350) |
E-mail address: |
tweety1_57350@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Just want all of you to know you are still in our prayers. I check the
daily for the updates and I appreciate the time you put in keeping us
posted! Keep Fighting, Bill!!! |
Monday, February 23rd 2004 - 09:34:07 AM
Name: |
Kurt Seydow |
E-mail address: |
Comments: |
Dear Bill & Family: Not a moment goes by that I don't have you in
my thoughts and prayers. I made a promise to Bill when he signed on to
be my assistant that I will do everything I can to ensure his success. I
won't back down on that promise. Bill, hang on to that amazing spirit
you have. I'll be there to support you. You have a wonderful family and
a great group of friends. See you soon, bud! Your friend, Kurt Seydow |
Sunday, February 22nd 2004 - 10:21:06 PM
Name: |
Heather Kittleson |
E-mail address: |
oldnavygapgirl@aol.com |
Comments: |
My prayers are with you! God Bless and I hope everything turns out
good. |
Sunday, February 22nd 2004 - 09:19:31 PM
Name: |
Todd and Jennifer Saunders |
E-mail address: |
infinity98@go.com |
Comments: |
Connie, Ron, April, Jennie, Krissy and the whole Dahl Family, We have
just heard what happened to Billy. Our love and prayers go to you all. I
have been reading the daily notes, and may glad to hear of a good
surgery and improvements. Ya all (in the south now :-) ) take care and
Billy is a fighter and will have a good recovery. We will continue to
get updates and keep in touch. We are planning a visit for this
Christmas. So Billy, you can take me on a ride next winter on Lake Indi,
just like old times. With all our thoughts, Todd |
Sunday, February 22nd 2004 - 09:14:30 PM
Name: |
John Schommer and family |
E-mail address: |
jschommer@cbfmn.com |
Comments: |
Our family continues to remember Billy and all of you daily in our
prayers. I am keeping my Mom and Dad informed and they are praying for
you also. God bless all of you. |
Sunday, February 22nd 2004 - 09:08:55 PM
Name: |
Ashley Hirsch |
E-mail address: |
girlygrlracing1@aol.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy!!!! I am so glad to hear that your doing better and that
your surgery went well. I know your a strong guy and you can get through
this. Everyone misses you and your wonderful sense of humor. Its time to
wake up and show everyone the fighter you really are. We love you and
miss you so damn much!!! Talk to you soon! Love, Ashley |
Sunday, February 22nd 2004 - 07:37:03 PM
Name: |
Gail Babatz |
E-mail address: |
luxter02@charter.net |
Comments: |
I am a coworker of your son in law Mike's sister Kristin from
Monticello... Just want to let you know that I am thinking and praying
for you all often.. I do strongly believe in Prayer and Miracles. Keep
your faith that God knows the out come already. Take care.. Gail |
Sunday, February 22nd 2004 - 05:15:52 PM
Name: |
Pat & Gary Debner |
Comments: |
Connie, Ronnie, April, Krissy and Jenn! You are in my prayers always.
I have told a lot of people about his web site so they can also have the
update on how well Billie is doing. My sister and her family also send
their prayers and good thoughts. Take care of yourself, everyone !!! |
Sunday, February 22nd 2004 - 02:54:21 PM
Name: |
Dad |
E-mail address: |
rondahl1116@aol.com |
Comments: |
Bill you have made me so proud to be your father, friend, and buddy.
You have so many friends praying for you its overwhelming. You're going
to make it thru this your sisters April Jennie and Krissy are so strong
helping you stay comfortable. Hang in there buddy, Talk to ya soon. Love
you very much ! DAD |
Sunday, February 22nd 2004 - 08:19:06 AM
Name: |
Barry & Jo Field |
E-mail address: |
janellwi@omnitelcom.com |
Comments: |
Barry was the one that called 911. There hasn't been a day go by that
we haven't wondered how you were doing. Today we received a letter from
your sister April. That meant a lot to Barry to know that you will be
ok. Thanks April! We will be keeping an eye on the website now to keep
up on what's happening. Best of luck to you! Sorry that we were both in
the wrong place at the wrong time! If we meet again let's do it under
different circumstances. Barry & Jo Field Nora Springs, IA |
Saturday, February 21st 2004 - 05:37:28 PM
Name: |
Ed Wickham |
E-mail address: |
wickham1@omnitelcom.com |
Comments: |
Our prayers are with you and your family. We will keep watching the
updates on the web site. Ed Wickham |
Saturday, February 21st 2004 - 04:59:52 PM
Name: |
Bill & Darcie Miller |
E-mail address: |
Comments: |
Our thoughts and prayers are with your entire family as you continue
this journey with Billy. Our entire church is praying for you all
compliments of Lisa Kiel. We will continue to do so for as long as it
takes. May God watch over you all. Love Bill & Darcie Miller |
Saturday, February 21st 2004 - 03:48:56 PM
Name: |
Nancy Strand |
E-mail address: |
eatcookies@comcast.net |
Comments: |
You write very well. Will check back to keep in touch. God bless your
young man and prayer for the family and care givers also. |
Saturday, February 21st 2004 - 04:25:04 AM
Name: |
Lynette and Teal Allen |
Comments: |
Even if I don't know Billy that well, the news of such an awful
accident was very upsetting. Our prayers are with you during this time. |
Saturday, February 21st 2004 - 12:01:39 AM
Name: |
Heidi Wells |
E-mail address: |
thewellsfam5@aol.com |
Comments: |
Linda Arens is my cousin, my family and I are all praying for Billy's
recovery and for all of his family and friends. He has so much support
and a lot of strength in the prayers going to him. Get well soon. |
Friday, February 20th 2004 - 11:04:30 PM
Friday, February 20th 2004 - 09:27:59 PM
Name: |
E-mail address: |
msanderson5658@msn.com |
Comments: |
Friday, February 20th 2004 - 09:10:25 PM
Name: |
Gayle Mozley (Linda Arens cousin) |
Comments: |
My prayers are with you and your family. |
Friday, February 20th 2004 - 07:28:13 PM
Name: |
Kathryn |
E-mail address: |
kathryn.hunter@kohler.com |
Comments: |
Billy, I remember when I first met you while going to college. You
were one of the first friends I made up there and I always will remember
that. My heart is with you and I am thinking about you constantly. I
pray the day you wake up is soon and you can see all the friends you
have, all the people you have somehow touch. People want to see you
smile again and I know they will. Until I will keep a picture of all of
us having the good times we ALWAYS had in Ely sitting in my office. We
know you are strong. Pull through. To Billy's family, your strength is
inspiring. Kathryn |
Friday, February 20th 2004 - 06:07:31 PM
Name: |
Connie & Lyn Leffew |
E-mail address: |
LeFew@aol.com |
Comments: |
April and Family: Our prayers and well wishes to Billy. Stay strong.
We are here for you. |
Friday, February 20th 2004 - 02:50:24 PM
Name: |
Jacque Arens |
E-mail address: |
jarens22@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
I'm praying for you and your family everyday. I check the website many
times a day to see if there is anything new. It's so encouraging to hear
that you are starting to open your eyes. I'm going to try to come see
you again soon, so maybe I'll get a chance to see them! I pray that
you'll wake up soon, and have a speedy recovery. Love, Jacque |
Friday, February 20th 2004 - 11:50:58 AM
Name: |
Jen & Ben |
E-mail address: |
jendahl0428@aol.com |
Homepage: |
http://www.superiormerchandise.com |
Comments: |
Billy- You made us so proud today!!! We got to see both of your bright
blue eyes just like we did on Tuesday night- but this time they were
wide open. You even looked our way when we were taking to you :) Thank
you also for squeezing my hand and letting go of it when I asked you to-
Love, Jen and Benny |
Thursday, February 19th 2004 - 09:56:49 PM
Name: |
Cathy Hagen |
E-mail address: |
cathy.hagen@comcast.net |
Comments: |
Connie- Thank you for updating me on Bill's condition. It sounds like
he is a fighter as you have said in your postings for every day. Both
Bill and your family are in my prayers and thoughts. Cathy Hagen |
Thursday, February 19th 2004 - 03:42:36 PM
Name: |
Alicia Anderson |
E-mail address: |
anderson985@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy, I am so glad about the news i read today on the website.
It's so awesome that you opened your eyes! I know that someday you'll be
able to look at everyone in the room. Can't wait until i come down and
see you again, maybe by then you'll be awake! Hang in there bud! Hey
guess what i graduate this year in June and I'm having a grad party and
I'm looking forward to you being there, hopefully you'll be all better
and you will be able to come. Well you keep on resting like you are and
having those great dreams. Oh by the way I had a dream about you the
other night. Me and you and Tracy and Shannon were all up at the cabin
up on Mille Lacs and we were playing basketball down on the slab like
the good old days. And you were all better you were smiling and laughing
and having a great time. Well I should go I have a lot of homework to do
tonight. See you soon! Alicia Anderson |
Thursday, February 19th 2004 - 02:57:02 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
Billy: Keep up the fight! You are so strong and have such
determination, and you are demonstrating it! Keep opening those smiling
eyes! Your progress is SO ENCOURAGING!! We miss you and look forward to
seeing you (and, more importantly, you seeing those around you) soon!
We'll keep the prayers going and the thoughts of you ever present. Ron,
Connie and family: So pleased to see the update from yesterday. He WILL
be back with you soon. Hope all goes well for Bill this afternoon, and
that he is more comfortable after the procedures are completed. Abby:
Happy Birthday |
Thursday, February 19th 2004 - 12:01:17 PM
Name: |
Holly Check |
E-mail address: |
mnchecks@cfaith.com |
Comments: |
I remember when I was young, I would come over to your house to play
with April. You would not leave us alone and would open her bedroom door
and say things like "Booger!" and then close the door. You
would harass us and keep doing it until April told her mom and she would
tell you to leave us alone. You were always making weird noises and just
being goofy. I don't know you well, if even at all. When I went to April's
wedding, I was amazed that you were an adult. I always pictured
"Billy" as that little 3 or 4 year old just being funny. I bet
you still have that sense of humor even now. I hate to think of all of
the people who are just waiting for you to make them laugh again. You
have so many people praying for you. People you don't even know.
Sometimes people who just hear about you. I believe that God has a plan
for your life. A great plan! Not one of sickness, but one of health and
happiness. God is in the healing business and it is our prayer that you
come out soon so that you can bring the joy and happiness back into your
loved ones lives. We are praying for you and your family. God Bless! |
Thursday, February 19th 2004 - 11:52:01 AM
Name: |
April Debner |
E-mail address: |
aprildebner@yahoo.com |
Homepage: |
http://www.debnerdesign.com |
Comments: |
Hey Bud! Thanks for showing me your big blue eyes yesterday! I know
your going to fight your way back to us. Amber can't wait to see you.
