Land Records

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Mathis Portz

Mathis Portz
Douglas County 1873

Iremina (Emma) Portz

Emma Portz
Minnesota 1891

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Fred Peterson &
Mary Portz
Minnesota 1889

Herman Eikens &
Katherine Portz
Minnesota 1888

Thomas E Thayer &
Susan Portz
Polk County 1890

Jerome Thayer Jr
Clearwater County

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Bernard Flesch
Wisconsin 1849

Barney Flesch
Minnesota 1905

Gotfried Flesch
Wisconsin 1850

John Flesch
Douglas County 1874

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John Flesch
Polk County 1888

John Eikens
Minnesota 1876

Andrew La Voi
Minnesota 1900

Maggie Giard
White Earth 1910

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Mary Peterson
Polk County 1892



Lars G. Forseth
Redwood Falls 1858

What's a land patent?

Land patents document the transfer of land ownership from the federal government to individuals. These land patent records include the information recorded when ownership was transferred.

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Portz & Dahl Family Page

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February 2002