She was so proud of herself, she told her religion class about you last
night and they all said prayers for you. Hang in there - we'll see you
soon! |
Thursday, February 19th 2004 - 10:12:37 AM
Name: |
Abby |
E-mail address: |
yanezmegan@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hi Dad~ Today is my first birthday. I wish that you could spend it
with me but I know that you are fighting hard and you will be better
soon. I miss you Dad and can't wait till you wake up. I love you!!!!!
love, Abby |
Thursday, February 19th 2004 - 08:56:21 AM
Name: |
Dan Dykhoff |
E-mail address: |
dan.dykhoff@co.hennepin.mn.us |
Comments: |
It was great to read the most recent encouraging news. We will
continue to keep Billy and all his family in our prayers. Dan, Gina and
family |
Thursday, February 19th 2004 - 07:39:33 AM
Name: |
E-mail address: |
Comments: |
Thursday, February 19th 2004 - 06:26:47 AM
Name: |
Amanda Schottenbauer |
E-mail address: |
alfalfa48@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Billy- I'm not sure if you remember me, but I met you in Ely one
weekend a couple of years ago. My sister is Anne. I just wanted you to
know that I'm thinking of you and praying for you during this time. Get
well soon!! |
Thursday, February 19th 2004 - 12:41:09 AM
Name: |
Tracy Anderson |
E-mail address: |
tracerdoodle13@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Bill- I came to see you Sunday, you are doing great, keep it up. I
visited with your family and talked to you for a bit. I'm sure you heard
me. You will make it through. You have so many people out there that
care so deeply. You are so special to so many. It is amazing the support
you have. I would have come to see you tonight but I have a cold and
don't want to get you sick. Your good buddy Garrett and I may try and
come on Friday. By the way I thanked him for inviting me over to your
house in Hanover (even though at the time I didn't know it was your
house.) he did a great thing restarting our friendship. (When you wake
up you can tell him thanks too, if you haven't already.) I am watching
Amber tomorrow for April, I can't wait to see her. It will be fun. I
can't wait to come see you again. Thinking of you lots and lots. I love
you Bill. Love always, Tracy |
Wednesday, February 18th 2004 - 07:46:43 PM
Name: |
Jana Delon |
E-mail address: |
jdelon6214@aol.com |
Comments: |
Billy, you don't know me (lucky you), but being a friend of your
sister Krissy is the way I know all about you. I just want you and your
family to know our thoughts and prayers are with yu. Hope I hear about
your speedy recovery soon. You have an incredible loving family, please
stay strong, you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jana and
family |
Wednesday, February 18th 2004 - 06:26:17 PM
Name: |
Stefanie Hennen |
E-mail address: |
Hennen11@aol.com |
Comments: |
We all miss you! I hope you get better really soon!! :) |
Wednesday, February 18th 2004 - 04:44:14 PM
Name: |
Mike and Rachel Beck |
E-mail address: |
mbeck2424@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We pray that
you have a speedy recovery. |
Wednesday, February 18th 2004 - 03:26:40 PM
Name: |
Jen and Jay Lindstrom |
Comments: |
we are praying for you and your family. Billy have the strength and
will power to pull through this. Larissa and I keep coming to the
hospital to see you and your family. we have even got some laughs out of
Krissy, we dragged her out for lunch on sat 14th so she could get out of
the hospital for a while.( I think she had a good time) we will continue
to pray for you and your family. we will be down to see you soon. |
Wednesday, February 18th 2004 - 12:54:10 PM
Name: |
Tara Severts |
E-mail address: |
seve0153@umn.edu |
Comments: |
You're in my thoughts and prayers Billy! I know that you're pull
through, you're a strong man! You have so much more life to live! |
Wednesday, February 18th 2004 - 12:41:10 PM
Name: |
Crissy Windsperger |
E-mail address: |
cmwindsperger@cbburnet.com |
Comments: |
Billy, I'm still in shock over what has happened. You are such an
amazing and special person and I know that you will bounce right back.
We have many memories and I hope that there will be more to come and I
can't wait to see your smile again. My thoughts and prayers are with you
and your family. Love ya Billy! Love, Crissy |
Wednesday, February 18th 2004 - 12:36:45 PM
Name: |
Krissy Sjoberg |
E-mail address: |
ksjoberg@synllc.com |
Comments: |
Try and keep your spirits up. We are all praying for Billy and the
rest of the family. |
Wednesday, February 18th 2004 - 11:19:04 AM
Name: |
Angie Schultz |
E-mail address: |
angschultz@yahoo.com |
Homepage: |
http://dj1953.com/wd |
Comments: |
I'm not sure if you know me Billy, I am April's friend. I am so sorry
to hear about this unfortunate accident. I am not worried though,
because from what I hear you are a very strong person, and obviously
loved by all. You are so fortunate to belong to such a loving, close and
strong family. They will never give up, and neither will you. If you are
as stubborn as your sister April, I know you will be just fine. My
prayers are with you everyday. Be strong and God Bless. April and
family...I am so sorry and if there is anything I can do please do not
hesitate to ask. Take strength in each other and also in knowing that so
many people are praying for Billy and your family. Love, Angie |
Wednesday, February 18th 2004 - 10:57:04 AM
Name: |
Kristin Moeller |
E-mail address: |
I_am_a_Packeraholic@msn.com |
Comments: |
Dear Connie, Ron, family, My thoughts and prayers are with you each
and every day. I put Billy on our prayer chain at Prince of Peace
Lutheran Church. There are more prayers for him than the angels know
what to do with!! I know God is with all of you, especially with Bill.
We hope to get to the hospital to see you soon. Connie, do want a cake?
Just kidding:) Hang in there and I love you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Kristin and Jim Moeller |
Wednesday, February 18th 2004 - 10:29:44 AM
Name: |
Mary Pepin and Greg Bakeberg |
E-mail address: |
mpepin@mn.rr.com |
Comments: |
Billy the power of pray is working to heal your body and bring you
back to your family and friends. Know that you are loved and God has a
mission in store for you. He only asks difficult tasks from his
strongest members like yourself. He is looking over your Mom and Dad who
are so sad and giving them the strength to have patience during your
healing process. Don't let go of the fighter instinct you were
given--that is what makes you whole. And, your cousin Jane Heins wants
you to be around longer to help create more "Billy" stories
she can tell with a big smile and lots of laughter. Heal well, be well.
Your first cousin, once removed. Mary Pepin and Greg Bakeberg February
18, 2004. |
Wednesday, February 18th 2004 - 10:28:00 AM
Name: |
E-mail address: |
dalump@parknicollet.com |
Comments: |
Wednesday, February 18th 2004 - 07:31:42 AM
Name: |
Betty Benkowski |
Comments: |
God be with you Billy, Our prayers go out to you and your Family. |
Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 11:45:08 PM
Name: |
Anne Schottenbauer |
E-mail address: |
shotty68@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Billy- I think about you everyday. I check this web site to see how
you are doing, I also talk to Megan to get updates. You are doing a
great job fighting this, stay strong buddy!!! My thoughts and prayers
are always with you and your family. |
Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 11:15:27 PM
Name: |
Brianna Mann |
E-mail address: |
breezieseas@yahoo.com |
Homepage: |
http://dj1953.com/wd |
Comments: |
To Billy and His Family, I am so very sorry to hear about Billy's
tragic accident. My thoughts and Prayers are with you all. If there is
anything I can do to help please let me know. I would like to make a
contribution to his fund that you are starting on the 18th. I will keep
you in my thoughts and prayers. Sincerely, Brianna Mann |
Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 10:51:41 PM
Name: |
Les Kahlow |
E-mail address: |
lkahlow@worldnet.att.net |
Comments: |
Hi Bill, My wife Mary Kahlow works with Jenn. Prayer really helps. I
haven't moved my left foot in over 50 years. The Mayo Clinic saved my
left leg. My surgeon thought they would cut it off and before my last
operation, we all prayed in the operating room. The rest is history. I
have a wonderful wife Mary and two great children that we are both very
proud of. You will come back and do just great. We will all keep praying
for you. Yours truly, Les Kahlow |
Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 09:53:48 PM
Name: |
Donnie Dahl |
Comments: |
Hey Bill, hope you're having some good dreams! Everyone's asking about
you at school. Mr. Haislet and Sue send their prayers out to you and the
family. Jayden told me about some of the "good times" you guys
had when you guys hung out. There are a lot of people out there praying
for you Billy, so please hurry and wake up. |
Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 07:55:20 PM
Name: |
Hasek Family |
E-mail address: |
mhasek1124@aol.com |
Comments: |
Dear Ron, Connie and family, Our love and prayers go out to you and
Billy. Each day brings him closer to coming home and life as we knew it.
Lots of Love, Rex, Molly, Alex and Hannah |
Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 06:57:03 PM
Name: |
Marne |
E-mail address: |
marnejohnson@comcast.net |
Comments: |
April, Connie and the rest of the Dahl family. My heart fell when I
heard the news and I wish there was something I could do, besides pray.
Read the update today and it looks like all his family and friend's
prayers are helping him through! I will continue to pray, as will all
the girls, Pril. We think of you guys everyday! He couldn't have better
people by his side! |
Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 06:06:06 PM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
Connie, Ron and family: Just heard the good news from Aubrey, then
read on this site! I'm so pleased to hear that there are no on-going
complications from the stroke, and that overall the doctors are
comfortable that there won't be additional secondary complications from
his injuries. I know you are relieved by the positive report from the
doctor, though you both have always remained POSITIVE throughout this
ordeal that Billy will come out of the coma and return to you. I
sincerely hope that it is sooner, rather than later. I hope you are
taking care of yourselves and getting some rest. Although we're hours
away, please know that we will be happy to assist you in any way. Emma
now has a Johnny Jump-up that absolutely thrills her! She jumps, she
spins, she swings - all the time hooping and hollering! She's trying so
hard to crawl, and is getting more frustrated each day that she hasn't
quite mastered it. I expect that she'll triumph any day now. Take care
and know that Billy and your family are in our daily prayers and
thoughts. Lynn |
Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 05:23:28 PM
Name: |
Joanne Hawley |
E-mail address: |
rjhawley@emily.net |
Comments: |
Bill's family, I am so glad to hear of the good results of the
neurologist tests! Be patient, don't get discouraged. Keep talking to
him. With my sister, we knew she could hear us because of the reactions
that were recorded on the vitals machine. I will continue to pray for
Bill and all of you. Joanne |
Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 04:01:12 PM
Name: |
Cheryl Currier |
E-mail address: |
l-ccurrier@worldnet.att.net |
Comments: |
I do not know your brother but my friend Mary Kahlow told me about him
and this page. Just wanted you to know he has been in my prayers since I
heard on 14th. Cheryl Currier |
Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 03:59:39 PM
Name: |
Anna Wells |
E-mail address: |
annaw_23@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
I met Billy in Ely while going to school. It's just crazy how these
things happen so quick, I just saw him having a great time snowmobiling
in Crane Lake. Hang in there Billy, my thoughts and prayers go out to
you and your family at this hard time. |
Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 01:31:15 PM
Name: |
Casey Deziel |
E-mail address: |
caseywave11@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
It's seems like yesterday when you and Megan stop by with Abby, it's
hard to believe something so terrible could happen to such a great man.
I just want you to know that me and Anna are pulling for you and that
this is just a small hurdle that your going to jump over just like any
other. Get well soon. Our prayers are with you. Another Ely friend. |
Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 12:41:54 PM
Name: |
Ashley and Jimmy |
E-mail address: |
girlygrlracing1@aol.com |
Comments: |
Hey big guy, just letting you know that were thinking of you. And for
whoever doesn't know me, I'm one Billy's old friends Ashley, from high
school, he dated my cousin Tracy, and I'm related to him in some way.
Well I haven't talked to you in awhile but I this wasn't the way that I wanted to talk to you. I know your in a difficult position but i know
your strong and I know you can get through this. You need to get better
so we can all get together and enjoy that happy-go spirit about you.
Everyone is missing your cute blue eyes!!! You have two little precious
girls that think the world of their daddy and love you very much, just
everyone else in this world. Please get better...we miss you and love
you so much!!!! love, Ashley and Jimmy |
Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 12:23:49 PM
Name: |
Nicole Aijala |
E-mail address: |
nicoleaijala@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
To Billy and his family- I am from Ely and I met him while he attended
school here. he is one of the funniest people I have ever met. he threw
me my 20th birthday party for me. he arranged everything and we had a
blast. Billy is one of those people that has made a difference in my
life because of his happiness and humor. I am praying for you Billy and
the family. |
Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 11:46:21 AM
Name: |
Ms. Priesz |
Comments: |
Dear Billy and Family, I wanted to write to let you know you are in my
thoughts. Your cousin, Matt, is in my LINKS class at Orono Middle
School. He has been talking to me on a daily basis, about how you are
doing. Today we looked up your web site and talked about what happened
to you. Some other students also were around, and we all send our very
best wishes. I remember Billy from when he was in my PE class at Orono
Middle School. I am sorry to hear about what happened. I know you are
surrounded by a loving family and many friends. There are tons of us out
here wishing the very best for you all. Billy you are a strong fighter,
so go for it! I enjoyed looking at all of the pictures of your family on
the web site! My very best wishes and prayers, to Billy, his family and
friends. Keep doing your very best all of you! |
Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 11:22:54 AM
Name: |
Cheri Strand |
E-mail address: |
cheri_strand@archway.com |
Comments: |
Hi April, Jeff and I wish a speedy recovery for Billy. Our thoughts
and prayers are with you and your family. Take care, Cheri & Jeff |
Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 11:01:06 AM
Name: |
Erin & Dan Wombacher |
E-mail address: |
EWombacher@nwwv.com |
Comments: |
You have all been in our thoughts and prayers since we heard about the
accident. Please remember that your friends, family, and faith will
always be there when you need them. Billy, below is a poem that has been
of comfort when things have not always gone as planned: Don�t give up
whatever life brings. Continue to move forward and strive to succeed.
Don�t give up on your hopes and your dreams, But hold on to them
diligently. No one said life would never be tough. No one said things
would never be rough. It�s easy to be strong When things are going
well But it takes EXTRA Courage When things aren�t so well. If what
comes your way does not break you, Then all it can do is strengthen you.
And in a little while, it will shape you ~ Into a tougher, wiser and
more confident person. Relax if need be, but don�t give in. Remain
strong and don�t be beaten. Your strength is not in giving in, But, in
not quitting, and in hoping to win. I hope it touches you the same way.
All our love, Dan, Erin, and John Wombacher |
Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 09:36:36 AM
Name: |
Ann Hobbs |
E-mail address: |
akhobbs@optonline.net |
Comments: |
Hi, My Mom, Mary Kahlow, works with Bill's sister, Jenn. Billy and
your whole family are in our prayers. Hang in there with him -- maybe
even play him some of his favorite tunes if the doctor says it's ok! He
has a great family and friends and that is a huge blessing. thinking of
you all, Ann Hobbs |
Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 09:33:59 AM
Name: |
Jessica Naylor |
E-mail address: |
jess_mn2@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy its just me. I just wanted to let you know I am still
thinking of you. I haven't been up there to visit you in a few days
because I have been kind of busy with some things lately. Just didn't
want you to think that I had forgotten about you. To the rest of the
Dahl family I am still here for you and I will be up there soon to make
sure you guys are all doing well and to visit with Billy. Make sure you
hang in there, I know Billy is going to make it through this one!!! |
Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 09:02:13 AM
Name: |
Kristina M Strong |
E-mail address: |
kmstron1@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
My prayers are with you and your family. I read this web page every
morning when I get into work to see how Billy is doing. I can't wait for
him to wake up. |
Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 07:13:41 AM
Name: |
Jessica |
E-mail address: |
jessthesing@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
I am the crow wing county dispatcher that took the original 911
accident call. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I
will keep checking the site to see how your doing. |
Tuesday, February 17th 2004 - 01:55:34 AM
Name: |
Dave and Laurie Benkowski |
E-mail address: |
lakelover56368@msn.com |
Comments: |
Ron, Connie, April, Jenny and Krissy, We have Billy in our thoughts
and prayers everyday. May God give him courage and strength to fight
through this. Amber has told us a lot about Billy, she can't wait to see
him at home again. Let's hope and pray that each day brings steady
progress on his road to recovery. Take care of yourselves. God Bless You
All. |
Monday, February 16th 2004 - 11:20:25 PM
Name: |
Char & George Leone |
E-mail address: |
charleneleone1@aol.com |
Comments: |
We received this news through Arlo (Char's brother) & Ginny
Schultz. We pray for Bill's healing and strength for all his family and
friends. Char & George Leone |
Monday, February 16th 2004 - 10:38:16 PM
Name: |
Tressie Dillman |
E-mail address: |
moodesignsmn@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
I am thinking about you all and you are in my prayers through this
rough time. I hope that Billy makes a quick and full recovery. |
Monday, February 16th 2004 - 08:52:08 PM
Name: |
Mark & Tina Johnson |
E-mail address: |
bpcbldrs@eot.com |
Comments: |
Billy is very strong and a fighter so you must believe he will make it
through this. We will keep Billy in our prayers. |
Monday, February 16th 2004 - 07:43:57 PM
Name: |
Eric & Mary Singleton |
E-mail address: |
e.singleton@mchsi.com |
Comments: |
Dear Connie, Ron and family, We just heard of Billy's accident this
weekend. Thanks to our good neighbors the Whiteheads for sharing the
news. Please know, we have Billy and you in our prayers. We pray he will
remain strong and we can see him with his infectious smile soon. Your
neighbors, Eric, Mary, Maddie and Amelia Singleton |
Monday, February 16th 2004 - 06:56:23 PM
Name: |
Denise Peterson |
E-mail address: |
peterdd@parknicollet.com |
Comments: |
My son was involved in a serious car accident back in October. He was
at HCMC for almost 3 months with back and brain injuries. He is home now
recovering. It's a long haul but with the care, the prayers, and all of
the love and support, you will all make it. You too need rest. My
thoughts are with you..... Denise Peterson |
Monday, February 16th 2004 - 03:24:10 PM
Monday, February 16th 2004 - 02:36:02 PM
Name: |
Cheryl Jacobson |
E-mail address: |
gjcjgolf@comcast.net |
Comments: |
Dear Ron, Connie and Family, I was shocked to hear about Bill's
terrible accident from Gini at STS. Bill is such a great young man and I
really enjoyed working with him. I pray for his recovery and also for
you, his family. No one should ever have to go through what you are as a
family. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Bill daily. Cheryl |
Monday, February 16th 2004 - 02:11:16 PM
Name: |
Lisa & Dave |
E-mail address: |
lisa@horizonagency.com |
Comments: |
It is clear you are a great, strong, loving family by the entries on
this website. There are so many people offering their support and love,
that is very encouraging. Although he is not awake, Billy is aware of it
and knows how many people he has praying for him right now. The days
ahead will be difficult, but what a great comfort knowing how many
people are thinking of him and have faith he will get through this. You
are all in our thoughts. |
Monday, February 16th 2004 - 01:52:45 PM
Name: |
Jenny and Jeremy Johnson |
E-mail address: |
jenger1904@juno.com |
Comments: |
We were so sorry to hear about your accident. You and your family are
in our thoughts and prayers. May you find comfort in the Lord during
this very difficult time. |
Monday, February 16th 2004 - 11:16:28 AM
Name: |
Jamie and Chris Mauk |
E-mail address: |
jamie_mauk@rdale.k12.mn.us |
Comments: |
Billy, When I heard about your accident I was in shock. It's so hard
when bad things happen to wonderful people, like you. We have had some
pretty fun times together. Chris still feels bad about trying to push
you into the water at Bermals Cabin. He just keeps telling himself-
"He should have just went for the lily pads!" That weekend was
so much fun, we need you to be there again this summer! That gives you
about 6 months to get better. We all know you can and will do it. The
Hanover gang misses you lots. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and
your family. We love ya Billy! You are a great guy! Love, Chris and
Jamie |
Monday, February 16th 2004 - 10:19:33 AM
Name: |
Wade Briner |
E-mail address: |
wadebriner@comcast.net |
Comments: |
I'm a friend of Mike Debner and Troy Schmidt and they passed this website
along to me. All I can say is God bless you and grant you a speedy and
FULL recovery. Chin up dude...you have a lot of people on your side. |
Monday, February 16th 2004 - 09:49:23 AM
Name: |
Robert Hering |
E-mail address: |
rjfish13@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy Goat looking forward to seeing ya again. The Van Vac is
calling our name. One of the Ely Boys |
Monday, February 16th 2004 - 09:49:22 AM
Name: |
Tom & Jessi Hanson |
E-mail address: |
wallipro@lakedalelink.net |
Comments: |
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of Billy.
Friends of Mike and April |
Monday, February 16th 2004 - 09:47:49 AM
Name: |
mike clauson |
E-mail address: |
mwclauson@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Billy, Ron, Connie & extended Dahl family; I'm so sorry to hear of
Billy's misfortune. Reading the other comments brought back a flood of
memories of the year or so Bill worked with us at Shaw prior to the
split. I remember well that my ability to keep him on task was inversely
related to the number of pretty girls that were working up front; more
pretty girls, the less Billy. Ah, the consummate fisherman. It's times
like these that is sooo difficult to see any silver lining when the
clouds are so large and ominous. Cling tight to both Billy and hope as
the doctors provide all that is within human understanding. The rest of
us will continue to solicit divine assistance, each of us to the limits
of our own understanding. As each of us pray for healing, remember to
reflect on the sanctity of human life and to hold those we love just a
bit harder and longer as all we have is so delicate, fragile and
fleeting. As is obvious by the volume and level of concern expressed by
your family and friends in this Dreambook, you have been blessed by a
loving and concerned community. May your blessings flow endlessly now in
your time of need, and may all our prayers be answered. God bless you
all. |
Monday, February 16th 2004 - 08:51:37 AM
Name: |
Ray Ortiz Sr |
E-mail address: |
CmdrRyvok@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
I have been a member of speedbingoaddicts for a short while but I feel
that I have a big family all over the states... I will keep Billy &
the family in my prayers... I am so sorry that this happened to such a
young man... GOD BLESS BILLY AND HIS FAMILY!!!!! |
Monday, February 16th 2004 - 05:42:39 AM
Name: |
Lacy Hladky |
E-mail address: |
ljhladky@csbsju.edu |
Comments: |
Oh Billy....I can't believe that this has happened to you. You have
always been such a �dare devil� and not always thinking of the
possible consequences. However...you are also very strong-willed and
determined never to give up. I know that you will make it through this
with high spirits!! You have so many friends and family that are here,
praying for you each and everyday and we won't stop until we see those
bright blue eyes and that big smile on your face once again. Your in God's
hands right now....trust in him!! I wish that I could come and see you,
but I'm studying abroad in Spain and won't return until May. However,
you will, without a doubt, be in my thoughts and prayers and I know that
when I come back to the states, your condition will be much improved.
You are a great friend and you always make me laugh!! We have had some
pretty fun times together with the the Hanover gang and trust me, your
presence right now is missed greatly!! Keep on fighting....never stop!!
You are not alone...we are here for you!! To all Billy's friends and
family....please stay positive and hopeful in Billy's recovery. We will
have him back soon!! With love, Lacy |
Monday, February 16th 2004 - 05:29:24 AM
Name: |
Norma and Stu Scott |
Comments: |
Billy, We are friends of your Aunt Carol and Les in San Diego. They
shared this website with us, and while reading your guest book, it
became very apparent that there are so many people who love and care
about you. May the love and prayers of all who around you give you the
strength that is needed for your recovery. Our prayers are with you. |
Monday, February 16th 2004 - 01:58:31 AM
Name: |
Paul Smaciarz |
E-mail address: |
psmaciar@css.edu |
Comments: |
Billy. Your a good guy and an excellent friend. I have know you for
seven years along with your sense of humor. I remember pissing off
Blanski in study hall, and giving each other a high five in the good old
camper. I have so many good memories of all thing we have done in the
past, including the good and the bad. I know soon that you will be back
to old self and I looking forward to that day. Watch out four H, Billy
is coming through. May your recovery come soon and be complete. Thinking
of you. Your buddy, Paul |
Monday, February 16th 2004 - 01:30:41 AM
Name: |
Shayna Johnson |
E-mail address: |
Beanie1506@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
I knew Billy from up north at Mille Lacs Lake. We always gave each
other a hard time, but we both knew that the other was kidding. I know
that Billy will make it through this hard time. I haven't been able to
see him in a while, but WHEN he gets better I know that he will try his
hardest to become the same sweet and loving person that I remember in
the good old days. Billy- You are a fighter and I never saw you give up
on anything and I know that you are not going to start now. You are just
waiting for the right time and whenever you are ready then please come
back to all of the people who miss you and love you. You are such a
special person and you know that so when you are up and well again
please don't forget little old Shayna (the one that laughs like a
machine gun). We all pray for you everyday. Billy's family- I know that
Billy will make it through this and I pray for him that he will pull
through and I know that you do too. I just wish that such a wonderful
person wouldn't have to go through things like this. He has his whole
life to live, and he will. I pray for Billy and all of your family. |
Sunday, February 15th 2004 - 11:27:32 PM
Name: |
Danielle Johnson |
E-mail address: |
djdolphin11@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
My thoughts and prayers go out to you Billy and family! Bill, you are
a strong person and somehow I know you'll pull through this one! You
have so many friends and family that care about you it's amazing! Just
by looking at the guestbook, and I'm sure there's more that just haven't
got to it yet! You are a very enjoyable person to be around and I'm sure
everyone feels the same! The good old days up at Mille Lacs with the old
crew were the best! You and the guys got along so well and always made
us laugh :-) Well I pray to god for you and I hope the best of this
situation! This has even made me realize that you can never take
anything for granted and to always tell someone how you feel in case you
never get that last chance to! Hang in there buddy, my prayers go out to
you tonight! Danielle :-) |
Sunday, February 15th 2004 - 10:28:21 PM
Name: |
Garrett Olson |
E-mail address: |
golsonscsu@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Billy- my thoughts are with you and your family. You are too tough of
a kid to let anything slow you down. Plus we have many more days of
sittin on the lake ahead of us, trying to catch a bigger one than last
summer. Take care bud, I know you can get through this. |
Sunday, February 15th 2004 - 10:10:36 PM
Name: |
Rob & Lesley Anderson |
E-mail address: |
www.anderlv@aol.com |
Comments: |
Dear Bill, Connie, Ron, April, Jenny, Chrissy and all the rest of the
Dahl family. Bill is like our second son. I remember him coming home
from the hospital to three older sisters. Seven months later I brought
our son, Matt home to three older sisters! Everyday you are in our
thoughts and prayers. I talk to you a lot Bill and tell you, you can do
this. Your buddie Matt is having a hard time wishing he would have been
there to help. We are here for you now. If there is anything our family
can do for your family we are here. You all take care of yourselves so
you stay strong for Bill. He's a great person and friend. Our prayers
are with you. Take care dear friends. Rob, Lesley and Matt Anderson |
Sunday, February 15th 2004 - 09:18:27 PM
Name: |
Marlys Thomas |
E-mail address: |
MarlysRHT@aol.com |
Comments: |
I'm praying for you and your family. Wake up soon! Marlys, Gordy,
Laurie, Andy & Colleen Thomas |
Sunday, February 15th 2004 - 08:30:20 PM
Name: |
Matthew Parker |
E-mail address: |
parkerk2@aol.com |
Comments: |
No matter how hard we pray we can never give up faith and the power of
eternal life. To his family and friends, may we all think of prayers and
believe he will come to a fast recovery. Prayers and Blessings from
Colorado. Sincerely your friend forever! |
Sunday, February 15th 2004 - 05:58:43 PM
Name: |
Connie Saunders |
E-mail address: |
viaboito@usfamily.net |
Comments: |
Bill, I've been thinking about one of my first encounters with you
when you were about 4 years old. I had just planted seeds in my yard,
and I heard you and your friend laughing and playing outside. When I
looked out the window, I saw the two of you jumping in my garden right
where I had just planted the seeds! I hollered at the two of you to play
elsewhere. I know that you have a lot of spirit, Billy, and it is this
spirit that I believe is helping you through your ordeal right now. Keep
on jumping! |
Sunday, February 15th 2004 - 05:50:22 PM
Name: |
Tracie Hawkinson |
E-mail address: |
hawkitl@parknicollet.com |
Comments: |
My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Stay strong, I wish you the
best and God will give you strength the make it through. God Bless |
Sunday, February 15th 2004 - 05:34:41 PM
Name: |
Sean Skibbie |
E-mail address: |
Seanskibbie@cs.com |
Comments: |
To Bill and all of his family and friends; I have not talked much with
Bill since high school, but Leah Berg and Brianna Mann both told me
about his accident. I hope that is recovery is a full one. I remember
the days in the old Maple Plain neighborhood, nursery school and growing
up together in Orono. Time really flies, I guess. All of you are in my
thoughts and prayers. Best of luck and God bless.. Sincerely, Sean
Skibbie |
Sunday, February 15th 2004 - 05:04:56 PM
Name: |
Krissy Volney |
Comments: |
April and family, I cannot imagine what you all are going through. I
think of you and Bill everyday. I have never met Bill. But, from reading
all these entries, I have learned that he is a fighter. His strong
spirit and the prayers of all who are behind him will help him through
this journey of recovery. My and Pete's prayers and thoughts are with
you. Love, Krissy |
Sunday, February 15th 2004 - 04:59:12 PM
Name: |
Steve Benson |
E-mail address: |
stevenbenson0448@msn.com |
Comments: |
On behalf of my family, we extend all of our prayers and thoughts to
Billy as well as the entire Dahl family during this critical time. God
bless and stay strong. Also, thank you Debbie for establishing this site
for us all to stay connected and informed. Amazing. |
Sunday, February 15th 2004 - 03:43:37 PM
Name: |
Leanne Faue,Al Dougherty |
E-mail address: |
LFaue@netzero.net |
Comments: |
Our thoughts/hopes/prayers are with Billy. Ron and Connie hang in
there. We remember Billy when he was a lot smaller, full of spunk and
energy. He's tough and a fighter. |
Sunday, February 15th 2004 - 01:44:28 PM
Name: |
Kelly & Lona and the Shaughnessy Clan |
E-mail address: |
kellylona@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Ron and Connie and all the Dahls our Prayers and thoughts are with all
of you. The Shaughnessy's |
Saturday, February 14th 2004 - 08:57:11 PM
Name: |
Sandy and Vern Bowman |
E-mail address: |
sandybow_2000@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. |
Saturday, February 14th 2004 - 06:42:51 PM
Name: |
Duane, Toni and brandon Hirsch |
E-mail address: |
ideaco@pclink.com |
Comments: |
We wish Billy a speedy and fast recovery. Our prayers and thoughts are
with his family and friends. |
Saturday, February 14th 2004 - 02:56:19 PM
Name: |
Carol & Les Heins |
E-mail address: |
LesHeins@san.rr.com |
Comments: |
Billy, On this Valentine's Day we are sending you hugs and kisses and
God's healing power. However long it takes, you will heal! As I'm typing
this I am looking outside at the flowering apple tree in my neighbor's
yard (in CA.) How beautiful! But those blooms didn't appear until just
the right moment in time. It took a long time for them to blossom, and
so will you. Spend this time resting and when it is the right time you
will "burst into bloom," be reborn and beautiful. God is with
you always! Love to you and all the special people in your life. Aunt
Carol and Les |
Saturday, February 14th 2004 - 12:55:30 PM
Name: |
Friends anxious to meet you |
Comments: |
Hey Billy - Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Even the friends that you have not met yet are praying for your full
recovery. We know so much about you that we feel like we know you for so
long. We know that you are a fighter, ambitious, friendly, nice, loving
brother, loving father, great friend, great son, and all of the great
qualities of a person that anyone will envy you for. This is God's will
and we can never question it, I am sure God will help you through this.
We are sending our strength and love to you and your family as no one
will ever deserve this. Imaging if it is a person like you which breaks
our hearts. We are looking forward to meeting you and maybe some of
these great qualities that you acquire will rub off on us. These
qualities that you acquire is a true proof of what matters in life. May
God be with you and your family during this harsh journey. No one knows
what God has in-stake for any of us and all we can do is welcome
anything that God gives us. May God Bless You Billy!!!!!! |
Saturday, February 14th 2004 - 12:16:27 PM
Name: |
Judy Sillman |
E-mail address: |
judysillman@aol.com |
Comments: |
Our thoughts and prayers are with you! Barb Leonard my sister-in-law
asked that we add Billy and your family to our prayer list. Consider it
DONE! God Bless you and be with you every step of the day! Hang in
their...every day will get better. |
Saturday, February 14th 2004 - 11:52:02 AM
Name: |
Mike and Mary Gove |
E-mail address: |
mike@imperialcounters.com |
Comments: |
Sending our thoughts and prayers to Bill and his loved ones. We've
worked with all the great people at STS for years and hope Bill can be
back there soon! We'll be pulling for you! |
Saturday, February 14th 2004 - 11:50:05 AM
Name: |
Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
Billy: Under normal circumstances Emma would be with you this weekend.
Her mommy is at the hospital with you now, so I thought I'd let you know
that today has been a lot of fun with Emma. She awoke about 5:30 happy -
cooing, giggling and very energetic. She's giving LOTS of kisses today -
so I'll assume most of them are really meant for you on this Valentine's
Day. Emma was sitting up by herself for quite a while this morning, and
she actually ate some peaches! She also held her own bottle (the one
with the handles)....she's growing up fast. You know, we had a deal...I
wouldn't have to change diapers (especially dirty ones) on weekends.
Well, guess what? It's happening and YOU OWE ME!!! Perhaps payback will
have to be that YOU will be assigned the "Grandma Ginny Handyman
List" to do before you can head out fishing the next time we're all
in Ely! (Guess that's sort of mean-spirited of me, isn't it? Especially
if you don't have Mikey or Wolfie there to distract her!) Anyway, today
is the day of hearts and love. You have a big heart, and a strong heart,
and you are a very loving father. You are also held closely in the
hearts of your family and so many, many friends. I know that all those
hearts are pouring out to you today and praying for your full recovery.
Rest comfortably today knowing that you are loved by so many. |
Saturday, February 14th 2004 - 10:57:22 AM
Saturday, February 14th 2004 - 10:47:56 AM
Name: |
Joe, Darcie and Cory Malchow |
E-mail address: |
jodaco@usfamily.net |
Comments: |
Billy we are sending our strength and love to you. Joe & I have
been reminiscing about you riding through the neighborhood on riding
lawn mower, cruising the lake fishing, scrounging for building materials
to make a fort. You are quite a GUY!!! This may take you awhile to get
by this hurdle. Know that you and your family will have our support now
and always. |
Saturday, February 14th 2004 - 08:31:57 AM
Name: |
Jason and Jody Bryant |
E-mail address: |
jods45@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. May
the lord keep you close to him at this time and always. |
Saturday, February 14th 2004 - 07:06:20 AM
Name: |
Dawn |
E-mail address: |
its_your_love_43452@yahoo.com |
Homepage: |
http://groups.msn.com/BabesofBingo |
Comments: |
I am so sorry to hear of this misfortunes that are being bestowed on
your family. May the good lord watch over you and may you find the
courage and the strength to comfort you during these times. God Bless
You. Dawn
Saturday, February 14th 2004 - 01:50:10 AM
Name: |
Margaret and Chuck Jeronimus |
E-mail address: |
cjeron@msn.com |
Comments: |
To Krissy and the entire Dahl family, Our thoughts and prayers are
with you and Billy. We were so sorry to hear about the accident from a
friend at Cargill. Please take good care and know that if good thoughts
heal, Billy will make a full recovery. Margaret and Chuck |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 09:36:20 PM
Name: |
Arlo & Virginia Schultz |
E-mail address: |
virginiaschultz@charter.net |
Comments: |
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. The power of prayer can do
amazing things. Sometimes we just need to let go and let God. Don't be
afraid to lean on others in this time of need. All our love and support,
Arlo & Virginia |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 09:00:11 PM
Name: |
Terry Walters |
E-mail address: |
tw1buddy@msn.com |
Comments: |
Just wanted to let you know how many people there are that care about
you and are saying a prayer to God to make you strong enough to pull
through this. God Bless Terry Walters |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 08:32:19 PM
Name: |
Jessica Johnson |
E-mail address: |
bbblue09@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Billy, Billy, Billy, I just don't know what to say. It seems like just
yesterday I met you for the first time lol. And I know this is just a
little obstacle that you will overcome just like it was nothing. There
isn't a day that goes by where I am not thinking about a memory that we
have had together. We have had some pretty crazy ones. I was going to
bring you your "hat" up to the hospital but I didn't think
that would be too appropriate. haha. But I just want you to know I am
thinking and praying for you. And I am just as worried for you as you
were for me when I went through that hospital stuff, maybe even more. I
know you are dreaming of me! Just kidding lol. You have a lot of people
that care for you. And I can't wait to see your blue eyes again. To The
Dahl Family: If there is anything you need just let me know I would be
more then happy to help. I pray for you and Billy every night, and I
can't wait until he is up and at it again! ~ Love Jessica Johnson |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 05:56:44 PM
Name: |
John, Janet, Troy, Madeline, Jason |
E-mail address: |
jjlyrek@lakedalelink.net |
Comments: |
Godspeed Billy. Cousin Troy writing to let you know that I need you to
hurry up the healing process so you can give me advice on this thing
called sudden fatherhood. My daughter Madeline Grace, who is three years
and six months old on Feb. twentieth, can not wait to meet you and your
two amazing daughters. We know you need rest to properly heal and it may
take God a few months to perform this miracle so enjoy your sleep while
you can. Until you arise, Easter would be a good time by the way, we all
will be learning what the words Patience, Prayer, Faith and Hope are all
about. See you and yours soon Love the Lyreks. |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 05:48:14 PM
Name: |
Dick Heiden (RB Chorale) |
E-mail address: |
rheiden1@cox.net |
Comments: |
We have been advised of your difficult situation by our friend and
fellow Chorale member, Carol Heins and just wanted you to know that we
are keeping you all in our best thoughts and prayers...even
long-distance prayers help! |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 05:17:29 PM
Name: |
Anne Schottenbauer |
E-mail address: |
shotty68@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Billy- Wow! I am praying for you everyday!!! You are a strong man and
I know you will pull out of this. Not a day goes by where I don't think
of all the fun we had up in Ely, like taking you out for your 21st
Birthday!!! To Billy's family- I pray for you and Billy each day. Stay
strong!!! |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 05:01:30 PM
Name: |
Annie Lenhart |
E-mail address: |
alenhart@innovativesurfaces.com |
Comments: |
Hi Bill and family. I have a phone relationship with Bill through his
work at STS Flooring. I work for Innovative Surfaces, Inc. in Hastings,
MN. I am terribly sorry to hear about Bill's accident. I will pray for
him to recover fully and for you, his family, to keep hope in your
hearts! He is always so sweet and friendly on the phone... All of my
best wishes for a fast and full recovery! |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 04:26:46 PM
Name: |
Sharon Dolan |
E-mail address: |
sharon_dolan@archway.com |
Comments: |
April, I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. My thoughts and
prayers are with you and your family. |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 04:04:09 PM
Name: |
Patrick Hagan |
E-mail address: |
patrick.j.hagan@aexp.com |
Comments: |
We are thinking of you and hope it is a speedy recovery. |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 01:56:43 PM
Name: |
Travis Lawrence & Stacy Willems |
E-mail address: |
travisl@interlock-concrete.com |
Comments: |
April, Mike & family- We are thinking of you during this rough
time. Billy is in our thoughts. We pray that he will be on the road to
recovery soon. Take care, Travis & Stacy |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 01:14:53 PM
Name: |
Glenda Caldwell |
E-mail address: |
glenda.caldwell@cox.net |
Comments: |
As a former member of the RB chorale I heard about your Billy. As a
Mom of a 20 yr old daughter I can imagine how hard this must be for you
all. Stay strong together. You are in my thoughts and prayers. |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 12:12:57 PM
Name: |
Jim Olson |
E-mail address: |
jpolson@mntile.com |
Homepage: |
http://www,mntile.com |
Comments: |
Bill and family, Minnesota Tile, myself and my family will be thinking
of you in our prayers. Bill, I know that you are a fighter, keep up the
fight. I'll be stopping by to visit soon Jim Olson Minnesota Tile |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 12:04:56 PM
Name: |
Tim Scheffler & Jordy Goodwin |
E-mail address: |
tjcasee@willmar.com |
Comments: |
Dear Family - Just a quick note to let you know that me and Tim our
thinking of Billy and his whole family, I guess there's always miracle's
happening and it could happen to him. Bill is definitely in our
thought's and prayer's. God Bless all of you. Love - Tim & Jordy -
Relative's of Julie & Harley Scheffler of Alexandria, Minn |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 11:23:22 AM
Name: |
Chuck & Joyce Ingram |
E-mail address: |
crjm100@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Dear Billy, We are friends of Carol & Les. Our prays our with you
and your family. Billy I know you can hear your family talking to you,
they will guide you home with their prays and touch. God will take care,
and we will send prays. |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 11:08:48 AM
Name: |
Jeff and Marty Bernatz |
E-mail address: |
mbernatz |
Comments: |
We are square dance friends of Les and Carol Heins, in San Diego,
California. Please know our thoughts and prayers are with Billy, his
family and friends. |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 11:05:34 AM
Name: |
Tammy Koecher |
E-mail address: |
silverstar04@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Hey Billy! Hope you get better soon, I'm keeping you in my prayers. |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 11:03:45 AM
Name: |
Harley and Julie Scheffler |
E-mail address: |
jscheff@runestone.net |
Comments: |
Billy you are such a rebel and so strong I know you will make it
through this. You are in our prayers and the support of all your family
members and friends will get you through this. I can't wait until you
wake up so you can see how many people are thinking and pulling for you.
I think this web site is going to blow you away as it has all of us.
Ronnie, Connie, April, Mike, Jenny, Ben and Chrissy to you our love goes
to also, I know this is such a hard time for you all. But I know your
support and your love is going to get Billy through this. That is such a
strong bond that he feels even if he's still sleeping. I'm sure he knows
all of you along with the rest of his family are there for him. If any
of you need anything we are there. With love and prayer Harley, Julie
and Billy Scheffer (Billy's aunt, uncle and cousin |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 10:49:22 AM
Name: |
Laura Merritt |
E-mail address: |
diamondgirl@softhome.net |
Comments: |
Our thoughts and prayers are with Billy's Full recovery and for his
entire family. Don't give up hope, I've personally known two people that
have been in similar accidents . One man also hitting a van on Lake
Minnetonka and a co-workers daughter hit by a car and thrown into a
cement wall on 394. Both were in deep comas , for a long time after
their accidents. Which was a way the body could deal with the pain and
also HEALING from the injuries. Look for hope everyday keep talking and
touching Billy, I personally believe he can hear and feel you are there
and that is very important. I've Known the Debbie since the 3rd grade.
So I know what a Strong , close knit and wonderful family, The Dahl
family is!!! And remember there are so many of your friends praying for
Billy! If you need or if I can personally do anything, Please let me
know . We are here for you! With Love and Hope, Laura |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 10:38:12 AM
Name: |
Diane Narr and family |
E-mail address: |
dnarr@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Our prayers are with you all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cousin, Diane |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 10:19:36 AM
Name: |
Lisa Birr (hardon clark) |
E-mail address: |
birrl@parknicollet.com |
Comments: |
My thoughts and prayers are with your whole family! I am so sorry this
happened, I will hope for the best! |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 10:18:11 AM
Name: |
Dr. Ketan Rao. |
Comments: |
My prayers & heartfelt good wishes that dear Bill may recover from
the tragic accident. May the Lord grant the family serenity, courage
& patience while Bill recovers fully. |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 10:13:20 AM
Name: |
Jocelyn Sack |
E-mail address: |
jocelynsack@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
I graduated from Orono in 1999 with Billy. My prayers and thoughts go
out to his family in this time of need. Take care and may God give you
strength to make it through. |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 10:03:46 AM
Name: |
Pam Hulwi |
E-mail address: |
phulwi@tcfbank.com |
Comments: |
Dear Billy-I am a member of St. Anne's Church and my good friend Mary
Kahlow works with your sister Jenn. Mary told me about you and I want
you to know that I will pray for you every single day and light candles
when I go to church on Saturdays. My cousin Joe, who lives in Eau
Claire, Wisconsin, was in a horrific car accident 4 years ago the day
before Thanksgiving. He was air-lifted to Regents Hospital in St. Paul
and given an hour to live. Within 6 months Joe was back at work full of
metal and pins. To look at him today, you would never know what he went
through 4 years ago. We had prayer chains going all over the country for
Joe and I firmly believe that he is here today because of the power of
prayer. Prayers are very powerful and the doctor that operated on Joe
said that he is a "miracle". You too, will be a
"miracle". You have a lot of people praying for you - some you
know, others you do not. God will answer those prayers and I hope that
some day I will be able to meet you at church face to face. Billy, keep
on fighting because you will win. My prayers are with you and your
family. Pam Hulwi |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 09:56:56 AM
Name: |
Karen Sim |
E-mail address: |
ksim@ucsd.edu |
Comments: |
We are friends of Les & Carol Heins. They passed along this
website and request for prayers. My heartfelt prayers are with all of
you. I will pass this to everyone I know to bring more prayers your way,
every hour, every day. Our children are our lives, and I can only try to
imagine what you are going through. Billy, with all the love &
prayers coming your way, you have no choice but to wake up and hug your
family!!! Love and prayers for a quick recovery, Karen Sim |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 09:46:06 AM
Name: |
Jennie Lundgren |
E-mail address: |
j.lundgren@mchsi.com |
Comments: |
I do not personally know Bill, but am sending out my thoughts and
prayers to all of your at this very difficult time. I work with Krissy
and want you all to know we are thinking of you. Take care. |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 09:38:19 AM
Name: |
Berg Family |
E-mail address: |
rber1@amfam.com |
Comments: |
Ron, Connie and family. You are in our prayers. |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 09:37:01 AM
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 09:36:31 AM
Name: |
Niki Sinnott |
E-mail address: |
sinnon@parknicollet.com |
Comments: |
I am a friend of Jenny's from work. I have never met Billy, but feel
that I know him through hearing Jenny talk about him and his kids. Billy
has been in our prayers and will continue to be until he is walking and
talking again. From the sounds of it, Billy doesn't let anything get him
down. I will keep my fingers crossed that he stays true to his
personality in this case too. We love you, Jen. God bless. Niki |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 09:22:22 AM
Name: |
Patty (Pepin) Washatka |
E-mail address: |
Washatka@aol.com |
Comments: |
Connie & Ron and family, We are praying for Bill and have added
him to our Church's prayer chain. May you all find peace and hope in the
power of prayer. Patty and Jerry Washatka (Connie's cousin) |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 09:16:58 AM
Name: |
Tom and Marsha Lehn |
E-mail address: |
tomlehn@comcast.net |
Comments: |
To Bill and his Family, We are good friends of Carol and Les and heard
about you through them. Please know that we are praying for you daily
and wish you a speedy recovery. Although we have never met I know we
serve the same sovereign Lord who always has our best interests at
heart. I seldom understand the details of His plans for me until much
later but He won't fail us. A favorite verse of mine: "Trust in the
Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all
you ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. Do not be wise
in your own eyes. Fear the Lord and shun evil." Proverbs 3:5-8 North
is a great hospital with the best trauma team in the state. I pray there
wisdom and experience will pull you through quickly Billy. God Bless, Tom
and Marsha Lehn |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 08:43:26 AM
Name: |
Lani Magdanz |
E-mail address: |
lmagdan1@fairview.org |
Comments: |
Billy, you are way too fun-loving and strong to spend much time up in
ICU :) My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.....Love,
Lani |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 08:39:49 AM
Name: |
Cindy Gaspar |
E-mail address: |
Cindysg@visi.com |
Comments: |
I wanted you to know our love and prayers go out to you and the
family. May you know your circle of family and friends will give you
strength. All our love. Cindy & Don Gaspar (Connie's Cousin) |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 08:39:25 AM
Name: |
Joanne Hawley |
E-mail address: |
rjhawley@emily.net |
Comments: |
Dear family of Billy, My name is Joanne and when I heard of the
accident I wanted to write and encourage you to have hope for Billy. Ten
years ago my sister was in a terrible accident and was in coma for 6 mo
and had many broken bones. It looked very hopeless, but she is now home
almost back normal. Drives takes care of her family and home as she
always did. She has a slight memory problem and has a slight change in
her personality. She is even sweeter than before. God honored our
prayers even when we were given no hope of her ever recovering. We
prayed over daily, knowing what kind of heavenly Father we have. He is
Billy's God too who loves him the same as my sister. His recovery is in
His hands, however much he chooses to give him. Please know you will
continually be in my prayers. Read Rom. 8:39 We prayed this to sister.
Joanne |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 08:08:44 AM
Name: |
Mary Kahlow |
E-mail address: |
mkahlow@worldnet.att.net |
Comments: |
Our thoughts and prayers are with you Billy, as well as for the rest
of your family. Jenn always says you are such a capable guy, a real
fighter. These traits will certainly help you at this time. |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 07:52:04 AM
Name: |
Rhonda (ImJustbecuz1) |
E-mail address: |
justbecuz@cox.net |
Comments: |
You don't know me personally, but, I am a member of the MSN "speedbingoaddicts"
group associated with Slingo and an online friend of Billy's Aunt
dj_1953. I just wanted to extend my heartfelt sympathies and to assure
you that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Please remember, with GOD,
all things are possible. May God Bless you and your family during this
difficult time. Regards, Justbecuz1 |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 04:55:15 AM
Name: |
Ed and Shirley Wood |
E-mail address: |
plazaed@earthlink.net |
Comments: |
We are friends of Les and Carol Hiens in San Diego. We just can't
imagine what all of your family must be going through. Keep the faith
and with all the prayers that all of us will be saying for Billy God
will surely bring him back even a stronger young man in strength and
spirit. To all of his family may God be with you all at this very trying
time. Ask God to watch over Billy while he finds his way home again to
all the love and support that you have always given to him in the past.
Shirley and I will be praying for Billy and keeping in touch with his
progress. Love to Billy and his family, Ed and Shiley |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 01:57:25 AM
Name: |
Amy Heltemes |
E-mail address: |
amy.heltemes@northmemorial.com |
Comments: |
Billy (okay you are not a kid anymore I will start calling you Bill).
BILL! You were always that annoying little rugrat causing trouble,
playing tricks, and nagging when we were kids. I would give anything to
have that back right now. I am sure you will be back to your old ways in
no time. Cannot wait to see that grin of yours again. "We are
praying you through" Bill. Wake up soon!!!! Love, Chris, Amy,
Derrick, Marissa, and Allie |
Friday, February 13th 2004 - 12:21:25 AM
Name: |
Alicia Anderson |
E-mail address: |
anderson985@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
I am always thinking about you Billy. My thoughts and my prayers go to
you and your family! I know you can get through this you are a tough
person. Get well soon everyone misses you! |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 10:30:03 PM
Name: |
Northwestern College Students-Roseville MN |
Comments: |
Lots of people at Northwestern College are praying for you Billy, and
your family! Take courage in knowing God is always faithful! Life
doesn't always seem fair, but God's plan is better than anything we
could ever imagine. We're praying hard for you, and we know God's plan
for Billy will be fulfilled. |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 10:01:32 PM
Name: |
Eric Koch |
E-mail address: |
et23@koch.org |
Comments: |
May God watch over you and give you swift healing Billy. My prayers
are with you and your family. May God be with you, Eric |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 09:36:37 PM
Name: |
Jenn |
E-mail address: |
jendahl0428@aol.com |
Comments: |
Hey Kid-O, I miss you lots!!! Your a great LITTLE BROTHER and I miss
you dearly- Please take the time that you need to recover- I am willing
to wait, but it is hard! I have to say- even in the condition that you
are in- your still my CUTE LITTLE BRO (that all the girls love). I miss
and love you lots!!! Jenn |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 09:35:59 PM
Name: |
Megan and Abby |
E-mail address: |
yanezmegan@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Billy~ It seems like only yesterday that we had Abby. Now she is going
to be 1 on Thursday. She has been really good at the hospital, I know
she just wants to see you. I am sure you have heard her scream a few
times. You have a lot of people here for you, friends and family. We
love ya Billy and I know you are a strong person and will come out in
time to take Abby fishing like we talked about. Love Megan and Abby |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 09:24:08 PM
Name: |
Jeannie Sapp |
E-mail address: |
jmrs1010@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hi Billy, Our prayers are with you and your family that God will work
miraculously in your lives. Jeannie Sapp R.B. Chorale Member (&
Carol's friend) |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 09:19:37 PM
Name: |
David Garron |
E-mail address: |
djgarron@msn.com |
Comments: |
To Connie, Ron and the Dahl family, Life is a Sacred Mystery we cannot
understand while on this earth. May the breath of God breathe healing
love upon all of you and may the angels that are there beside you fill
your hearts with comfort. I will say a special prayer for Billy. David
G. (friend of Les and Carol) |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 08:47:23 PM
Name: |
Tracy Anderson |
E-mail address: |
tracerdoodle13@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Billy- I am at a loss for words, this accident has made me realize
that you should always keep the people closest to you close. You were my
best friend, boyfriend, and side kick for three years. I want to thank
you for the memories we have made together. There are so many memories
that I thank god for every day. I need you here so that we can continue
to make memories. You are a huge part of my life. Now that we have grown
up a bit we have been able to hang out and keep in touch, I admire you
for being able to call me and Anthony up to see what we are up to. You
are a great man and I know your strength and ability to see your way
through rough times. This one is gonna take a lot of strength but I have
no doubt in my mind that you can. I want you to know I pray for you and
your family and wish the best. You gotta bring those two little babies
over to meet the family. Billy you are in my heart and in my thoughts
daily. I can't wait to see those sparkling eyes shining back at me. I
love you lots. I will come to see you soon. Love always, Tracy Amber- I
have not seen you forever. I saw the pictures, of your mom's wedding.
You looked so grown up. You looked very pretty in your dress. I know
that you are worried about uncle Bill and that your sad , but I wanted
to let you know that he is very strong and he has never backed down from
anything. He is a fighter. I think about you often and want you to know
that your uncle loves you so much. I can't remember a time when he
wasn't telling me a story about you or telling me how big you are
getting. He is proud of you and loves you. Miss you a lot! Love, Tracy
Ron, Connie, Krissy, Jen, and April I am here if you need anything. My
thoughts and prayers are with you. You are all in my heart. I know you
are a very strong family and can pull through. Be strong for Bill. Love
you all. Tracy |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 08:45:57 PM
Name: |
Joe Hitchings |
E-mail address: |
jhitch21@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Get well soon Bill. All of your former TEC friends and RE classmates
are praying for you! |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 08:39:27 PM
Name: |
Diana Arens |
E-mail address: |
Danai26@aol.com |
Comments: |
To the Dahls: My prayers and love are with you! Billy, you are
constantly in my heart and in my thoughts. I pray for God to give you
strength in healing. You have so many people rooting for you! You are a
light in everyone's life. All my love, Diana (Billy's cousin) |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 08:19:30 PM
Name: |
Kenny,Barb,Kim,Kelly,Kendell, and Lindsey Schmitz |
E-mail address: |
Kendl216@aol.com |
Comments: |
The Dahl family, Are thoughts and Prayers are with you. Billy be
strong were thinking of you everyday. |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 08:14:20 PM
Name: |
Tara & Jason |
E-mail address: |
tarabeara22@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Dear Dahl family, We have you in our thoughts and prayers. We just
went through something very similar to what you are, so are pretty
familiar with what you must be going through. Take comfort in the love
and prayers that are being sent your direction. Hopefully (fingers
crossed) things will all turn out for the best. Take care. Tara &
Jason Moores (tracy's sister) |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 08:07:52 PM
Name: |
Steve, Cindy & Kristy Becker |
Comments: |
To the Dahl family - we're thinking of all of you and hoping each day
gets easier. Billy - be strong! Please let us know if there is anything
we can do... Our thoughts and prayers are with you... |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 07:59:31 PM
Name: |
Jeremy Bacon &Melissa |
E-mail address: |
jbacon6638@yahoo>com |
Comments: |
Sorry To hear the news, and are blessings are with you |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 07:39:18 PM
Name: |
Debbie Honeycutt |
E-mail address: |
dshoneyc@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Though I don't personally know you, Billy, your Aunt Carol has invoked
the entire RB Chorale in California to pray for your recovery...the
power of prayer is building here for you. We know it works, we have seen
it happen and we are filled with spirit as we do our best to send you
our positive thoughts. And to the family, you will be in our thoughts,
too. God Bless you. |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 07:37:15 PM
Name: |
Kari Cook |
E-mail address: |
whatever_kari@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
I met Billy in Ely, when I was going to school. I just want him to
know that my thoughts and prayers go out to him, and his family. |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 07:35:57 PM
Name: |
Katheryne Potts |
E-mail address: |
rockcandy69@earthlink.net |
Comments: |
To Billy and your family, The prayers of my family are with you. The
prayers of the 82nd Airborne Division of the US Army, Ft. Bragg, NC are
also with you. May God walk with you and your doctors during this trying
time in your life. Thank you to your aunt for letting us know through
speedbingoaddicts about your need for our prayers. |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 07:35:21 PM
Name: |
Liz Sloan |
E-mail address: |
sloaner_2009@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Hey everyone...I'm very sorry to hear about Bill. I am one of Ashley's
friends and she seemed to be very close to her cousin so I am also
praying for him to get through! God will help! |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 07:18:13 PM
Name: |
Jessica Naylor |
E-mail address: |
jess_mn2@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Billy there isn't a second that goes by that I am not thinking about
you. I miss you so much! We have had way too many good times so far to
end them already (p.s. I am pissed the doctors shaved your nipple hairs
:) !!!). You are going to get through this, I miss you picking on me and
always finding something about me to make fun of. I will come and visit
you and your family as often as I can. I brought you a balloon today,
hope you enjoy it and I hope your family gets some cheer out of the
flowers I gave to them. You are in my heart, dreams, and payers Billy!!!
My prayers go out to the rest of the family also. I only wish that you
know how many people are there for you everyday and are praying for you,
I always knew you touched a lot of lives. I love you Billy and I want to
you to come back to us soon!!!! ~ Jessica |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 06:34:16 PM
Name: |
Eric Mortvedt |
E-mail address: |
ejmortvedt@aol.com |
Comments: |
Ron, Connie and Family My thoughts and prayers are with you and Billy.
My wishes for a complete recovery. Best Regards, Eric |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 06:08:32 PM
Name: |
Robin and Laura Merritt |
E-mail address: |
frugalman@softhome.net |
Comments: |
Hey Billy! Our sons love and enjoy their snowmobiles a LOT. You gotta
get real better real fast or mean old Dad will force them to SELL them
all! Time heals all, Billy, if you can just hang in there, I know you
will improve and get back on your feet soon. Your family is counting on
you, and our prayers are with you. Robin and Laura Merritt and sons
Mike, Joe, Matt and Adam |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 06:06:03 PM
Name: |
Bruce and Susan Whitehead |
E-mail address: |
brucewhitehead1@mchsi.com |
Comments: |
We are praying for you, Bill. In fact, you are on the Prayer Chain at
our church, Vision of Glory Lutheran Church, in Plymouth. |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 05:56:34 PM
Name: |
Kim Salber |
E-mail address: |
salber_13@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
I'm an Ely friend of Billy's .... just letting you know I'm praying
for you and your family Billy. Hang in there and be strong. There's a
lot of people routing for you. |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 05:36:28 PM
Name: |
dylon hoff |
Comments: |
Get well soon so we can go huntin on the hood of the car for the damn
grouse. And you still owe me a fishin trip for muskie. later.. dylon |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 05:20:23 PM
Name: |
Michelle Madich |
E-mail address: |
mmadich@productivity.com |
Comments: |
A really good friend of mine, Lori Vander Heyden works with Bill. She
e-mailed me with questions about his accident, as my brother was in a
bad motorcycle accident about 4 years ago this upcoming August. He
survived a traumatic brain injury and after 3 months of extensive
rehabilitation is doing very well today. My thoughts and prayers are
with the family during this difficult waiting time. It can be a very
long wait and can be very hard not knowing what is going to happen next.
I assure you that the people at North Memorial will take excellent care
of your son, brother, friend, as they did a great job with my brother.
Again, I wish the family and Billy the best and my heart goes out to
you. Sincerely, Michelle Madich |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 04:51:12 PM
Name: |
Joel Schultz |
E-mail address: |
joel.m.schultz@us.pwc.com |
Comments: |
Our thoughts and prayers are with Billy and Family every day. Joel
& Holly |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 04:36:39 PM
Name: |
Becky |
E-mail address: |
Noah96@comcast.net |
Comments: |
I believe in miracles -- my son is the recipient of many. Keep
praying. We will keep him in our prayers. |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 04:31:16 PM
Name: |
Matthew Sauerbrey |
E-mail address: |
matthew_sauerbrey@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
To Billy and Family, You will all be in my thoughts and prayers. |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 03:01:49 PM
Name: |
Memory Severn & Family |
E-mail address: |
colesnana@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 02:43:38 PM
Name: |
Troy & Amy Schmidt |
Comments: |
You are all in our thoughts and prayers. May you find the strength and
comfort knowing that God, friends and family are watching over you...
We're here for you if you need anything... |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 02:34:59 PM
Name: |
Jason Bever |
E-mail address: |
jason.bever@stsflooringinc.com |
Comments: |
It seems like yesterday that you were flipping me the bird from Kurt's
office with that little smirk on your face. I can't wait for that day to
come around again! In the relatively short time that I've known you,
I've found a true friend; someone I know will be giving me a hard time
when we're old men. I'm not going to write a bunch of mushy stuff
because I know it will only earn me a punch in the kidney when you're up
and around, but let me just say that I care about you and your family
very much. I think of you all constantly, and will be there for you in
whatever capacity you need me. That said, GET UP PUNK; THOSE FISH AREN'T
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 02:09:08 PM
Name: |
Heidi Barthel |
E-mail address: |
tinoswan@msn.com |
Comments: |
Hey cuz, I remember when we were younger we were bored sitting on your
couch at a family function. We decided to sit there and punch and pinch
each other and see who would cry first. Of course you won, because you
were so tough and stubborn. I know because your so tough and stubborn
you are going to get through this. We just wish you would do it soon. We
all miss you and Love you a lot. Hang in there bud. |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 02:07:51 PM
Name: |
Chris Nelson |
Comments: |
Bill and Family, My thoughts are going out to Bill and the Dahl family
24/7. Dear Bill, I pray to all the gods of Asgard for your will,
strength, and power for your safe trip back my little brother. I miss
seein you at work and hearing your voice and laugh. Hope to see you soon
so we can see Steve drink more windshield washer fluid. Your big
brother, Christopher Nelson |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 01:42:12 PM
Name: |
Gini Riddering |
E-mail address: |
getridd@comcast.net |
Comments: |
Thank you for setting up this web site. It makes all of us who are so
concerned and praying for Bill and your family feel closer and keeps us
informed without having you tell his condition over and over. I pray for
all of you too, that you feel God's grace in the love and support from
all who care about you. Keep up your own strength so you can be there to
strengthen Bill when he wakes up. You are continually in my thoughts and
prayers. Gini Riddering STS Co-worker (Virginia, as Billum calls me.) |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 01:34:48 PM
Name: |
Marya Lydeen |
E-mail address: |
mlydeen@mchsi.com |
Comments: |
May God bless Billy and his family during this difficult time. My
prayers are with you all. |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 01:25:18 PM
Name: |
Cody and Sheri Jarman |
E-mail address: |
jarman@lakedalelink.net |
Comments: |
We are friends of Bekki M. We were emailed your story, please know
that our prayers are with you and your family!! May god be with you. |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 01:18:42 PM
Name: |
Laura Fettig |
E-mail address: |
Laura.fettig@stsflooringinc.com |
Comments: |
Bill, I pray this verse in faith over you and your family. Psalm 91 He
who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of
the Almighty. I will say of the LORD , "He is my refuge and my
fortress, my God, in whom I trust." Surely he will save you from
the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you
with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his
faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the
terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence
that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. A
thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it
will not come near you. You will only observe with your eyes and see the
punishment of the wicked. If you make the Most High your dwelling- even
the LORD , who is my refuge- then no harm will befall you, no disaster
will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so
that you will not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread upon
the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
"Because he loves me," says the LORD , "I will rescue
him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon
me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver
him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my
salvation." I miss you Bildo!! With Love, L Dogg |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 12:55:29 PM
Name: |
Chris Patton |
E-mail address: |
kemp_patton@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Billy - you're in my prayers. To the Dahl's - I can't imagine what
you're going through. Please know that you're loved. I pray for your
comfort as well. |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 12:04:50 PM
Name: |
Debbie Swanson |
E-mail address: |
debbie@dj1953.com |
Homepage: |
http://www.dj1953.com |
Comments: |
Billy all your life you've had courage, strength and determination to
do whatever you set your mind to. So use it now and get well soon. My
thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Be strong Billy I
know you can get through this. |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 12:03:49 PM
Name: |
Krissy Dahl |
E-mail address: |
kiki12277@aol.com |
Comments: |
Bill, I love you more than any words could possibly describe. Don't
worry about me not getting picked on, your friends are all doing a great
job at filing in that gap! Although it's just not the same. Pretty
please wake up soon so you can give me a good punch in the arm. I miss
you buddy. I will be staying by your side & praying for a wonderful
recovery. I know you'll pull thru fine 'cause your a tough little #$*^.
I LOVE YOU (I hope your having a heck of a good dream) see you soon |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 11:33:35 AM
Name: |
Margo Devlin |
E-mail address: |
mdevlin@riverway.com |
Comments: |
To the Dahl family: My thoughts and prayers will be will all of you
during this time of uncertainty. Krissy worked with me at Cargo Carriers
and so I got to know you through talking with Krissy. May God be with
you and grant you all the strength that is so needed at this time. God
Bless Margo |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 11:00:06 AM
Name: |
Angela(tweety57350) |
E-mail address: |
tweety1_57350@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
To Billy and his family, Just know that you have a whole internet of
people praying for you! I pray that everything works out okay, and by
the grace of God it will! And thanks to your aunt(dj1953) for sharing
your site with all of us at speedbinogaddicts. Once again, heartfelt
prayers from South Dakota. |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 10:15:48 AM
Name: |
Carole & Bob Pepin & Family |
E-mail address: |
cbquality00@aol.com |
Comments: |
We are keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers as you make your
way through this difficult time. We know that God is watching over
Billy. Miracles do happen and we know that one is working right now to
bring Billy back to everyone. We will keep praying for Billy and all of
you. God Bless! Carole, Bob & family |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 10:09:37 AM
Name: |
Vanessa Ellingson |
E-mail address: |
flutterbymt@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
I met Billy in Ely, MN and was good friends with him when we both
lived in Ely last year. He came to be someone I could talk to when I was
having problems, because he never let anything get him down. He always
helped me put things in perspective, and cheered me up. Even with
everything he had going on, he had time to listen to others, and was
always there for them. He is a wonderful, strong, full of life person,
and I know he will pull through this, and make it seem like no big
thing. Billy, I miss you and love you, can't wait till you recover and
show us we were worried over nothing! You have a lot of people who love
you and are pulling for you; we are all here for you! You are definitely
one of my favorite people I met in Ely, and remain one of the greatest
guys I've met ever. I am waiting to see that big smile again! My
thoughts and prayers are with Billy and his loved ones, if you need
anything at all, just let me know. |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 08:51:19 AM
Name: |
Barbara Sillman Leonard & Family |
E-mail address: |
bleonard@uslink.net |
Comments: |
Dear Billy and family, We are extremely sorry to hear of your
accident. We will pray for your complete recovery! Wayne & Barbara
Leonard Family |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 08:48:06 AM
Name: |
Trista Westberg |
E-mail address: |
twestberg@profloorinc.com |
Comments: |
Bill- Get Well Soon! I know we all miss you here at Pro Floor, I keep
waiting for you to let me know my voicemail is not up to day :) I keep
forgetting to change it! You are in my thoughts and prayers, get better,
and I will talk to you again soon. Trista |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 08:38:26 AM
Name: |
Patricia Moulton |
E-mail address: |
pat.moulton@ecemn.com |
Comments: |
Francis MacNutt has a book on prayer for healing for the family. His
words are so simple-touch the one needing healing and say simple prayers
from the heart. In cases were deep healing is needed this kind of prayer
may involve lengthier sessions over a long period of time. The touch and
shared desire is important. Jesus intends for healing to happen today.
In the Holy Name of Jesus we pray for healing for Billy and his family.
May the wisdom of God dwell with the doctors and the healing of Christ,
who died that all may live, touch Billy continuously with a full
recovery. The sacrament of healing continues in our hearts reaching
beyond distance through the Love of our Creator uniting the family and
the Body of Christ with Billy. Indeed this is a holy moment. |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 08:35:59 AM
Name: |
Patty Kloster |
E-mail address: |
pkloster@co.wilkin.mn.us |
Comments: |
I am a good friend of Kristi Dell and she had emailed me asking for my
prayers and referred me to this website. This is really special to have
this. Bill and your family ~ you are in my thoughts and prayers for a
full recovery and the strength that all of you will need in the future.
Take Care! Patty |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 08:32:37 AM
Name: |
Sue Vensel |
Comments: |
I work at Orono High School, so I know all the Dahl's. Billy is a
special guy always with a smile. Donnie told me about the accident and
keeps me informed everyday about his condition. My prayers are with him
for a fast recovery. |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 08:28:42 AM
Name: |
Pat Lobitz |
Comments: |
God bless you all Keep the faith and Good luck "He'll come
back"!!! Billy's aunt Pati |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 08:25:11 AM
Name: |
Pat & Gary Debner |
Comments: |
We have been thinking and praying since we heard about the accident.
You are all in our prayers and thoughts. If there is anything that we
can do, please call at 763-565-3326. Pat and Gary Debner |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 08:06:49 AM
Name: |
John Schommer family |
E-mail address: |
jschommer@cbfmn.com |
Comments: |
We remember Billy and all of you in our prayers daily. My Mother and
Dad have you in their thoughts and prayers also. Fr. Reiser is visiting
them right now and will be praying with them for Billy's speedy
recovery. We also pray that God gives your family strength and hope as
you go through this most difficult time. Love and prayers from all of
us, John Schommer |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 08:03:21 AM
Name: |
Misty and Trav |
E-mail address: |
mbee11@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
It's so crazy we hadn't seen Billy in a year or more, and just the
weekend before this him and Megan stopped at our house and we went out
to eat. It's too crazy how things can happen and change so quick. We've
been keeping you in our prayers Billy, You are a very special guy, and
your strong enough to pull out of this. You have a lot of people that
love you!! Stay strong, and god bless!! |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 08:00:04 AM
Name: |
Peggy Schommer |
E-mail address: |
pschommer@primetherapeutics.com |
Comments: |
Connie, Ron, and family...I am sending lots and lots of prayers your
way. May God watch over all of you, especially Billy. - Peggy Schommer
(Connie's cousin) |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 07:38:05 AM
Name: |
Steve Polos |
E-mail address: |
spolos@comcast.net |
Comments: |
HEY!!! wasss up? you better get well soon, cause your gonna OWE A LOT
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 07:22:38 AM
Name: |
Kristi Thompson |
E-mail address: |
kmthomp9@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Billy- I know we kind of lost touch after you left Ely last year, but
I often think about the memories from both there and in the cities. You
are a strong man and a GREAT friend and I am lucky to have met you! I
have my regrets about not keeping in touch, but it doesn't mean that I care for you any less. You were always there for me when
I needed you
and its the same in return. I am here for you, along with many others,
and I just want you to come back to us. We all miss you very much. My
thoughts and prayers go out to you, your family, and friends. We are all
pulling for you. I know first hand how stubborn you can be and I know
you will pull through this. You never let anything keep you down. I cant
wait to see your smiling face again. I love you and miss you!! |
Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 12:14:34 AM
Name: |
Aubrey Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
Aubrey24@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Billy- You're one of the most inspiring people I've ever known. Even
after all you've been through in the last year and a half, you've never
let it hold you down. I know how strong you are and that all you need is
a little time to get through this. I want you to know that no matter
what happens, I'll always be here for you. I love you, be strong, and
I'll talk to you soon. |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 11:12:48 PM
Name: |
Glenn & Mindy Heinsch |
E-mail address: |
gmc3@frontiernet.net |
Comments: |
We, along with members of Calvary Memorial Church in Navarre, are
praying for Billy. We are also upholding the entire family in prayer.
Glenn & Mindy Heinsch (Glenn is Donnie's youth pastor from Calvary
Memorial Church in Navarre.) |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 10:39:10 PM
Name: |
Lindsay Meister |
Comments: |
Bill- we all love you and hope that you get well soon my prayers are
with you and your family. I love you and please come back to us we all
miss you very much. |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 10:24:49 PM
Name: |
Jessica Robinson |
E-mail address: |
SuitePee51101@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
I went to high school with Bill. I don't even know if he would
remember me but I remember him. I graduated in 2000. He has this
contagious smile and every time I saw him at school you can be sure he
was grinning from ear to ear. I hope God is with you Bill and I know he
will pull you through this. I will be looking forward to seeing you
again someday with that contagious smile on your face. God speed! |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 09:55:59 PM
Name: |
Slater Schrempp |
Comments: |
I'm a good friend of the Dahl family, and I heard about what happened
and was just shocked to hear about such a tragedy so close to home. I never knew Billy personally but
I heard nothing but good things about
him from Donnie. our prayers are with you Billy and the rest of the Dahl
family. |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 09:35:59 PM
Name: |
Sandee Heltemes |
E-mail address: |
sandee824 @gbronline.com |
Comments: |
My thoughts and prayers are with Billy and his family at this
challenging time. God Bless !!! Sandee Heltemes |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 09:35:33 PM
Name: |
Mary Munn |
E-mail address: |
mlmunn@lcp2.net |
Comments: |
My own boys look his age. Our thoughts are with you. Bless you all.
Mary Lou |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 08:43:56 PM
Name: |
Dave and Lynn Rasmussen |
E-mail address: |
rasmussen2@charter.net |
Comments: |
Ron, Connie and family, You are in our thoughts as you work so hard to
generate the tremendous energy from which Bill now draws in his fight to
come back to you. Bill is a strong and very special young man! We so
appreciate the strong sense of devotion and friendship that he gives to
one who is so special to us. Bill has become someone we care deeply
about because he is a vital part in the life of the little angel named
Emma. There shall be no greater blessing bestowed upon her than that of
having your son help guide her through life. Bill is in our prayers as
he makes his difficult recovery. |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 08:34:19 PM
Name: |
Ashley Peterson |
E-mail address: |
eminem222777@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
I wish Billy was still here when I got home this last Sunday from my
friends house so I could pick on him as I usually do but things turned
out a bit different. But things will be back to normal soon (or as
normal at it can get). Well I am praying for him and I hope everything
turns out all right. I know he can get through it because I know he is
very, very strong. Love Always Cuzin Ashley |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 08:28:23 PM
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 08:26:06 PM
Name: |
Tracy Thoma |
E-mail address: |
tjtcc@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Mike, April & Family - we will be thinking of you and Billy often
and will keep you in our prayers. If you need anything, just call! Tracy |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 07:59:49 PM
Name: |
Patricia and Tim Swenson |
E-mail address: |
pbr@uslink.net |
Comments: |
We send our prays. |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 07:55:03 PM
Name: |
Dan , Missy, T.J. and Mike |
E-mail address: |
Comments: |
Dear Jenn, Ben and Family, Billy is in our thoughts and prayers, we
know he will pull through this because he is such a strong person! If
there is anything we can do please let us know. We are thinking of all
of you at this hard time! Take Care and call if you need anything!!!
Dan, Missy, T.J. and Mike Braun |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 06:39:23 PM
Name: |
Nicole VanBockel |
E-mail address: |
bucklyluvr@aol.com |
Comments: |
Everyone from our family in Florida sends love and prayers your way.
We know that Billy can get through this. Wish we could be there with
you. Until that time we will continue to pray for the best everyday.
Love Nicole |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 06:24:40 PM
Name: |
April Debner |
E-mail address: |
aprildebner@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
I couldn't wait to see the web-sight, so I got the TNICU nurse to tell
me where the hospital library was at. So here I am, snaked my way in to
the closed hospital library in the basement... I'll admit a few Dr's
looked at me kind of odd, but I made it look like I belonged here.
..can't wait to hear you laugh at that one Bill! I'm sure security will
see me soon enough, so I'll make it quick, even though there is so much
to say. A HUGE thank you to everyone who has helped and been so
supportive of our family in these last few days. The kind words,
gestures and prayers mean the world to our family. We all know that Bill
is a strong guy and are confident he will pull through all this. |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 05:53:35 PM
Name: |
Les & Carol Heins |
E-mail address: |
LesHeins@san.rr.com |
Comments: |
Billy is surrounded by loved ones and angels and is getting the best
care possible. We will continue to pray for his miraculous recovery and
strength for Connie & Ron and their family while they endure this
stressful wait at his bedside. I believe God is healing His child and
holding Billy in His arms at all times. We send love to you and please
know that we are waiting to help in any way needed. Love, Carol
(Connie's sister) & Les |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 05:31:03 PM
Name: |
Kristin Lord |
E-mail address: |
klorda1@aol.com |
Comments: |
2-11-04 April and family, I have been thinking and praying for you
since I heard the news. Please let us know if you need ANYTHING! I think
if anyone can pull through this Billy can only from meeting him a few
times. Kristin, Rich and Jessica |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 04:44:51 PM
Name: |
Jen and Ted Knutson |
E-mail address: |
HNCCC@aol.com |
Comments: |
Dahl family: This website is a great idea! We are constantly thinking
of all of you and hoping for rest and good news each day! There is a
large chain of people surrounding you in thought and prayer! Stay strong
and ask for help...anything you need... we are here. |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 04:41:39 PM
Name: |
Kristi Dell |
E-mail address: |
kristi.dell@stsflooringinc.com |
Comments: |
Billy keep fighting and I know that you can make it though this ok. My
prayers are with you and all of your family. See ya soon!!! Love ya
Kristi |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 04:27:41 PM
Name: |
Jeanine Ross |
E-mail address: |
jeanine_ross@archway.com |
Comments: |
My thoughts and prayers are with you Billy. Jeanine Ross |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 04:00:11 PM
Name: |
Jon Oakland |
E-mail address: |
jon.oakland@stsflooringinc.com |
Comments: |
Billy & family, Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We wish you
a full recovery. Sure miss you guys around here! God Bless. Jon-O |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 03:19:26 PM
Name: |
Kurt Seydow |
E-mail address: |
Comments: |
Dear Bill and Family: I'd like you to know that my thoughts and
prayers are with you. Bill is not only an employee, but I think of him
as a true friend, "son" and "little brother". He's
such a wonderful person to be around. I will be forever grateful for
having Bill and the Dahl Family in my life. Sincerely, Kurt Seydow |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 02:59:23 PM
Name: |
Tom Pederson |
E-mail address: |
inc.com |
Comments: |
Connie, Ron and the Dahl Family, I hope you are doing as well as you
can considering the circumstances with Billy's condition. I have been
praying for Billy a lot. I have truly enjoyed getting to know Bill
through work at STS. He is a friendly, intelligent, and nice young man.
I really enjoy working with him. I can't wait to start giving the rib to
him when he gets back to STS. If there is anything I do to help Billy
and your family, please don't hesitate to ask. Billy is a pretty cool
kid. Take care Tom |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 02:21:23 PM
Name: |
Angie Goodnature |
Comments: |
April and Family, my thoughts and prayers are with you. If you need
anything, please let me know. |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 02:19:04 PM
Name: |
Dan Schultz |
E-mail address: |
daniel.j.schultz@pjc.com |
Comments: |
April, Mike, & Family - My thoughts and prayers are with you and
Billy. Take care and stay strong during this time and let me know if
there is anything that I can do. Dan |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 02:19:22 PM
Name: |
Randy Johnson |
E-mail address: |
rdjohnson@sedgwickcms.com |
Comments: |
April and Mike and family. Ann and myself send are thoughts and
prayers to you and we will keep him in are prayers daily. If you need
anything, please let us know. Your friends always. |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 02:08:21 PM
Name: |
Lynn Zander |
Comments: |
My thoughts and prayers are with all you. Remember to take care of
yourselves so you can be strong for Billy. If you need anything, let me
know. |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 02:02:01 PM
Name: |
Michele Nolan |
E-mail address: |
michele_nolan@archway.com |
Comments: |
April, we are continually thinking of you and your family and your
brother's daily healing. You and your family are in our family prayers.
Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you at this
time...Take care and hopefully talk to you soon. |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 01:54:32 PM
Name: |
Geo Lowe |
E-mail address: |
Geo.Lowe@stsflooringinc.com |
Comments: |
Billy - I miss you very much and hope you get well soon. You are in my
prayers and of my family's too. You are spunky son of a gun and can get
through this. Ron, Connie and family - I pray for you guys also and if
you need anything let me know. You are all a wonderful bunch of people.
God bless and angels watch! |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 01:52:35 PM
Name: |
Lori Vander Heyden |
E-mail address: |
lori.vanderheyden@stsflooringinc.com |
Comments: |
Billy we miss you! Can't wait to see back here making everyone laugh!
Ron, Connie and family take care Billy will need you when he open those
blues eyes of his. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 01:45:26 PM
Name: |
Carie Donahue |
E-mail address: |
carie.donahue@stsflooring.com |
Comments: |
Bill I miss and love you so much!!! Please get well and have a perfect
recovery. You are so missed. DJ and I miss you so much. I miss getting
your sweet instant messages every morning. They really keep me going.
Please get well as soon as possible. We need you so much. You brighten
up our day. Please please please get well and open those beautiful eyes.
Miss and love you tonz. |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 01:42:19 PM
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 01:41:09 PM
Name: |
Jennifer Peterson |
E-mail address: |
jennpeterson5@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
We are all praying for Bill's speedy recovery. We miss him so much it
hurts. Ron & Connie you guy's have been GREAT!! Keep up your
spirits, he's a strong young man and he'll be up and about sassy as ever
soon enough. |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 01:40:02 PM
Name: |
Nicki Storms |
E-mail address: |
nichole_storms@archway.com |
Comments: |
Look for angels, I've sent many to Billy's bedside. My thoughts and
prayers to your entire family!! |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 01:36:29 PM
Name: |
Leah Hawley |
E-mail address: |
leah_hawley@archway.com |
Comments: |
April and Family, You are in my thoughts. I am praying for a full and
speedy recovery for Billy. Stay positive and lean on each other during
this hard time. You a have a lot of people pulling for you here. Love
Leah |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 01:36:18 PM
Name: |
Lisa Barlage |
E-mail address: |
lisa_barlage@archway.com |
Comments: |
April, I hope you and your family are doing okay. Keep your spirits
high, Billy is a strong person! My thoughts and prayers are with him and
your entire family. Stay strong Billy, your friends are all thinking of
you and we love you!! |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 01:33:40 PM
Name: |
Julie Leffler |
E-mail address: |
julie_leffler@archway.com |
Comments: |
April, You and your family are in my thought and prayers. Take Care,
Julie |
Wednesday, February 11th 2004 - 01:31:17 PM
This site was created by Bill's Aunt dj1953
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